Steve Bannon verbally assaulted at a book store!

Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
They're not politically correct. Boo hoo, they're picking on me.
View attachment 203648

Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
Every action has a consequence. Parade around the country trumpeting alt right ideas and we the people are inclined to respond when we get the chance. Funny how actual free speech works.

AKA democrats don't care about LAWS they dislike...long as they can assault,harass,harm people they disagree with to hell with laws...gotcha. Don't cry when one of these leftist pricks gets a chest or head full of lead.
This is why we had a rash of school shootings.......because these liberals want to ignore everything until somebody is hurt or dies.
They feel that as long as the people are on their side.....they can do whatever they want.
You just pulled all of that out of your ass. Brilliant commentary. Let's get you a fox news hour.
Trump and his gang verbally assault people, use culturally insensitive labels, and take away rights to minority groups and it is a great thing. Someone uses their freedom of speech to call Bannon a piece of trash and, "OH THE HORROR!"

Jesus F'n Christ there is so many hypocrites on this forum.

That is a dishonest assessment of the situation.
Trump was at a rally and was attacked by paid thugs, paid for by the Hillary Campaign.
This is all well documented.
We cannot allow hired fascist thugs and mercenaries to assault us and take over where we choose assemble.
That is textbook tyranny.

It's not just at ONE rally.

He does it ALL the time on social media and at rallies. Literally... ALL THE TIME. How many times has he called Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas?

He attacks a dying John McCain and GHWB.
You're a liar too.
Trump may not be the most cordial person on the internet, but at least he's not walking up to people and trying to pick a fight with them.
He knows the difference between politics and harassment.
You people are going to far and it will bring you down.

You're right. He won't walk up to people and say the shit he does on the internet... because he is a fucking draft dodging coward.
Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
They're not politically correct. Boo hoo, they're picking on me.
View attachment 203648

Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
Every action has a consequence. Parade around the country trumpeting alt right ideas and we the people are inclined to respond when we get the chance. Funny how actual free speech works.

AKA democrats don't care about LAWS they dislike...long as they can assault,harass,harm people they disagree with to hell with laws...gotcha. Don't cry when one of these leftist pricks gets a chest or head full of lead.
This is why we had a rash of school shootings.......because these liberals want to ignore everything until somebody is hurt or dies.
They feel that as long as the people are on their side.....they can do whatever they want.
You just pulled all of that out of your ass. Brilliant commentary. Let's get you a fox news hour.
Not at all.
Looking into these attackers backgrounds show that they were not a secret to authorities.
Course, if you only watch the MSM and pay attention to liberals sources, it's understandable that you didn't know this was a fact in these attacks.
Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
They're not politically correct. Boo hoo, they're picking on me.
View attachment 203648

Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
Every action has a consequence. Parade around the country trumpeting alt right ideas and we the people are inclined to respond when we get the chance. Funny how actual free speech works.

AKA democrats don't care about LAWS they dislike...long as they can assault,harass,harm people they disagree with to hell with laws...gotcha. Don't cry when one of these leftist pricks gets a chest or head full of lead.
This is why we had a rash of school shootings.......because these liberals want to ignore everything until somebody is hurt or dies.
They feel that as long as the people are on their side.....they can do whatever they want.
You just pulled all of that out of your ass. Brilliant commentary. Let's get you a fox news hour.
Not at all.
Looking into these attackers backgrounds show that they were not a secret to authorities.
Course, if you only watch the MSM and pay attention to liberals sources, it's understandable that you didn't know this was a fact in these attacks.
Liberals don't want people to be hurt. Using failures in law enforcement to try to prove they do is stupid, insane, and immoral.

I was aware of these happenings because I follow multiple news sources. They all commented on the failures in law enforcement.

Fox news is mainstream, so seriously shut the fuck up with the MSM bullshit. I'm sick of it. They are the most viewed source in the country. Give me a break, wackos. They are also one of the most biased sources out there. Come join us in reality yah crazy fools. Sheesh. Trump has warped all of you.
Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
They're not politically correct. Boo hoo, they're picking on me.
View attachment 203648

Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.
Every action has a consequence. Parade around the country trumpeting alt right ideas and we the people are inclined to respond when we get the chance. Funny how actual free speech works.

AKA democrats don't care about LAWS they dislike...long as they can assault,harass,harm people they disagree with to hell with laws...gotcha. Don't cry when one of these leftist pricks gets a chest or head full of lead.
A chest of lead for recieving due verbal feedback? Bannon was in our government. If you're saying we can't speak our mind to him under threat of violence then you've got a bad case of the authoritarian heebie jeeby lib derangement syndrome.
WAS in our government he is no longer and he has ZERO impact on what President Trump does and no because you leftists can't leave it at verbal assaults you increase to attempted murder just like last year. Its coming sooner than later.
This will only end in blood and violence.....and they have said this is their goal openly.
Who has? That officially speaks for the "left," that is. Link, please.
I can give you tons of examples.
However the only one you may accept comes from Obama's Attorney General.
Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets
I suppose you'll deny this because Politifact said it wasn't true......even though we all know what she said.
The link you provided, the video is not working, but it had her quoted in the article below it. This is what she said that your article thinks said we need more marching, blood and death on the streets:
“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.

There is nothing remotely close to saying she wants more marching, blood and death on the streets. I didn't know you were as bad as Easy when it comes to the lies, Mud. I'll be forewarned from now on.
Trump made a joke about Russia turning over Hillary's missing emails and you believe this means he colluded with the Russians.
Yet our former AG is claiming these are terrible times....great fear.....bleeding in the streets....and you think it's nothing.

