Steven King Calls Republicans "Horror Story" Proving That Dem Lies Are Shaping Public Opinions

I have an MBA.

WOW, You have really put that education to work for you. Why would you need an MBA to act as a moderator on a message board? Just curious on that.

Seems to me all you have is your opinion. And you know how those are.

I proudly proclaim that I have a high school education from back in the day when America's high schools were the envy of the world for the quality of their education.See what that got me? Money, fame and fortune.

What did your MBA get you? Besides a job on a message board.
Obviously you have not either.

I have an MBA. I assure you I spent more time on them than you have.
If that were true you wouldn't have said something so profoundly stupid.

Says the man who's never been on a college campus.
What drives you to believe there is no free speech allowed on college campuses?

I believe that? That's news to me. I love when others tell me what I believe.
Oh so post #11 isn't real. K gotcha.
It be a real horror shory if the Republicans are able to shut down free speech. Like they want to so bad.

Hey maybe you can get your own author to write horror shory's for you and you weird ass kind. Make it about Obama and it will be a best seller. Something along the line of Obama takes over the world but the world ends up being saved by a strong chorus of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

It's the lefts political correctness that is shutting down free speech.
Speaking of extremists. And you bring up ole poopy pants himself. What a pussyman you love. Is Poppypants Ted your hero.

Can poopy pants ted spell? Oh the horror shory he tells about debasing himself to keep from serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Your hero, poopy pants Ted.

A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.
It's ironic that democrats have written their own horror story with the ironically named "affordable care act" which is longer than a Stephen (it's Stephen not Steven by the way for all you progs that never read a book) King book and twice as scary.
Speaking of extremists. And you bring up ole poopy pants himself. What a pussyman you love. Is Poppypants Ted your hero.

Can poopy pants ted spell? Oh the horror shory he tells about debasing himself to keep from serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Your hero, poopy pants Ted.

A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.
To be fair, Raf Cruz has some unusually poopy pants. :laugh:
A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.

Hey lets put your truthiness meter to a test.

When poopy pants Ted wrote his story about how he avoided the draft so he wouldn't get sent to Vietnam,
was he lying or telling the truth?

Let the meter do it's thing. Was poopy pants Ted lying?
It's the lefts political correctness that is shutting down free speech.

Are you sure? It wasn't a lefty who started this thread complaining about an author who dislikes Republicans.
It was a righty who wants this practice stopped evidently.

Or maybe the right wingers on here just aren't sure what they want. As long as ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) is left uncured, it's hard to tell what a right winger is upset about. Other than Obama.
I rarely browse the fiction section of libraries, however I have read every one of his books that's ever been published, even the ones that were published under the psuedonym "Richard Bachman".

But I don't really give a shit about his political views.
Bed wetters like SK and the rest of the libtard cult get little attention from me. I think that relatively few of us pay much attention to their stupidity at all. The moonbats live in an echo chamber where they spew their venom and hate, while ensuring each other that they're all brilliant, attractive, compassionate and sophisticated.

The rest of us know better.
Speaking of extremists. And you bring up ole poopy pants himself. What a pussyman you love. Is Poppypants Ted your hero.

Can poopy pants ted spell? Oh the horror shory he tells about debasing himself to keep from serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Your hero, poopy pants Ted.

A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.

He just admitted he only has a high school education so I guess we can only expect so much
He just admitted he only has a high school education so I guess we can only expect so much

It is a pisser when a guy with a high school education makes a person with an MBA look the idiot. But don't feel bad. I have done it to a lot of people who had an overrated opinion of themselves and their education. You just one on a long list.
So why do you have an MBA and be a mod on a message board?

I guess all that money and time you spent were wasted? Or not? What else you do?
A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.

Hey lets put your truthiness meter to a test.

When poopy pants Ted wrote his story about how he avoided the draft so he wouldn't get sent to Vietnam,
was he lying or telling the truth?

Let the meter do it's thing. Was poopy pants Ted lying?

Is Nugent running for any political office?
NO he isn't.
Why should I take a story writer's views on politics serious? That's like taking Michael Moore serious, not happening
Obviously you've never visited a college campus.
Obviously you have not either.

I have an MBA. I assure you I spent more time on them than you have.
If that were true you wouldn't have said something so profoundly stupid.

Says the man who's never been on a college campus.
What drives you to believe there is no free speech allowed on college campuses?

There's free speech allowed on college long as it's trashing America or Republicans.:muahaha:
Speaking of extremists. And you bring up ole poopy pants himself. What a pussyman you love. Is Poppypants Ted your hero.

Can poopy pants ted spell? Oh the horror shory he tells about debasing himself to keep from serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Your hero, poopy pants Ted.

A better question; are you three years old? Good lord.

He just admitted he only has a high school education so I guess we can only expect so much

It's not how much education you have that's being able to apply it.

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