Steven King Calls Republicans "Horror Story" Proving That Dem Lies Are Shaping Public Opinions

A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.

Hey lets put your truthiness meter to a test.

When poopy pants Ted wrote his story about how he avoided the draft so he wouldn't get sent to Vietnam,
was he lying or telling the truth?

Let the meter do it's thing. Was poopy pants Ted lying?

Is Nugent running for any political office?
NO he isn't.
A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.

Hey lets put your truthiness meter to a test.

When poopy pants Ted wrote his story about how he avoided the draft so he wouldn't get sent to Vietnam,
was he lying or telling the truth?

Let the meter do it's thing. Was poopy pants Ted lying?

Is Nugent running for any political office?
NO he isn't.

Last I saw is that this is 2015 not 2012.
He just admitted he only has a high school education so I guess we can only expect so much

It is a pisser when a guy with a high school education makes a person with an MBA look the idiot. But don't feel bad. I have done it to a lot of people who had an overrated opinion of themselves and their education. You just one on a long list.

Stupid. I wasn't "admitting" anything. I was proudly proclaiming.

So why do you have an MBA and be a mod on a message board?

I guess all that money and time you spent were wasted? Or not? What else you do?

Wow, three replies from you on my one comment. That must have really struck a chord. :lol:
You must have a doctorate to be Admin on a messageboard. :lol:
Why should I take a story writer's views on politics serious? That's like taking Michael Moore serious, not happening

Or acting like Mikhail Moore would be a good food critic. It's pretty clear the fat fuck will eat anything.

Stephen king has a gay daughter or had not sure if she's alive or not.

He is speaking emotionally. Not intellectually.
Obviously you've never visited a college campus.
Obviously you have not either.

I have an MBA. I assure you I spent more time on them than you have.
If that were true you wouldn't have said something so profoundly stupid.

Says the man who's never been on a college campus.
What drives you to believe there is no free speech allowed on college campuses?

Because we read the news and follow what you lefty nuts do when you get control of things.........
Yesterday I posted some commentary from liberal talk-shows based on lies from media, and this is another example of the false stereotypes that the media has been cultivating. A fawning press immediately heaps praise on some dickwad celebrity for bad-mouthing Republicans. The left can't do anything right.....but they have their imaginary demons to direct their anger at. The GOP. Stephen Kings actual tweets can be seen here Stephen King A Horror Story with Cruz Rubio and Paul Running for President

Stephen King: A ‘Horror Story’ with Cruz, Rubio and Paul Running for President

By Kristine Marsh | April 20, 2015 | 2:32 PM EDT


Though popular horror author Stephen King is undoubtedly witty in his fiction, he should leave the political commentary to someone who’s better suited for it.

After Cruz, Paul and Rubio announced their presidential bids recently, King tweeted out this weak “slam” against the GOP:

The lame joke caught the attentions of the fawning left-wingers at Salon who called it “brilliant,” “savvy,” and said King let them “have it.”

This isn’t the first venture into the political realm for King. On March 30 he tweeted out about Indiana’s religious freedom law, calling it “simply gay discrimination” and likening it to...a dog turd?(Eww.)

The Huffington Post’s Cavan Sieczkowski dubbed this tweet the Post’s “favorite” response to the Indiana law.

After Newsbusters called out King in 2008 for derogatory comments about the military he made during a speech to high schoolers, he received so much backlash that he told The Huffington Post last September, he would “take it back” if he could.

Stephen King A Horror Story with Cruz Rubio and Paul Running for President

Poor fellow.

Do you realize that Stephen King, the author, and Steve King, the GOP Rep from Iowa, are not the same person? That they even spell their first name DIFFERENTLY? And that the link in YOUR OP clearly speaks of the author, not the Republican? That the tweets are from the author, not the Republican, right?

So, why in the fuck are you trying to bring Steve King (R-IA) into this? He is not mentioned in the article at all.

Jesus, and you want to talk about lies? Really?

Dude, that is totally lame.

Obviously you have not either.

I have an MBA. I assure you I spent more time on them than you have.
If that were true you wouldn't have said something so profoundly stupid.

Says the man who's never been on a college campus.
What drives you to believe there is no free speech allowed on college campuses?

Because we read the news and follow what you lefty nuts do when you get control of things.........
Not an answer.
Celebrities saying something stupid especially on twitter is hardly new and only the equally stupid pay them any attention. This popular quote says it best.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
"Steven King Calls Republicans "Horror Story" Proving That Dem Lies Are Shaping Public Opinions"

Republicans have only themselves the blame, the victims of their own words and actions – such as conservative hostility toward gay Americans, hostility toward women, hostility toward minorities, hostility toward immigrants, hostility toward change, diversity, and dissent.

The American people see this and more from republicans, and reject this fear and hostility from the right appropriately.

Republicans need to take personal responsibility for a change, acknowledge their mistakes, and stop attempting to propagate the lie that democrats 'are to blame.'
"Steven King Calls Republicans "Horror Story" Proving That Dem Lies Are Shaping Public Opinions"

Republicans have only themselves the blame, the victims of their own words and actions – such as conservative hostility toward gay Americans, hostility toward women, hostility toward minorities, hostility toward immigrants, hostility toward change, diversity, and dissent.

Damn; that is a LOT of bullshit leftist strawmen for one post. Must be a record.

The American people see this and more from republicans, and reject this fear and hostility from the right appropriately.

REALLY: is that why Democrats were handed massive defeats in 2010 and 2014? Is that why more than 60% of the states have Republicans running them?

I am amused by dumb Democrats who still think they are winning because of a few Presidential elections. Kind of like they foist hero worship on the philandering female predator who was the first Democrat to lose Congess to Republicans in over thirty years.

Yes, Democrats tend to be THAT dumb.

Republicans need to take personal responsibility for a change, acknowledge their mistakes, and stop attempting to propagate the lie that democrats 'are to blame.'

I am amused when lefties equate the same tired, failed and dumb policies as being something that is refreshing and new. There is nothing new or refreshing about Liberals compunction to tax and spend or engage in Marxist class envy rhetoric or engage in moronic gender, homophobic and race hustling.
He's a lifelong loyal Communist/Progressive. So what do you expect him to say? And he's a washed-up has-been anyway. Republicans need to stop freakin out everytime a Communist insults them. Seriously, this isn't News.
He's a lifelong loyal Communist/Progressive. So what do you expect him to say? And he's a washed-up has-been anyway. Republicans need to stop freakin out everytime a Communist insults them. Seriously, this isn't News.

I don't see Republicans freaking out; but I do see a lot of Liberals having conniptions trying to defend his outright bullshit.

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