Many people rip Giuliani a new anal orifice

Hurray for Guiliani ! All he did was say was has been needed to be said, for 6 years now. Of course Obama does not love America. He not only doesn't love America, he has proven himself in many ways to have an agenda to destroy it.

One if these ways is all the Muslim Brotherhood (whose stated goal is to destroy America) operatives he has put in the White House (Ex. > Huma Abedin, Rasshan Hussein, Mohammed Magid, Dalia Moghahed, Arif Alikhan, Sala al-Marayati, Mohammed Elibiary, Eboo Patel).

Another is his desire to open the borders and let millions of migrants in, while knowing the many harms this immigration brings upon the American people.

Another is the weak foreign policy he enacts, withdrawing troops from the middle east, when just the opposite is critically needed.

Another is his wish to close Gitmo, to try enemy combatant in civilian courts, and his release of dangerous war enemies, even while that war fighting is still going on.

This list could go on and on, and people who look objectively know that Obama is more on the side of the jihadists than he is on America's side. Even his own wife once asked him "Whose side are you on ? "
Obama has been training moderate muslim terrorists in Syria so that they can come over here and kill Americans!!! Many of those moderates are linked to Al-Qaeda. Also Obama is planning a nationwide Measles epidemic. He's getting his Hollywood liberal elites to help him spread the disease. Disneyland was just a trial run.
The Bush tax cuts were for everyone dipshit. Barry has added trillions to the debt by his policies.

The Bush Tax cuts were massively irresponsible and most of them went to the rich, who didn't need them.
7 Reasons Liberal Economic Policies Don t Work - John Hawkins - Page full

You can't fund the whole country on the backs of the rich.

Keynesian stimulus doesn't work.

Liberals incentivize failure.

They create a hostile business environment.

The business environment becomes unpredictable.

Liberals cause businesses to focus on government instead of the product.

Government is inherently slow, stupid, and inefficient.

Frankly, guy, i've worked for both the government and private sectors. I've seen more bullshit in the private sector than I ever saw in government.

First, the top 20% control 87% of the wealth. Of course, they should pay most of the taxes.

Second, Keynesian stimuluses ALWAYS work. Even When Republicans do them. Reagan didn't have a recovery because he gave tax cuts to the rich, he had a recovery because he tripled the military budget. Bush had a recovery from the 2001 recession because the war on Terror required huge amounts of government spending.

The real reason why businesses don't work is because businesses forgot that a well-paid workforce drives an economy. Capital doesn't drive the economy, labor and consumer demand does.
In 'The Wealth of Nations' Adam Smith described the importance of labor getting its fair share of the wealth that is created by their efforts. We are ignoring that part of his book, and are paying for that.
I think history will remember Giuliani as a tragic figure. Here's a guy who has squandered all the "goodwill capital" he inherited through the good times of the 90's and the investments that were made in New York city and during the trying days and weeks after 9/11.

His comments this past week make him look like an angry, bitter old man. The backlash against him is far and wide, including people who've worked for him now who are disassociating with him.

The lesson here of course is that "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones".

He's now a laughing stock because on top of knowing already that he was a draft dodger in the 60's, we've found out that his father and 5 uncles all committed crimes in order to skip having to serve in WWII.

Obama's grandfather served.

The Giuliani lineage is one of cowards.

It has since hurt him since 9/11 that he made the boneheaded decision to put the city's emergency command center IN the Trade Towers. It was impressed upon him by anyone with brains that it should have been put ANYWHERE else but there, but no, Giuliani ignored the experts.

We all thought he was being brave by walking the streets, but later realized it was because he had no headquarters to go to.

Too bad. He coulda been a contendah.

Everything you typed, all of it, is complete bullshit.

Your pathetic president is the worst in history. He hates America. He hates free market enterprise. You love that, and now you deny it.

All of you are losers. All of you are liars. All of you are hypocrites. All of your pieces of shit. Not one exception.
You seem angry. But not one word of your screed has anything to do with the OP.

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