STD's in racial and ethnic minorities

This will probably come as no surprise to anyone other than the milennials who luv dat dark meat.

STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities - 2017 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance

Like STD's at a Republican National Convention. Seriously, this article is from 2012 but I can just imagine what went on in 2016 and all those good Christians rubbing their paws together hoping like hell that Covid-19 will be gone by August and anything goes.
The Republican National Convention and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases: What Are The Risks?
This will probably come as no surprise to anyone other than the milennials who luv dat dark meat.

STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities - 2017 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance

Like STD's at a Republican National Convention. Seriously, this article is from 2012 but I can just imagine what went on in 2016 and all those good Christians rubbing their paws together hoping like hell that Covid-19 will be gone by August and anything goes.
The Republican National Convention and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases: What Are The Risks?
Try AGAIN, Jackie. Better luck next time, ya knucklehead.
Incredible how these apparently-intelligent and educated people can write such authoritative-sounding rubbish without even mentioning the behavioral aspect, to wit: STD's are entirely preventable, for free. NO cost. No secret how it's done.

Has NOTHING to do with race. Everything to do with behavior.
Incredible how these apparently-intelligent and educated people can write such authoritative-sounding rubbish without even mentioning the behavioral aspect, to wit: STD's are entirely preventable, for free. NO cost. No secret how it's done.

Has NOTHING to do with race. Everything to do with behavior.

Unfortunately minorities (to put it nicely and avoid getting banned) behave deny that is to deny reality.

And the lack of morals related to STD's does not stop with their sexual in....2.5 percent of our total pop. committs over half of all our violent to guess what group that is?

But lots of white folk...too many white folk exhibit similar behavior though not in the perecentage range of the minorities. i.e. white women using abortion as a means of birth barbaric! The liberals love to claim how morally superior they are yet have no problem with destroying innocent life in a most cruel and painful way. Too hideous to even talk about.
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Incredible how these apparently-intelligent and educated people can write such authoritative-sounding rubbish without even mentioning the behavioral aspect, to wit: STD's are entirely preventable, for free. NO cost. No secret how it's done.

Has NOTHING to do with race. Everything to do with behavior.

Unfortunately minorities (to put it nicely and avoid getting banned) behave deny that is to deny reality.
Yep, the statistics certainly bear this out. It appears to have EVERYTHING to do with race.
******* are foul creatures who fuck anything that moves.
You COULD describe certain people of ANY race in that way.

Not in the numbers or percentage of one particular group...not the amish boyo.

Aka..................the rate of reported gonorrhea cases among people of color in 2017 was 8.3 times the rate among Whites

Nuff along need to waste more board space.
******* are foul creatures who fuck anything that moves.

Before the democrats turn real radical and destroyed their families....their morals were rather similar to the majority pop.
True. I feel for blacks in a way. In a small way.

They are like a frankenstein created by liberal democrats.

Can one blame frankenstein for being a have to blame those who created him.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families

~Liberalism is a Sin~
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To me, an STD is an ST no matter what race a person is. If you don't want one, there is only one way to make complete and total sure that you don't get one and that is to abstain from any and all sexual activity.

God bless you always!!!


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