Steve King identifies himself as a 'nationalist,' defends earlier comments

Steve King, from IOWA?

He is a bigot & a racist.

I could drive down I-35, be down there in two, three hours, and take a SHIT on every one of his bigoted, ass hole supporters.

After all; those brain dead rural rednecks need a good shitting on.

Sounds like you have a lot of shit. Some would say you’re full of it.
The alt right is a cancer that needs to be irradiated.

But radiation is icky!
Radiation is too kind for the human garbage of the alt right.
How's about boiled in oil for these subhuman critters?
The alt right is made up of neo nazis, white nationalists, and other far right groups.
The United States had it right wiping them out in WWII. I'm proud my grandfather was part of it.
Jews have a nationalist country that America taxpayers finance in addition to American companies forced to move certain operations there, reparations, etc. Yet Jews are the forefront of fake objections to Whites having a sense of national pride while promoting Darky national pride as a virtue. Is this a stealth form of genocide?
Nothing wrong with being a nationalist
When it comes to being a civilized and decent person who favors a democratic and non discriminating nation that is all inclusive to people of all races, cultures and point of views, I would agree. Yet King the uncultured skunk is not fit to be among the civilized.
What the fuck would you know about being civilised and decent?
You’ve never displayed either trait.
Steve King, from IOWA?

He is a bigot & a racist.

I could drive down I-35, be down there in two, three hours, and take a SHIT on every one of his bigoted, ass hole supporters.

After all; those brain dead rural rednecks need a good shitting on.
Now that is the funniest thing I've read all week.

Iowa would spit you out after fucking you hard.

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