Now let's look at an unedited version of this speech:

March 5, 2017
Former AG Lynch suggests we need more 'marching,' 'blood,' and 'death' in the streets
By Rick Moran
In a video rant that Senate Democrats posted to their Facebook page as "words of inspiration," former Attorney General Loretta Lynch seemed to suggest that the way to combat the policies of President Trump was to mimic the success of civil rights protests, no matter the cost.

Without offering a shred of proof or any specifics, Lynch said that American's rights were "being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back." She also appeared to suggest that the way to remedy the situation was to march, bleed, and die for the cause.


Without offering any specifics, Lynch goes on to say that “our rights” are “being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back.”

But the strongest words come in a statement that seems to suggest the answer is street action that will inevitably turn bloody and deadly.

“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

Lynch, who is scheduled to receive the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal of Law from the University of Virginia, goes on to say: “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

Lynch succeeded Eric Holder as Barack Obama’s attorney general in 2014.

Former AG Lynch suggests we need more 'marching,' 'blood,' and 'death' in the streets

I guess you've never heard of hackers before.
They go thru the net and change the evidence so it's easier for you folks to ignore it.
I don't know how many times I've seen evidence of hacking going on with respect to this.
We have found evidence that Twitter, Facebock, and YouTube has been editing content and banning what they call hate speech.
You can say anything you want about conservatives but don't you dare openly attack liberals.
Diamond and Silk are a prime example of this censorship.

I had to go to another source.......

Let's look at what our former AG said:

Ask yourself why this is a time of concern in this country?
Why is this a time of great fear?????

Why is she talking about people bleeding in the streets?

What rights are being assailed?

And in what way does she want to move this country forward?????

Why is she fomenting a feeling of fear in America???

Isn't this fearmongering at it's worst????

No.....of course not.

I noticed everyone ran out after the announcement and went batshit crazy bezerking in the streets...Not....
Probably because you're dealing with moderates and conservatives.....not leftist assholes like yourself.
Once I get that turbo charged wheelchair I plan on buring rubber.
I think Mr. Stupid Bannon can hold his own against a shrill liberal in a bookstore. He seems adept at speaking at a podium in France with alt right Holocaust deniers! He has become a jerk.
Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.

Liberals are experts on trash. They talk trash, they throw trash and they were born of trash. It's all they ever have on their minds. Sooner or later, one of these simple "verbal confrontations" against Trump people will result in an actual assault (REAL assault, physical harm, not throwing a diet Coke) if not worse. It's coming. Then the Left will defend it as being "deserved." The Antifa is nothing more than the Left, raw naked and exposed. Thugs.

Don't make me laugh. Numerous people here have ALREADY said this or that person DESERVED IT (aka Sarah Huckabee at the Red Hen), and we already have had people violently attack GOP members (or do you forget the baseball park shooting by the guy who drove several states to kill?). Thanks for proving that not only is the Left violent and dangerous, they are even more stupid.
You're wrong. My comment was directly in response to your "Antifa is nothing more than the Left, raw naked and exposed. Thugs."
That is entirely wrong. You may have a dozen posters here who claim they support Antifa violence, but I strongly doubt that more than one or two, if any, have actually gone out and broken windows or cracked heads for them. You folks have GOT to stop this demonization of the left. It is absolutely unhealthy.

What I meant and I stand by it is that the Antifa are what many on the Left WISH they could be and do. They live vicariously through them and cheer their violence celebrating the fighting.
Yea, I can see the mistake. They should have said "Racist piece of trash".

Bannon tells French far-right: 'Let them call you racist'

Where do these people learn to speak like that?

Liberals in a book store! Did they wander in by accident? The owner called the police. That is what should happen.
Liberals read books. Cons burn them.
Another asinine comment not made in the real world.
You yourself admitted to checking out books you don't like from the library and burning them.
And? I am not a conservative first of all and what I do is a personal decision not a policy.
Liberals in a book store! Did they wander in by accident? The owner called the police. That is what should happen.
Liberals read books. Cons burn them.
Another asinine comment not made in the real world.
You yourself admitted to checking out books you don't like from the library and burning them.
And? I am not a conservative first of all and what I do is a personal decision not a policy.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
Liberals in a book store! Did they wander in by accident? The owner called the police. That is what should happen.
Liberals read books. Cons burn them.
Another asinine comment not made in the real world.
You yourself admitted to checking out books you don't like from the library and burning them.
And? I am not a conservative first of all and what I do is a personal decision not a policy.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
Lol. I don't act nor speak like a republican or a conservative. I am neither. I am farther right than the GOP. I didn't vote for McCain or Romney and wouldn't have voted for anyone other than Trump.
Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.


Trump has been insulting people for years, and you love it.

Someone says something against someone on the right and you're horrified.

Er...... hypocrisy huh?
Bookshop owner calls police after customer calls Steve Bannon 'a piece of trash'

No surprise,leftists don't want people thinking for themselves. If it was up to them we would have a good old fashioned book burning of everything conservative! Ignorant twat should have been arrested and trespassed from the place. Bookstores are supposed to be QUIET places...I personally love going to them.


Trump has been insulting people for years, and you love it.

Someone says something against someone on the right and you're horrified.

Er...... hypocrisy huh?
President Trump does it on twitter or at a rally NOT in a private business that is NOT theirs to harass someone in! I doubt leftists would understand the difference.
The lib called Bannon a "piece of trash".

The owner of the bookstore said Bannon was minding his own business. He asked the lib to leave, when she refused, he threatened to call police.

She left, end of story.

Rude, and typical of these people today, but let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.
Yes....let's ignore it till happens to one of us.

I can't wait till it happens to a liberal and you folks start screaming bloody-murder.

"you folks" ?

The last fucking thing I am is a liberal.

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