Steve Schmidt: Republican Party 'Doesn't Give Equal Opportunity To Women'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Chris Gentilviso

Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt had some harsh words for his own party on Sunday, criticizing the GOP's standing on equal opportunity for women.

As part of an NBC "Meet The Press" roundtable discussing gender roles in the workplace, Schmidt vowed that any organization where women are "not at the table" is "going to have problems."

"It’s one of the problems we have structurally in the Republican Party ... Any company, any organization in today’s day and age that doesn’t give equal opportunity to women, that doesn’t advance women to the table, is going to be an organization that has difficulty competing," Schmidt said.

The Republican Party struggled in 2012 with women voters, thanks to a series of controversial viewpoints on topics ranging from birth control to rape.

More: Steve Schmidt: Republican Party 'Doesn't Give Equal Opportunity To Women' (VIDEO)
Steve Schmidt, the strategist who ran the disastrous McCain campaign and lost to Obama by totally ignoring the advise of Sarah Palin...
By Chris Gentilviso

Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt had some harsh words for his own party on Sunday, criticizing the GOP's standing on equal opportunity for women.

As part of an NBC "Meet The Press" roundtable discussing gender roles in the workplace, Schmidt vowed that any organization where women are "not at the table" is "going to have problems."

"It’s one of the problems we have structurally in the Republican Party ... Any company, any organization in today’s day and age that doesn’t give equal opportunity to women, that doesn’t advance women to the table, is going to be an organization that has difficulty competing," Schmidt said.

The Republican Party struggled in 2012 with women voters, thanks to a series of controversial viewpoints on topics ranging from birth control to rape.

More: Steve Schmidt: Republican Party 'Doesn't Give Equal Opportunity To Women' (VIDEO)

Let me guess: He worked for the McCain campaign.

OMG! I'm right!

Who would have thunk that an "operative" for a RINO who hates conservatives would attack the Republican Party?
You must really be pissed at President Big ears and his lack of women who have jobs in his admin...AND those who are paid less...god you must hate that little monkey?

Steve Schmidt, the strategist who ran the disastrous McCain campaign and lost to Obama by totally ignoring the advise of Sarah Palin...

What advice from Palin did Schmidt ignore?
I really don't care what Steve Shit has to say. It was the Republican Party that had a female VP the 2008 elections, while it was Democrats who voted for what is supposedly a man in Barack Obama over female Hillary Clinton.

In addition to that, why isn't it under Democrat Barack Obama that women are paid less than men. Why yes it is:

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Oh, and let's not stop there. How about we talk about Dumbocratasses in Colorado, Joe Salazar and Paul Rosenthal who don't think women should be allowed to use guns to defend themselves against rapists because they don't really know if they are going to be raped, but they can use whistles and the buddy system...what a joke. And who can forget the Dumbocratasses and their rump swabs in the media - their war on conservative women when Sarah Palin was running as a VP candidate.

So take your hactivist post and shove it.
Steve Schmidt, the strategist who ran the disastrous McCain campaign and lost to Obama by totally ignoring the advise of Sarah Palin...

What advice from Palin did Schmidt ignore?

You really don't know?

Are you pretending to be ignorant or is this genuine cluelessness on your part?

Palin doesn't even know what newspapers she reads, and famously said that you can see russia from alaska.

She is as dumb as it gets. Hell even fox canned her.
What advice from Palin did Schmidt ignore?

You really don't know?

Are you pretending to be ignorant or is this genuine cluelessness on your part?

Palin doesn't even know what newspapers she reads, and famously said that you can see russia from alaska.

She is as dumb as it gets. Hell even fox canned her.

If you are in search of an extremely dumb woman, look no further than Dumbocrat, Sheila Jackson Lee. This is the imbecile who asked during a tour of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory if the Mars Pathfinder probe had taken a picture of the flag Neil Armstrong planted on Mars in 1969.

And then of course there is Nazi Pelosi, another idiot who said if we pass Obama's stimulus it would create 500 million jobs. You want to find dumb women, Pelosi, Lee, Waters, the Democrat Party is full of dumb women.
The GOP war on women is real - and continues...

And yet, your side of the aisle is the one trying to disarm women and encouraging them to tell men to be violent towards them to defend themselves from harm.

You're the side encouraging them to kill their offspring.

You're the ones insisting they are helpless unless some bureaucrat or politician provide them with hand outs.

You're the ones who look the other way when Democrat politicians abuse, cheat on them, and use them for political purposes while claiming to stand for them.

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