Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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intentionally driving inflation higher to cause hardship to responsible, hard-working Americans
Why do that?
And as mentioned, it ain't just Joe.
Inflation has reared in the UK, the Eurozone, Mexico, South America. It has been said...."worldwide".
To accuse Joe Biden of causing all that seems, to be just wee bit hyperbolic.
But a whole lot.....uninformed.


really, it’s the anti-Americans handling him
"Handling him"?
Means what?
And who are these "anti-American" handlers?
Can you name names?
An can you vet for us your sources on such?

Biden, however, gave comfort to our enemies by providing them with $85 billion in military equipment.
Umm, no he did not.
Your numbers are wrong.
First, much of that equipment was 'sold' to the Afghanistan government by America and America defense contractors. Afghani equipment we couldn't take.
Much of that equipment was sold by allies to the Afghani government ....France, Brits, Aussies. America could not take that back to the States.
But yes, we did lose some equipment. The high-tech equipment that was ours.....planes and copters and such.....much was destroyed on our way out. In short, your number is wrong. And thus, so would your argument be.

So, while I am sympathetic to your eagerness to drive a polemic .... you have overplayed it with false information. Either intentionally, or simply being uniformed, or misinformed, or malinformed. I dunno which.

But good luck. Keep your passion.
But discipline and due diligence will be your friends.
So will google.
Why do that?
And as mentioned, it ain't just Joe.
Inflation has reared in the UK, the Eurozone, Mexico, South America. It has been said...."worldwide".
To accuse Joe Biden of causing all that seems, to be just wee bit hyperbolic.
But a whole lot.....uninformed.


"Handling him"?
Means what?
And who are these "anti-American" handlers?
Can you name names?
An can you vet for us your sources on such?

Umm, no he did not.
Your numbers are wrong.
First, much of that equipment was 'sold' to the Afghanistan government by America and America defense contractors. Afghani equipment we couldn't take.
Much of that equipment was sold by allies to the Afghani government ....France, Brits, Aussies. America could not take that back to the States.
But yes, we did lose some equipment. The high-tech equipment that was ours.....planes and copters and such.....much was destroyed on our way out. In short, your number is wrong. And thus, so would your argument be.

So, while I am sympathetic to your eagerness to drive a polemic .... you have overplayed it with false information. Either intentionally, or simply being uniformed, or misinformed, or malinformed. I dunno which.

But good luck. Keep your passion.
But discipline and due diligence will be your friends.
So will google.
Yes. INTENTIONALLY. The excuse that other countries have inflation also does not explain why Biden is trying to drive it even higher. Any idiot knows that pumping money into the system during high inflation - while we have a supply chain issue to boot! - will send us to the double digits.
"Yes. INTENTIONALLY. The excuse that other countries have inflation also does not explain why Biden is trying to drive it even higher."

Well, if the realization that inflation is now a worldwide phenomena...(ps...due to the disruptions of Covid and the cascading supply-chain issue. IMHO).....that then leaves you with the unenviable task of explaing why an Administration would intentionally drive inflation higher?

What's in it for them to have the cost of goods increase?
The purchasing-power of the dollar decrease?
Will that make the 150,000,000+ voting electorate happier?

Make those 81 million voters who put the Administration in office happier?

I don't understand your explanation of 'intentionally'.
Can you offer the forum clarity?
Your maturity level wouldn’t allow you to recognize a coherent, well-articulated argument if it hit you in the head. Hence your use of “whore,” “trumphumpers” and other childish name-calling. Please stop before you embarrass yourself further.

yer chosen one - who has made an art outa tweeting 3rd grade insults to everyone that disagrees or stands up to his schoolyard bullying gave full tilt permission for that to be A-OK.

so bite me.
Well, if the realization that inflation is now a worldwide phenomena...(ps...due to the disruptions of Covid and the cascading supply-chain issue. IMHO).....that then leaves you with the unenviable task of explaing why an Administration would intentionally drive inflation higher?

