Zone1 Stereotypes?

Percentages , Mortuary .Percentages .

A sometimes useful way of keeping a discussion broadly open but open to abuse and chronic prejudice .

Ironically you are a Stereotype , Mortuary . Several actually .
Percentages , Mortuary .Percentages .

A sometimes useful way of keeping a discussion broadly open but open to abuse and chronic prejudice .

Ironically you are a Stereotype , Mortuary . Several actually .
You are nutty but i like you I do not why i like you though
Probably because people are telling this over and over again, people who dont like blacks. They cherrypicked the most negative thing about blacks, and made it a stereotype, that means a characterisation of blacks as "criminals". Im curious what IM2 has to say about your statistics data, he had always some good arguments, but was trolled by racists and insulted.
But stereotypes might be how a hostile group or enemy views another group that might be selective perception and based on anecdotal evidence and cherry picking like a friend or your mum might describe how you feel dress eat act differently then a bully who bullies you in school and hates you also sometimes some groups have the power to project a positive image of themselfes while others are powerless and are solely known how others describe them just food for thought

Bullying is a mental and physical trait that comes from the bully being a coward, mistreated, ignored, or is an extreme narcissist.
That has nothing to do with stereotyping a group or society of people. Stereotyping is an identification of traits to a certain people, group, or society that identifies them on a global scale.
Bullying is a mental and physical trait that comes from the bully being a coward, mistreated, ignored, or is an extreme narcissist.
That has nothing to do with stereotyping a group or society of people. Stereotyping is an identification of traits to a certain people, group, or society that identifies them on a global scale.
Seems like you missed the point

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