CDZ Statues


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Frankly, I have never liked statues of any kind...smacks of idolatry.
Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of ...

'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing ... of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. ..... and of the sun, moon, and stars, the host of heaven; and of any of the birds of ... and forbid the Romans to make any image of God, like to man or beast.'

However, I do not approve of gangs of thugs going around tearing down statues. Nor do i think anyone's tax money should be used to build a statue which is then place on state property somewhere. In fact I would agree with getting rid of all the statues on state property...but in a legal lawful manner...not at the hands of hooligans.
Should be up to the people as to what they want in their public, and in their private lives. The only way to get to a consensus is to put it to a vote, but make sure that the vote is honest, and is done right. Trust today has eroded badly in this nation, and this is where bad people thrive in such an environment.
Frankly, I have never liked statues of any kind...smacks of idolatry.
Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of ...

'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing ... of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. ..... and of the sun, moon, and stars, the host of heaven; and of any of the birds of ... and forbid the Romans to make any image of God, like to man or beast.'

However, I do not approve of gangs of thugs going around tearing down statues. Nor do i think anyone's tax money should be used to build a statue which is then place on state property somewhere. In fact I would agree with getting rid of all the statues on state property...but in a legal lawful manner...not at the hands of hooligans.
Have you ever worshiped any of these things or any items you really like? I have made beautiful artwork but I don't worship any of it. I have had some favorite beautiful things but they could never be something I couldn't walk away from if they inhibited my personal relationship with the spirit of the heavenly father (that includes not being around anyone that would put a wedge between my lord and I).

Personally I love some of the beautiful artwork throughout the country at some of our parks and monuments. i don't think that a statue reflecting the times and seasons people have been acquainted with over the years is what this verse is referring to. God judges by what is in the heart and the mind. I have even seen some things that people have created over the years that brought flashbacks of visions (in the spirit) I have been given over the years; and I am certain the people who designed those things did not get them from the visions I been given. God is a spirit and the work is done by the spirit. The choice is between evil and good. Worshiping money or worldly things over the spirit of God with us is a no, no. That really isn't all that hard if we take the time to consider it. If I were looking at it all from a flesh view I would be more concerned about all the stadiums, public buildings and institutions that are subsidized with the peoples money being named after corporations or people merely because they had money (filthy lucre).
Well, more than one way to look at it for sure....personally I do not think any man is worthy of having a statue made of do so at the very least is to make it appear he is better somehow than everyone else....which conflicts with our views that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.
Well, more than one way to look at it for sure....personally I do not think any man is worthy of having a statue made of do so at the very least is to make it appear he is better somehow than everyone else....which conflicts with our views that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.
My lord turned some ppl to salt while saving others, he believed while everyone was created equal we make choices which determine if we are worthy of saving.

It is poor form to quote some semi mystical being though as others frequently have their own version.

Far as my government is concerned, we are not a kinder, Christian based nation which accepts any one version of God so go ahead and build a statue.....I might build one twice as large of Harriet Tubman stomping on the Stars and Bars of slavery right next to it but hey, build your statue.
Well, more than one way to look at it for sure....personally I do not think any man is worthy of having a statue made of do so at the very least is to make it appear he is better somehow than everyone else....which conflicts with our views that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.

Interesting thoughts on that and you do bring up a great point. So what about church commissioned statues of apostles and other religious leaders like Moses or David? I know it's more of a Catholic thing, but I've seen it in protestant Christianity as well. Or carvings of things like doves or sheep? I've always saw that more as a don't create false idols to worship, not that a statue of a bald eagle is wrong.
Well, more than one way to look at it for sure....personally I do not think any man is worthy of having a statue made of do so at the very least is to make it appear he is better somehow than everyone else....which conflicts with our views that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.

Interesting thoughts on that and you do bring up a great point. So what about church commissioned statues of apostles and other religious leaders like Moses or David? I know it's more of a Catholic thing, but I've seen it in protestant Christianity as well. Or carvings of things like doves or sheep? I've always saw that more as a don't create false idols to worship, not that a statue of a bald eagle is wrong.

When someone is positioned to make it appear they are better than others...i.e. Lincoln then some will see them as god-like...aka in Illinois especially but pretty much a nation wide phenomenon though I think the hero worship is decreasing.

I think all statues should be removed from state properties in a legal and lawful manner. No matter who the statue represents be it Lincoln or MLK....take all of them down.

As for the Churches...each one has to make their own choice...but I consider all of the statues of Religious figures or paintings of same to be unbiblical. The Bible is quite clear....all men are sinners...not one that is righteous or deserving of any sort of worship.
When someone is positioned to make it appear they are better than others...i.e. Lincoln then some will see them as god-like...aka in Illinois especially but pretty much a nation wide phenomenon though I think the hero worship is decreasing.

I think all statues should be removed from state properties in a legal and lawful manner. No matter who the statue represents be it Lincoln or MLK....take all of them down.

As for the Churches...each one has to make their own choice...but I consider all of the statues of Religious figures or paintings of same to be unbiblical. The Bible is quite clear....all men are sinners...not one that is righteous or deserving of any sort of worship.

Interesting point of view, while I disagree with you, I can't debate your reasoning you give for your point of view.

It does bring up a question. My denomination and every one I have been a part of has statues and paintings of religious figures (outside of God). Is there a denomination of Christianity that doesn't?
When someone is positioned to make it appear they are better than others...i.e. Lincoln then some will see them as god-like...aka in Illinois especially but pretty much a nation wide phenomenon though I think the hero worship is decreasing.

I think all statues should be removed from state properties in a legal and lawful manner. No matter who the statue represents be it Lincoln or MLK....take all of them down.

As for the Churches...each one has to make their own choice...but I consider all of the statues of Religious figures or paintings of same to be unbiblical. The Bible is quite clear....all men are sinners...not one that is righteous or deserving of any sort of worship.

Interesting point of view, while I disagree with you, I can't debate your reasoning you give for your point of view.

It does bring up a question. My denomination and every one I have been a part of has statues and paintings of religious figures (outside of God). Is there a denomination of Christianity that doesn't?

I think the heresy has crept into most denominations....some of course much worse than others.

'The Amish are the only Christian group that forbids the use of images in secular life. In their critiques these groups argue that such practices are in effect little different from idolatry, and that they localize and particularize God, who, they argue, is beyond human depiction'.

Religious images in Christian theology - Wikipedia
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