States With Legal Medical Marijuana See ‘Significant And Sizable’ Reductions In Health Insurance Premiums, Study Finds

No. I smoked for many years, and I still drink a lot of coffee. I could function on the job or in society as a smoker and as a coffee drinker. I didn't function well on pot. I preferred to “veg out” in front of the TV.

You aren't everyone.
This is why I let my insurance license lapse..
Hell, should have kept your license to offer Medicare plans. I'm very sick of doing ACA myself and last year and will this year let most of them re enroll themselves. You know fraud goes two ways and it's not just agents but I have had many applicants over the years lie, lie and lie to get that subsidy. I am don't with them. I can totally retire anyway I do only keep up for Medicare renewals which will slowly drop off due to death.
Hell, should have kept your license to offer Medicare plans. I'm very sick of doing ACA myself and last year and will this year let most of them re enroll themselves. You know fraud goes two ways and it's not just agents but I have had many applicants over the years lie, lie and lie to get that subsidy. I am don't with them. I can totally retire anyway I do only keep up for Medicare renewals which will slowly drop off due to death.
I delegated it to a guy I like...he's done a great job...but now I don't have to sweat it....
who said smoking pot is healthy in this thread? said they use pesticides which they dont use.....and yes i have seen pot helping a person with a medical wife....
obviously with you and the OP…we’re dealing with people who have never been around those who have had their lives destroyed by pot…but of course you don’t care…too busy toking/pimping for it...
and people like you who have no idea what you are talking about still have to keep saying your bullshit over and over ....i get that "sport"...stay in the politics dont sound as stupid there....
people like you who don’t care who has their lives destroyed by pot need to keep toking/pimping for it…i get that “pimp”…stay in the pot haze…
obviously with you and the OP…we’re dealing with people who have never been around those who have had their lives destroyed by pot…but of course you don’t care…too busy toking/pimping for it...
Less Min, more Siunz.
people like you who don’t care who has their lives destroyed by pot need to keep toking/pimping for it…i get that “pimp”…stay in the pot haze…
I just walk past the corpses....strip a few, if I like the shoes...
I know, but I don't take opioids and the less I take in pain killers the better. I take it at bedtime and have no side effects. I don't get high at all.
That’s great. :)

But let me take a break from attacking the pot pimp/addict lowlifes here to say that there are numerous alternatives which might be as or more effective.

1) Adjustment to meds w/o adding cannabis product.

2) Non-psychotropic homeopathic/herbal remedies.

3) Low impact exercise regimen or changes thereto.

4) Yoga.

5) Placebo/s.

6) Meditation.

7) Acupuncture.

8) Acupressure.

9) Massage therapy.

The list is nearly endless.

I’m not saying you should change things up if you’re happy, but the idea that pot is some kind of miracle drug is highly suspect (to put it kindly, but just for this post) at best, and incredibly dangerous at worst.

Take care, and hope you stay well. :)
Although I do believe that pot may have some medical benefit in some cases, I don't believe it's a cure-all. It's also true that smoking pot can lead to medical issues like lung damage. I personally believe it safer than alcohol consumption. However, I agree with another poster who suggested that people who use it chronically or very often may be too lazy to actually get up and go to a doctor, thus reducing medical costs, in general.
Some good points, but alcohol consumption is generally MUCH safer.
That’s great. :)

But let me take a break from attacking the pot pimp/addict lowlifes here to say that there are numerous alternatives which might be as or more effective.

1) Adjustment to meds w/o adding cannabis product.

2) Non-psychotropic homeopathic/herbal remedies.

3) Low impact exercise regimen or changes thereto.

4) Yoga.

5) Placebo/s.

6) Meditation.

7) Acupuncture.

8) Acupressure.

9) Massage therapy.

The list is nearly endless.

I’m not saying you should change things up if you’re happy, but the idea that pot is some kind of miracle drug is highly suspect (to put it kindly, but just for this post) at best, and incredibly dangerous at worst.

Take care, and hope you stay well. :)

None of that worked on my degenerative discs. Now I take very little ibuprofen or Motrin.
One of the effects of MJ is that it, unlike liquor for many, has a calming effect. I suspect many users find it helps them sleep, or relax at home listening to music, etc. Very few react by wanting to go out and fight, start a ruckus — as with liquor. A lot of the Medical MJ is designed not to give one “a high” at all, or so I’ve heard. Anybody know?

To me this is not an earth-shaking issue, one way of the other. All psychotropic drugs, of course, can be dangerous, and different folks react in different ways. I think it is best to try to keep all of them out of the hands of young people, so keeping pot regulated or mildly illegal is a good idea.

Basically, for healthy young people with their whole lives ahead of them, the best approach is to help them understand, to really stress, that recreational drugs of all sorts can be harmful and dangerous, and “party drug use” of illegal and unknown drugs is madness, as they can be deadly or extremely harmful.

Has anybody heard that Elon Musk reportedly uses, or used to use, psychedelics like chemical Mescaline? That he credits them with helping him “to free his mind”? He’s not my favorite person, but this may be — for some people — something to discuss.
Some good points, but the problem remains:

Pot, in all its many forms, is an INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive drug.

If a GENUINELY safe strain can be developed, I will no longer give a shit.

Until then, I consider pot pimps/addicts among the lowest form of human scum on the planet. :)
Some good points, but the problem remains:

Pot, in all its many forms, is an INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive drug.

If a GENUINELY safe strain can be developed, I will no longer give a shit.

Until then, I consider pot pimps/addicts among the lowest form of human scum on the planet. :)
Why do you persist in asserting?
Some good points, but the problem remains:

Pot, in all its many forms, is an INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive drug.

If a GENUINELY safe strain can be developed, I will no longer give a shit.

Until then, I consider pot pimps/addicts among the lowest form of human scum on the planet. :)

It's not addictive at all.
Okay ... I thought about it for a few seconds, but didn't see any benefit in thinking about it. Doesn't change the fact that pot is a mind-altering drug that does help kill pain. Beyond that, it isn't a cure-all. I spent 10 years of my life as a chronic user, so I feel I may be justified in reaching that conclusion.
Great to hear that you’re free.

It’s a very tough habit to kick, but the benefits are incredible.

None of that worked on my degenerative discs. Now I take very little ibuprofen or Motrin.
While I find it a little hard to believe you tried these (and numerous other alternatives?), I’m glad you’re doing well. :)

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