Zone1 Stereotypes?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
I followed a discussion on US messageboard in another thread and a debate over stereotypes broke out. Some claimed stereotypes are generally true but might not apply to every single individual within a group and others claimed stereotypes are wrong and used to hurt others. I tend to agree with the latter but i would like to hear your opininions?
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Stereotypes aren't CREATED to hurt people.

Stereotypes are KNOWN FACTS of how any group or society of people act, speak, dress, eat, think, feel, or handle themselves in certain situations.

Stereotypes are FACTS that identify a MAJORITY group of people or a society of people.
Stereotypes aren't CREATED to hurt people.

Stereotypes are KNOWN FACTS of how any group or society of people act, speak, dress, eat, think, feel, or handle themselves in certain situations.

Stereotypes are FACTS that identify a MAJORITY group of people or a society of people.
But stereotypes might be how a hostile group or enemy views another group that might be selective perception and based on anecdotal evidence and cherry picking like a friend or your mum might describe how you feel dress eat act differently then a bully who bullies you in school and hates you also sometimes some groups have the power to project a positive image of themselfes while others are powerless and are solely known how others describe them just food for thought
Stereotypes seem to be a perception by others of a group by viewing only a small portion of the group. For example, some from upper-income class from up north as some of my teachers in school treated me as another'' Gomer Pyle''
I had to really work to show them I wasn't and others were afraid I was going to hurt the ethnic and gay kids like I was some sort of racist hater type. I believe they got this by not being in contact with those different from their own group. So the only knowledge of people from my culture was what they see on movies, television, and propaganda put out by these political(huckster) activist groups.
Stereotypes aren't CREATED to hurt people.

Stereotypes are KNOWN FACTS of how any group or society of people act, speak, dress, eat, think, feel, or handle themselves in certain situations.

Stereotypes are FACTS that identify a MAJORITY group of people or a society of people.
it is human nature
Often there is some truth that resulted in the stereotype. A stereotype is simply another word for generalization.
Stereotypes aren't CREATED to hurt people.

Stereotypes are KNOWN FACTS of how any group or society of people act, speak, dress, eat, think, feel, or handle themselves in certain situations.

Stereotypes are FACTS that identify a MAJORITY group of people or a society of people.
Suppose that most of the lesbians I meet have pink hair. I may construct the stereotype of "pink haired lesbians" even if a majority of women with pink hair are not lesbians. It may simply be true that most lesbians have pink hair. On the other hand, my relatively small sample of lesbians may not be representative of the entire population of lesbians.
Stereotypes are developed from a local truth but that truth is manifested by a sample (of as few as "one") and then applied to a larger group. When they are used to be predictive or determinative they ARE problematic. When they are used in media to be a short-hand to identify a group they CAN be problematic.
sometimes someone tells a story, and then the story gets retold from person to person until it becomes something else. a stereotype doesnt need to be a truth, can be but doesnt need to be.

One persons story isnt going to start a stereotype.
Especially when that stereotype is world wide. Blacks didnt get their stereotype from one person it was well earned by a lot of blacks.
Are all blacks criminals?
Of course not but enough of them have behaved badly for it to stick.
Blacks are the majority in our prisons and thats no accident. They commit 50% of violent crimes in the US and they're only 7% of our population.
That doesnt happen by accident or by hearsay.
As far as gypsies go I only have what I've heard from Europeans since we have very few gypsies in the US.

Oh...and lose some weight before it kills you.
One persons story isnt going to start a stereotype.
Especially when that stereotype is world wide. Blacks didnt get their stereotype from one person it was well earned by a lot of blacks.
Are all blacks criminals?
Of course not but enough of them have behaved badly for it to stick.
Blacks are the majority in our prisons and thats no accident. They commit 50% of violent crimes in the US and they're only 7% of our population.
That doesnt happen by accident or by hearsay.
As far as gypsies go I only have what I've heard from Europeans since we have very few gypsies in the US.

Oh...and lose some weight before it kills you.

Probably because people are telling this over and over again, people who dont like blacks. They cherrypicked the most negative thing about blacks, and made it a stereotype, that means a characterisation of blacks as "criminals". Im curious what IM2 has to say about your statistics data, he had always some good arguments, but was trolled by racists and insulted.
Probably because people are telling this over and over again, people who dont like blacks. They cherrypicked the most negative thing about blacks, and made it a stereotype, that means a characterisation of blacks as "criminals". Im curious what IM2 has to say about your statistics data, he had always some good arguments, but was trolled by racists and insulted.

That doesnt explain all the blacks in US prisons.
Did they,whoever they are,stereotype them and send them to prison?
The truth is they commit a lot of crimes.
To say otherwise is a total cop out.
That doesnt explain all the blacks in US prisons.
Did they,whoever they are,stereotype them and send them to prison?
The truth is they commit a lot of crimes.
To say otherwise is a total cop out.

I think there are more whites and hispanics in prison then blacks in absolute numbers. Also they are more likely to be send to prison by the justice system then whites, whites get away with things, or minor things blacks dont.
I think there are more whites and hispanics in prison then blacks in absolute numbers. Also they are more likely to be send to prison by the justice system then whites, whites get away with things, or minor things blacks dont.

When you go by the percentage of the population which is obviously the only way to quantify it blacks lead the US in prisoners.
I really think that a white man really need not make the comments I see here.

247 years of white violence and murder do not support the claims being made here by herewegoagain. First off, there is documented racism at every level of the justice system and that includes sentencing.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

These things are documented truth. I don't even need to begin with the legalized fascism whites practiced basically until 1965. Whites like herewegoagain purposefully all of the feral animalistic, savage, thug behavior of their own race to dare make the comments this prick has made. Whiye privilege and the white male entitlement that moron believes he is allowed based on his pink skin has caused him to be afflicted by psychosis.
I really think that a white man really need not make the comments I see here.

247 years of white violence and murder do not support the claims being made here by herewegoagain. First off, there is documented racism at every level of the justice system and that includes sentencing.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

These things are documented truth. I don't even need to begin with the legalized fascism whites practiced basically until 1965. Whites like herewegoagain purposefully all of the feral animalistic, savage, thug behavior of their own race to dare make the comments this prick has made. Whiye privilege and the white male entitlement that moron believes he is allowed based on his pink skin has caused him to be afflicted by psychosis.
Stop crying. I know the truth is painful but you really need to man up.

It's blacks that are filling our prisons.
So what do I have to cry about?
I live in a white enclave with almost zero crime and it's great!!
It's really nice knowing it's unlikely I'll be robbed,and I can safely walk the streets in my neighborhood at any hour of the day or night.
Probably because people are telling this over and over again, people who dont like blacks. They cherrypicked the most negative thing about blacks, and made it a stereotype, that means a characterisation of blacks as "criminals". Im curious what IM2 has to say about your statistics data, he had always some good arguments, but was trolled by racists and insulted.
There is more than picking out the things of stereotypes which is the starting point and people than judge them on. That is that those things are put into documentation on any group and how they act. And that is "intangibles." Such as personalities from birth with little influence from elders and physical size and attractiveness or lack of it and other things also like this.

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