Status of Democrats November Elections Platforms


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
So far the Left say elect me because:

  • Taxes must be raised.
  • NATO members should not pay their fair share, the burden must fall on American taxpayers.
  • Impeach Trump for something - anything.
  • No borders, everyone is invited in.
  • More freebies for illegals courtesy of the American taxpayer.
Millions lost healthcare coverage
Debt is skyrocketing in a strong economy
Our global reputation is shot
Wages are still stagnant
Tariffs are hurting Americans
Trump tears babies from their parents
So far the Left say elect me because:

  • Taxes must be raised.
  • NATO members should not pay their fair share, the burden must fall on American taxpayers.
  • Impeach Trump for something - anything.
  • No borders, everyone is invited in.
  • More freebies for illegals courtesy of the American taxpayer.
Let's not forget the economy has grown stronger instead of crashing.
Illegals should vote.
Trump has not weaponized the IRS.
Abolish ICE
All our allies should dictate foreign policy and tariffs.
The second amendment should be abolished
The first amendment only applies if you agree with us
Fewer jobs is preferable
Democratic goals
Restore the middle class
raise minimum wage
save Social Security
repair roads & bridges
reduce the deficit
unburden our students
tax fairness
Millions lost healthcare coverage
Debt is skyrocketing in a strong economy
Our global reputation is shot
Wages are still stagnant
Tariffs are hurting Americans
Trump tears babies from their parents
yeah run on those. Oh yeah and run on MS13 are Gods children, not animals.
Democratic goals
Restore the middle class
raise minimum wage
save Social Security
repair roads & bridges
reduce the deficit
unburden our students
tax fairness
lol, that is the most generic list. Restore the middle class, how? by letting trade flow out the country and raising go!
The Democrats have nothing to offer America. They are in thought and philosophy no more than foreign interlopers. They are running their cities into cesspools while damning all things American for the sake of a vote.

Observation clearly shows their malevolent intentions toward the United States. Americans needs to politically castrate them in November.
Democratic goals
Enslave the middle class
give jobs to illegal aliens
loot Social Security
get kick-backs on road repairs
double the deficit
racial discrimination in college admissions
drive out employers with high taxes
Millions lost healthcare coverage
Debt is skyrocketing in a strong economy
Our global reputation is shot
Wages are still stagnant
Tariffs are hurting Americans
Trump tears babies from their parents

The Derp speaks again.
Anyone who needs healthcare can get it. Those that don't want it now don't need to take it.

Democrats: They prefer a skyrocketing debt in a WEAK economy.
Democrats: They'd prefer to be liked by our lukewarm friends even if it entails kissing their asses and buying their friendship.
Wages and jobs are up far more than they would produce.
Tariffs are like bandages: sometime they sting for while when you first yank them off.
Anyone under the age of 18 now is a "baby."

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