Statue Of MLK In Newly Opened Memorial: Made In China


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Some of the first viewers were unhappy with the art behind the statue, saying the statue was too imposing, too pretentious, with a scale too large, unbefitting a man as humble as MLK. Simple answer for that. As Hitler preferred a certain style of German art, and the German artists that remained alive responded with works in that style, so too with the Chinese. The Chinese artist took what would have been a statue of Chairman Mao and simply put MLK's head on it. Anita Dunn and Cass Sunstein, two Obama advisors as well as admirers of Chairman Mao, will surely approve.)

"The 30ft-tall statue, which forms the centrepiece of a $120 million (£73 million), four-acre memorial to Dr King, opened to the public on Monday on the National Mall in Washington. It is the only memorial on the Mall that does not honour a president or fallen soldiers.

Standing in the shadow of the Washington Monument, the statue shows Dr King emerging from a mountain of Chinese granite with his arms crossed and is called The Stone of Hope.

However, there has been controversy over the choice of Lei Yixin, a 57-year-old master sculptor from Changsha in Hunan province, to carry out the work. Critics have openly asked why a black, or at least an American, artist was not chosen and even remarked that Dr King appears slightly Asian in Mr Lei's rendering"

Martin Luther King memorial made in China - Telegraph
Perhaps someday someone could take up a collection of pennies from the schoolkiddies to buy a few blocks of some New Hampshire granite and carve some human scale figures, say the size of the FDR depiction in his memorial, and carve one of Dr King standing in front, with the two or three African American figures behind him, with an emphasis on depicting the fear that must have been on their faces as they prepared to face Bull Connor's dogs and firehoses.
This is a American tragedy. There is no need to have a statue for this man who was a communist negro. He deserves nothing because all he did was create the chaos we have today and the generations of negros who think they are entitled to government handouts at the white taxpayers expense. What should actually be there is a statue of James Earl Ray.
You know what, i get harley guys all the time giving me chit for riding japanese

Then i point out all their HD branded motor clothes were made in china

Get a life.
This is a American tragedy. There is no need to have a statue for this man who was a communist negro. He deserves nothing because all he did was create the chaos we have today and the generations of negros who think they are entitled to government handouts at the white taxpayers expense. What should actually be there is a statue of James Earl Ray.

And you guys bawl when we call you racists... Wow. Now you have achieved the level of Yidnar and Gaytrauma. Better put it in your will to be buried in flip flops, shorts and a wife beater... because it's going to be hot where you're going.
This is a American tragedy. There is no need to have a statue for this man who was a communist negro. He deserves nothing because all he did was create the chaos we have today and the generations of negros who think they are entitled to government handouts at the white taxpayers expense. What should actually be there is a statue of James Earl Ray.

Slavery was the biggest mistake America and Americans ever made. It was, and continues to be the Mark of Cain upon this nation bedeviling us still, 150 years after the war to end it was fought. Like the biblical proclamation "That if your eye offends, you, pluck it out!" we would love to, but we can't. Right now, as a consequence, we're still dealing with Lincoln's warning of the peril that "A House divided against itself, cannot long stand."
i'm starting to believe 'hitler' to be the most common word typed in internet forums.

seriously, wtf?
There are three things that Black people need to tell the truth about. Number one: Rodney King should've gotten his ass beat for being drunk in a Honda a white part of Los Angeles. Number two: O.J. did it! And number three: Rosa Parks didn't do nuthin' but sit her Black ass down!

Cedric the Entertainer
In all fairness ya'll outsourced the Statue Of Liberty too.


The Statute of Liberty was a gift! Although I believe you are speaking tongue and cheek!

This is stupid move! Our American government needs to start fighting the trade war with China and not succombing to it!

People think Trump gained so much traction early on because he was moving the birth movement. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reason people listed to Trump was because he knows how to make money and he was the ONLY candidate talking about taking on China! He is the only candidate that was saying tax China into compliance!
Recycle her, copper is worth bucks cut up and in the back of a pickup.

And considering the mandated State of affairs in the US

Having a Statue for something not available is false advertising.
(Some of the first viewers were unhappy with the art behind the statue, saying the statue was too imposing, too pretentious, with a scale too large, unbefitting a man as humble as MLK. Simple answer for that. As Hitler preferred a certain style of German art, and the German artists that remained alive responded with works in that style, so too with the Chinese. The Chinese artist took what would have been a statue of Chairman Mao and simply put MLK's head on it. Anita Dunn and Cass Sunstein, two Obama advisors as well as admirers of Chairman Mao, will surely approve.)

"The 30ft-tall statue, which forms the centrepiece of a $120 million (£73 million), four-acre memorial to Dr King, opened to the public on Monday on the National Mall in Washington. It is the only memorial on the Mall that does not honour a president or fallen soldiers.

Standing in the shadow of the Washington Monument, the statue shows Dr King emerging from a mountain of Chinese granite with his arms crossed and is called The Stone of Hope.

However, there has been controversy over the choice of Lei Yixin, a 57-year-old master sculptor from Changsha in Hunan province, to carry out the work. Critics have openly asked why a black, or at least an American, artist was not chosen and even remarked that Dr King appears slightly Asian in Mr Lei's rendering"

Martin Luther King memorial made in China - Telegraph
a statue of a communist sculpted in a communist nation by communist!!where is the conflict of interest??....coincidence ??
Perhaps someday someone could take up a collection of pennies from the schoolkiddies to buy a few blocks of some New Hampshire granite and carve some human scale figures, say the size of the FDR depiction in his memorial, and carve one of Dr King standing in front, with the two or three African American figures behind him, with an emphasis on depicting the fear that must have been on their faces as they prepared to face Bull Connor's dogs and firehoses.
and also have some statues of blacks with TV's running down the street during the riots!!


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