Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon, in the White House

I'm not real up to speed on this guy.

Any actual, specific quotes on him?

His ex wife said that he said in a custody/bitter divorce battle that he didn't want his daughters going to the same school with Jewish children.

But this flies completely in the face of his relationships with Breitbart and the whole upper echelon at Breitbart news. Andrew was a Jew and so is everyone else.

Bannon helped set up Breitbart Jerusalem with the CEO of Breitbart who is Jewish as well.
So an ex-wife said bad stuff about her soon-to-be-ex-husband in a divorce case?


Okay, anything else?
Sexism is the most strengthening ism a society can have.

Now how would you know that, no don't tell me. That dating site your on must be very good. :wink_2:
It's horrible actually. Who knows who's on the other end.

Yes, not real safe. I'm sure you know how to be safe, get a stun gun.
Sexism is the most strengthening ism a society can have.

Now how would you know that, no don't tell me. That dating site your on must be very good. :wink_2:
It's horrible actually. Who knows who's on the other end.

Yes, not real safe. I'm sure you know how to be safe, get a stun gun.
Not allowed where I am.
I'm not real up to speed on this guy.

Any actual, specific quotes on him?

His ex wife said that he said in a custody/bitter divorce battle that he didn't want his daughters going to the same school with Jewish children.

But this flies completely in the face of his relationships with Breitbart and the whole upper echelon at Breitbart news. Andrew was a Jew and so is everyone else.

Bannon helped set up Breitbart Jerusalem with the CEO of Breitbart who is Jewish as well.
So an ex-wife said bad stuff about her soon-to-be-ex-husband in a divorce case?


Okay, anything else?

No Mac. This is such a trumped up batch of hooey it's unreal. On the bright side the left wing nutbars didn't do their homework on this at all.

Bannon had been a freind, advisor and confidant of Breitbart for years. Andrew was a Jew. Are you ready for the rest of the associations?

Joel Pollak who is Senior editor at large at Breitbart has worked with Bannon for years. He's come out swinging against these liars. Orthodox.

Then you have Bannon helping to fulfill one of Andrew's life long dreams. He worked with the CEO of Breitbart Larry Solov to launch Breitbart Jerusalem. Guess what religion Mr. Solov is?

Heavy hitters out there David Horowitz and Mark Levin among many others are just ripping this smear apart.

Then think about it you have Jared and Ivanka Kushner working round the clock with Bannon. They would never have had an anti Semite on their father's campaign team let alone in his cabinet.

And last but not least you have the Zionists of America not only coming out in full support of Bannon but slamming the ADL for lying about Bannon being an anti Semite.

Really nasty smear campaign against this man who for his whole life has worked and been friends with Jews.
No doubt we know what herr dumpf is all about with his pick

Anyone holding out hope that Donald Trump would govern as a uniter — that the racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and nativism of his campaign were just poses to pick up votes — should think again.

In an ominous sign of what the Trump presidency will actually look like, the president-elect on Sunday appointed Stephen Bannon as his chief White House strategist and senior counselor, an enormously influential post.

Many if not most Americans had never heard of Mr. Bannon before this weekend, and for good reason: He has kept a low profile, even after taking over Mr. Trump’s campaign in August. Before that, he worked as the executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network, parent company of the far-right website Breitbart News, which under Mr. Bannon became what the Southern Poverty Law Center has called a “white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill.”

Mr. Bannon himself seems fine with that description, telling Mother Joneslast summer that Breitbart was now “the platform for the alt-right,” a loosely organized group of mostly young men who believe in white supremacy; oppose immigration, feminism and multiculturalism; and delight in harassing Jews, Muslims and other vulnerable groups by spewing shocking insults on social media.

We have the internet can't lie and expect people to let you get away with it....

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

All the existential rage of the defeated and humiliated elites is now focused against Steve Bannon -- the architect of Trump's victory, the media genius who won the battle with less than a fifth of the financial resources at Hillary Clinton's disposal.

I know Steve Bannon, and have had several long discussions with him about politics. Steve is fervently pro-Israel, and it is utterly ridiculous to suggest that he is anti-Semitic.

Other observant Jews who know Bannon -- for example, Joel Pollak -- attest to his support for Israel and his friendship for the Jewish people.

We have learned from the sewage-storm directed at Bannon that the Establishment plays dirty, and that the formerly Republican #NeverTrumpers aren't just misguided ideologues, but also yellow-bellied, gutter-crawling, backstabbing, bushwhacking liars. Hell hath no fury like a self-designated elite scorned.

They hate Steve Bannon because he beat them, fair and square, on the battlefield of social media. He is the president-elect's most effective general. Trump's enemies can't reverse the results of a national election, but they can try to cut the incoming president off from his popular base.

The charges against Steve Bannon are a tissue of lies without a modicum of merit.

Anyone can search the Breitbart Media archive for posts on Israel, Jews, and related topics, as I have, and determine that Steve Bannon's hugely successful media platform is 100% pro-Israel.

Not only that: Breitbart consistently reports on the dangers of anti-Semitism around the world.

Not a single article appeared in during the past two years that could not have appeared in Israel Hayom, the leading Israeli daily.

But that is not what one hears from Ian Tuttle at National Review, who complains that "in May, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol was labeled a 'Renegade Jew.'"

He was, indeed -- but by another Jew, David Horowitz. Horowitz argued that Kristol had betrayed Jewish interests by trying to torpedo Trump -- a point Horowitz emphasizes here.

Tuttle knows this. But Tuttle chose to twist Horowitz's headline into its opposite.

Tuttle's colleague Jonah Goldberg also now inveighs against Ba
Yet again, we have fact-free commentary from the Left. I've been following this story and have yet to see a single quotation from Bannon himself indicating any sort of bigotry against anyone (other than Leftists).

Our Beloved President sat in the pew for 20 years listening to a hateful "Black nationalist," whose divisive, stupid, and inflammatory rhetoric was brought out for all the world to see.

The Left's reaction, "Picky, picky, picky."


Don't forget....obama was also good friends with bill actual domestic, terrorist bomber who detonated bombs in public government buildings in the 1960s......he launched obama's political career....and ayer's wife, bernadine dorhn..a convicted felon domestic terrorist bomber is the one who introduced obama and michelle.....

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