What's in it for them to have the cost of goods increase?
The purchasing-power of the dollar decrease?
Will that make the 150,000,000+ voting electorate happier?

Make those 81 million voters who put the Administration in office happier?

I don't understand your explanation of 'intentionally'.
Can you offer the forum clarity?
The inflation is due in part to the COVID supply chain disruptions, but Biden’s insistence on having truck drivers vaxxed (when he admits illegals to our country without a vax) combined with printing money for additional and unnecessary handouts is making it WORSE. Everyone knows inflation is caused by too many dollars chasing too few goods, and he is exacerbating that situation.

As to why, it’s no secret: the radical left, who have hijacked The Party Formerly Known as Democrat, have said that capitalism is bad and that thar they want to destroy it. How so? By crashing the economy, forcing more people onto government support, and reemerging as a socialist-type and far less productive country.
We had a great Kyle Rittenhouse finally say enough.. shoot and kill you animals in self defense..

What will happen first...

He will release his 2015 tax return or his "new cable station" will be on the air?

THe Traitor Cable News failed, did someone tell him that. Just Traitor Airlines and Traitor Steaks. Then then was the Traitor Businees School that not failed, but the failure of endeavor forced NY State to sue the Traitor in order for the fools who fell for scam to get their money back.
Unreal! You elected a demented old man who is 1) facilitating the invasion of illegal aliens into the country and secret,y flying them throughout the nation, and 2) enabled Islamic terrorists by supplying them with $85 billion worth of our military equipment, and 3) intentionally driving inflation higher to cause hardship to responsible, hard-working Americans - and it‘s Trump you think did damage?

News alert: as soon as we take the House, the man you elected who is weakening our country and strengthening our enemies will be tried for treason. Depending on how much more blatant his anti-American policies become, he may very well be convicted.

You have to be the dumbest conservative here and that takes some doing. Just the fact that you believe the garbage you post indicates your gross level of ignorance and stupidty.

Biden is NOT senile but YOU may be.

Illegals are not "invading" nor are they being flown around the country. Only a gullible fool would believe anything so stupid.

The equipment that was left was disabled and useless, and TRUMP is the guy who left it there.


THe Traitor Cable News failed, did someone tell him that. Just Traitor Airlines and Traitor Steaks. Then then was the Traitor Businees School that not failed, but the failure of endeavor forced NY State to sue the Traitor in order for the fools who fell for scam to get their money back.
He scammed them out of $250 milion dollars and they sent him more millions as a reward for having his home searched by the FBI for stolen documents. He loves the uneducated for obvious reasons and they love him for his Klan leadership skills. The J6 hearings have proven without a doubt that he knew he got his ass kicked by Biden. Bilking the Deplorables out of their welfare money is called Wire Fraud.
THe Traitor Cable News failed, did someone tell him that. Just Traitor Airlines and Traitor Steaks. Then then was the Traitor Businees School that not failed, but the failure of endeavor forced NY State to sue the Traitor in order for the fools who fell for scam to get their money back.

Pardon my mild dyslexia, should read, "Just Like Traitor Airlines and Traitor Steaks".
you're still looking to see Trump's IRS documents. hahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahaha

you really have a shallow life huh?

What does the Traitor have to hide? Other Presidents, as a matter of course have released their tax returns. The Traitor has not. Nor does the heretofore lie about being under audit preventing him releasing documents, the I.R.S. says no such rule or regulation prevent release of documents while under audit.
You have to be the dumbest conservative here and that takes some doing. Just the fact that you believe the garbage you post indicates your gross level of ignorance and stupidty.

Biden is NOT senile but YOU may be.

Illegals are not "invading" nor are they being flown around the country. Only a gullible fool would believe anything so stupid.

The equipment that was left was disabled and useless, and TP is the guy who left it there.



Isn't the name of lawfirm defending the Traitor called, "Ignorce and Stupidity"? Gullible Fool is an associate.
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