Stepping up the gender pay gap bs

Guess we all know how you value women now, hope you are wearing a cup.
I value women enough to point out that perpetrating is fraud isn't in the interest of women if they believe in equality
What is an executive order supposed to do? In case people missed it, EOs are something the President uses to run the executive branch of the federal government. They have no effect on private businesses.
What is an executive order supposed to do? In case people missed it, EOs are something the President uses to run the executive branch of the federal government. They have no effect on private businesses.

The ability to tax doesn't give the ability to regulate, but that hasn't stopped democrats and Obama's making rules for health insurance companies..
I asked my daughters of there was a male and female pay scale at their schools, both answered no.
I do not believe there really is a pay gap anymore.

I think that mostly people making this claim are using crap statistical analysis to make the point.

Compare genders with the similar career histories and you might be surprised to learn that now women are doing better than their male coworkers.

Certainly there is no contradicting the fact that women are doing much better in finding middle managment positions in the BIG corporations.

They now outnumber men in those positions (just as they now outnumber men in college, I note)

If you can show me any major company that pays women less for the same tasks I'd be very surprised.'
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When all White House employees are considered, the Obama administration’s record dims a bit further. Female employees earn a median salary of $60,000, roughly 18 percent less than men, whose median salary is $71,000.

Read more: Obama's record on paying women White House aides not stellar - Washington Times
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I wonder if the gap is due to women not being fairly represented in leadership roles? You'd think a democratic president would be sensitive to that sort of thing.
You will also earn less if you major in women's studies with a minor in Chicano studies than if you majored in engineering
There is really no pay gap. There might be in the white house but not in private businesses. This is not to say that women don't bring home less than men. They do. But not because their salaries are less, it's because women take more time off than men do.
Basically the democrats are just running around trying to turn on all the money presses to buy votes in 2014.
Republican-voters, like all of the above posters STILL don't get it. You will in November :rofl:
Republican-voters, like all of the above posters STILL don't get it. You will in November :rofl:

Yes, you will perpetrate a fraud, then get stupid people and people in on the fraud to vote. So you need to lie people to scare them into voting for you..
So libs, should republicans focus on the gender gap in favor of women in life expectancy and all the ones that favor women? There's a rather large gap in on the job fatalities impacting men....
Politics is looking more and more like gang warfare. Two groups willing to kill each other over a rundown piece of turf.

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