Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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Unreal! You elected a demented old man who is


1) facilitating the invasion of illegal aliens into the country and secret,y flying them throughout the nation,

What is Title 42? Amid backlash, Biden administration defends use of Trump-era order to expel migrants

Groups challenging the use of the order argue that it violates U.S. asylum law.
ByArmando Garcia,Deena Zaru, andQuinn Owen
September 26, 2021, 11:09 AM
• 12 min read
What is Title 42? Amid backlash, Biden administration defends use of Trump-era order to expel migrants

and 2) enabled Islamic terrorists by supplying them with $85 billion worth of our military equipment,

lol .. are you speaking about afghanistan - the 20 year war that other prezs didn't have to balls to finally end - but actually got started by trump by releasing 5000 talabani prisoners JUST to sit down & negotiate?

and 3) intentionally driving inflation higher to cause hardship to responsible, hard-working Americans - and it‘s Trump you think did damage?

lol ... oh please. inflation is

A) worldwide

B) due to supply chain issues because of DUMBFUCK anti vaxxers.

C) also due to bigcorp & bigoil & their greed to raise prices, so they can recoup the losses they endured when people were outa work & not buying or driving.
New alert: as soon as we take the House,

lol ... better brush up on the 14th amendment, sweety.

the man you elected who is weakening our country and strengthening our enemies will be tried for treason.

lol ...

Depending on how much more blatant his anti-American policies become, he may very well be convicted.

trump baby bars.jpg
Lock up Trump!
You need to worry more about the traitor you have in office now. Looks like we’re about to move behind COVID, so I expect him to ramp up the influx of illegals in order to force us into a ither lockdown, keep businesses closed, keep people on government support, and push through another mail-in ballot cheating scheme.
View attachment 599170

What is Title 42? Amid backlash, Biden administration defends use of Trump-era order to expel migrants

Groups challenging the use of the order argue that it violates U.S. asylum law.
ByArmando Garcia,Deena Zaru, andQuinn Owen
September 26, 2021, 11:09 AM
• 12 min read
What is Title 42? Amid backlash, Biden administration defends use of Trump-era order to expel migrants

lol .. are you speaking about afghanistan - the 20 year war that other prez's didn't have to balls to finally end - & actually got started by trump by releasing 5000 talabani prisoners JUST to sit down & negotiate?

lol ... oh please. inflation is

A) worldwide

B) due to supply chain issues because DUMBFUCK anti vaxxers.

C) also due to bigcorp & bigoil & their greed to raise prices, so they can recoup the losses they endured when people were outa work & not buying or driving.

lol ... better brush up on the 14th amendment, sweety.

lol ...

View attachment 599172
Ok….you are in such complete denial as to the damage your treasonous president is doing - really, it’s the anti-Americans handling him - and given the childish memes you’re posting, that I’m not wasting any more effort on you. You are either a young teen or a completely deranged leftist.

Enjoy watching as Biden continues his destruction. We are putting a stop to it in the midterms.
You need to worry more about the traitor you have in office now. Looks like we’re about to move behind COVID, so I expect him to ramp up the influx of illegals in order to force us into a ither lockdown, keep businesses closed, keep people on government support, and push through another mail-in ballot cheating scheme.

of course you do.

OH wow….beautiful! This shows the #1 freedom-destroying tactic that the Leftists are pushing: coming out with hateful attacks when someone dissents from the far-left radical agenda.

Because I said I want a strong border, strong laws against criminals, and basic academic education for our children, I am a WHORE.

(Thank you, ledry, for demonstrating the most damaging aspect of the New Democrat Padry, which is why I listed it first: the smack down that comes from dissenting from Ze Official State Position.)
Ok….you are in such complete denial as to the damage your treasonous president is doing - really, it’s the anti-Americans handling him - and given the childish memes you’re posting, that I’m not wasting any more effort on you. You are either a young teen or a completely deranged leftist.

Enjoy watching as Biden continues his destruction. We are putting a stop to it in the midterms.

Fourteenth Amendment​

  • Section 3​

    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


And here it is again: demonstrating the left’s tactic. Now anyone who wants a strong border, good education for our kids, and the right to free expression without fear of repercussion, is mocked as a dummy who can’t think for herself.

We all know the lemmings are on the Dem side, marching lock-step as their Dear Demented Leader destroys America and everything that made it great.

Fourteenth Amendment​

  • Section 3​

    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Yes, true! But nobody was guilty of an insurrection, no matter how much you keep using the word. Biden, however, gave comfort to our enemies by providing them with $85 billion in military equipment.
OH wow….beautiful! This shows the #1 freedom-destroying tactic that the Leftists are pushing: coming out with hateful attacks when someone dissents from the far-left radical agenda.

lol ... you are a rambling fool.

Because I said I want a strong border, strong laws against criminals, and basic academic education for our children, I am a WHORE.

oh dear.

(Thank you, ledry, for demonstrating the most damaging aspect of the New Democrat Padry, which is why I listed it first: the smack down that comes from dissenting from Ze Official State Position.)

i have no time to debate trump humpers with anything but disdain when they cross the threshold & say that the insurrection was basically a tourist visit.

i do have a suggestion, though.... next time- be coherent, m'k?
And here it is again: demonstrating the left’s tactic. Now anyone who wants a strong border, good education for our kids, and the right to free expression without fear of repercussion, is mocked as a dummy who can’t think for herself.

We all know the lemmings are on the Dem side, marching lock-step as their Dear Demented Leader destroys America and everything that made it great.

i'm not a (D).

so let's start with that.
Yes, true! But nobody was guilty of an insurrection,

nobody has gone to trial yet - & some have been charged with seditious conspiracy ... which is crystal clear that you don't know it envelopes insurrection.

insurrection carries a 10 year prison term, among other penalties & SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY carries a 20 yr sentence & other penalties.


no matter how much you keep using the word.

you don't know much - other than what rw pundits tell you to think.

Biden, however, gave comfort to our enemies by providing them with $85 billion in military equipment.

lol ... no he didn't.
lol ... you are a rambling fool.

oh dear.

i have no time to debate trump humpers with anything but disdain when they cross the threshold & say that the insurrection was basically a tourist visit.

i do have a suggestion, though.... next time- be coherent, m'k?
Your maturity level wouldn’t allow you to recognize a coherent, well-articulated argument if it hit you in the head. Hence your use of “whore,” “trumphumpers” and other childish name-calling. Please stop before you embarrass yourself further.
They'll have a hard time proving that in a court of law. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh wait. The Biden administration doesn't use the courts, do they? They just do whatever the fuck they want to do.
If they could do what they want , why would they need courts?

Sorry but your argument is fundamentally flawed.

The problem some people have here is that they can't understand why the DOJ don't just look away at Trump & Co crimes like they did when he was in power...
That means nothing

The Deep State has unlimited funds,

enough to bankrupt anyone who gets in their way
Where can I get a job in the Deep State?

Do they offer dental?

What is like to work for them? Is Moral good? Do we have team building days?

Must be a great place to work. No one complains about the working conditions or pay..

The bosses must be great too, no MeToo scandals or anything...

So stop the bullshit and tell us how to join...
Unreal! You elected a demented old man who is 1) facilitating the invasion of illegal aliens into the country and secret,y flying them throughout the nation, and 2) enabled Islamic terrorists by supplying them with $85 billion worth of our military equipment, and 3) intentionally driving inflation higher to cause hardship to responsible, hard-working Americans - and it‘s Trump you think did damage?

News alert: as soon as we take the House, the man you elected who is weakening our country and strengthening our enemies will be tried for treason. Depending on how much more blatant his anti-American policies become, he may very well be convicted.
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