Stein makes case for human recount by point out human error in counting

This lady is disingenuous at best. An outright liar and shill at worst.

She states that the reasons she didn't do any recount of states that Hillary had narrowly won is because the deadline had passed, but, in other states, that Trump barely won and which the deadline passed, she is looking at getting the federal courts involved.

Where was the desire for accuracy BEFORE the voting occurred? You wait until after the election to fix any apparent problems because Clinton lost?

Raise $7M dollars for this. What a racket. An outright racket that is being misrepresented.
Recounting won't solve voter fraud period. Requiring a photo ID to vote is the best protection.

Deliusional nonsense, given that in-person vote fraud is nearly non-existent.

And I notice you ran from the question. If vote fraud is a problem, why are all the Trumps fans so insistent that the that the problem very deliberately be swept under the rug? It's as if they either know they were lying about vote fraud, or as if they know it was their own side engaging in vote fraud. After all, people with nothing to hide don't try to hide it, like the Trump fans are doing.

Why don't you climb on that band wagon?

Because I'm not an authoritarian-loving party hack who is trying to make it illegal for minorities to vote. People who don't hate democracy don't try to stop people from voting.

Now, given that most fraud comes from absentee ballots, why don't you worry about fixing that? Oh, that's right, such fraud favors the Republicans, so you adore it.
Recounting won't solve voter fraud period. Requiring a photo ID to vote is the best protection.

Deliusional nonsense, given that in-person vote fraud is nearly non-existent.

And I notice you ran from the question. If vote fraud is a problem, why are all the Trumps fans so insistent that the that the problem very deliberately be swept under the rug? It's as if they either know they were lying about vote fraud, or as if they know it was their own side engaging in vote fraud. After all, people with nothing to hide don't try to hide it, like the Trump fans are doing.

Why don't you climb on that band wagon?

Because I'm not an authoritarian-loving party hack who is trying to make it illegal for minorities to vote. People who don't hate democracy don't try to stop people from voting.

Now, given that most fraud comes from absentee ballots, why don't you worry about fixing that? Oh, that's right, such fraud favors the Republicans, so you adore it.

How are minorities disenfranchised with a photo voter ID? They seem to find the voting booth just fine. Slip the ID in your pocket before you leave, simple as that.

Cost? Hell make their food stamp ID a photo ID.
Recounting won't solve voter fraud period. Requiring a photo ID to vote is the best protection.

Deliusional nonsense, given that in-person vote fraud is nearly non-existent.

And I notice you ran from the question. If vote fraud is a problem, why are all the Trumps fans so insistent that the that the problem very deliberately be swept under the rug? It's as if they either know they were lying about vote fraud, or as if they know it was their own side engaging in vote fraud. After all, people with nothing to hide don't try to hide it, like the Trump fans are doing.

Why don't you climb on that band wagon?

Because I'm not an authoritarian-loving party hack who is trying to make it illegal for minorities to vote. People who don't hate democracy don't try to stop people from voting.

Now, given that most fraud comes from absentee ballots, why don't you worry about fixing that? Oh, that's right, such fraud favors the Republicans, so you adore it.

Going to be a rough 4 years for you, lol.

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