Stay classy left wingers: Scott Baio physically assaulte at his kid's school over Trump support...

The wife of Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer verbally attacked Scott Baio at the school both of their children attend....with children present.......stay classy left wing scum bags.....

Scott Baio 'Attacked' by Red Hot Chili Pepper's Wife Over Trump

Actor Scott Baio says he was physically attacked by Nancy Mack, wife of Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith, over his support for Donald Trump.

The alleged accident occurred Saturday night during an event at the elementary school both Mack and Baio’s children attend.
The very idiots who are quick to point out the intolerance of others,
and those people should get on board with gay marriage,
transgenders, homosexuality, abortion, illegal immigrants

and how Trump would be undermining our system of democracy
if he were to refuse the will of the people and not accept the results

are the same idiots who are intolerant of Trump supporters
are trying to influence the election themselves with the electors
and are undermining the will of the people and our democracy

Go fuck yourselves, hypocrites!
Where do we send the "Get Well Soon after being beat up by a woman" cards?

And had he defended himself (by, say, busting her jaw with a right hook), you would be screaming for his head.

We both know I am correct, please do not bother denying it.
Where do we send the "Get Well Soon after being beat up by a woman" cards?

And had he defended himself (by, say, busting her jaw with a right hook), you would be screaming for his head.

We both know I am correct, please do not bother denying it.
Nope...people have the right to defend themselves.....but you realize that this story is totally I did....right?
HAHAHA. Liberals were so close and they know it. After 8 years of obozo, and then 8 years of hillary america would have been the fascist dictatorship they want so bad. Liberals hate freedom and want a super strong central govt in charge of everything.
Says the guy that hates time off for working families to take care of children..
The wife of Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer verbally attacked Scott Baio at the school both of their children attend....with children present.......stay classy left wing scum bags.....

Scott Baio 'Attacked' by Red Hot Chili Pepper's Wife Over Trump

Actor Scott Baio says he was physically attacked by Nancy Mack, wife of Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith, over his support for Donald Trump.
The alleged accident occurred Saturday night during an event at the elementary school both Mack and Baio’s children attend.
She beat him up bad?
The Left being violate is a old as their beloved savior Karl Marx.

With a liberal media telling them all sorts of foolishness and ignorance, the feeble minded among the left resort to violence...the elite left love the feeble minded. They are the brown shirts and are great for silencing dissent.

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