Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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He scammed them out of $250 milion dollars and they sent him more millions as a reward for having his home searched by the FBI for stolen documents. He loves the uneducated for obvious reasons and they love him for his Klan leadership skills. The J6 hearings have proven without a doubt that he knew he got his ass kicked by Biden. Bilking the Deplorables out of their welfare money is called Wire Fraud.

The first rule of every con, "Know Your Mark". The Traitor knew his mark and he their guilibility. He took them for millions. Only a fool would have believed the Traitor could have taught them the art of deal. IF there is a way for the Traitor to Con his supporters, he does. In that vain BTW, the Republican National Committe has informed the Traitor that they will no longer foot the bill for his legal problem is he declares for office, nor will the R.N.C. pay legal fees for his hiding classified documents Shit-A-Lago.

The Traitor claims to be a Billionaire, yet he need help paying his legal fees. But have no fear, the Traitor is taking most of the money donated to his PAC and he putting in his wallet.
The first rule of every con, "Know Your Mark". The Traitor knew his mark and he their guilibility. He took them for millions. Only a fool would have believed the Traitor could have taught them the art of deal. IF there is a way for the Traitor to Con his supporters, he does. In that vain BTW, the Republican National Committe has informed the Traitor that they will no longer foot the bill for his legal problem is he declares for office, nor will the R.N.C. pay legal fees for his hiding classified documents Shit-A-Lago.

The Traitor claims to be a Billionaire, yet he need help paying his legal fees. But have no fear, the Traitor is taking most of the money donated to his PAC and he putting in his wallet.
A traitor is a president who 1) imports millions of illegals, many with COVID, and flies them under cover of night throughout the country, 2) fights the Fed’s attempt to tame inflation by spending unnecessarily, and 3) works to convince gullible and ignorant people that 75 million of their fellow Americans are enemies of the country.
What does the Traitor have to hide? Other Presidents, as a matter of course have released their tax returns. The Traitor has not. Nor does the heretofore lie about being under audit preventing him releasing documents, the I.R.S. says no such rule or regulation prevent release of documents while under audit.
so you show your tax returns to the public do you? just curious, why would you do that? Tell me what it proves?
The first rule of every con, "Know Your Mark". The Traitor knew his mark and he their guilibility. He took them for millions. Only a fool would have believed the Traitor could have taught them the art of deal. IF there is a way for the Traitor to Con his supporters, he does. In that vain BTW, the Republican National Committe has informed the Traitor that they will no longer foot the bill for his legal problem is he declares for office, nor will the R.N.C. pay legal fees for his hiding classified documents Shit-A-Lago.

The Traitor claims to be a Billionaire, yet he need help paying his legal fees. But have no fear, the Traitor is taking most of the money donated to his PAC and he putting in his wallet.
says the demofk who's been fooled by demofks for more than 50 years. hahahahahaahahahhaahhahaha That just makes you a fool. Fool. Happy TDS today.
THe Traitor Cable News failed, did someone tell him that. Just Traitor Airlines and Traitor Steaks. Then then was the Traitor Businees School that not failed, but the failure of endeavor forced NY State to sue the Traitor in order for the fools who fell for scam to get their money back.
How about a side of Traitor Thousand Island with that Traitor Word Salad?
He scammed them out of $250 milion dollars and they sent him more millions as a reward for having his home searched by the FBI for stolen documents. He loves the uneducated for obvious reasons and they love him for his Klan leadership skills. The J6 hearings have proven without a doubt that he knew he got his ass kicked by Biden. Bilking the Deplorables out of their welfare money is called Wire Fraud.
It defies comprehension that anyone could be as stupid as you.

The Jan 6 commission has proved nothing beyond the fact that Dims are a gang of NAZIs.
The first rule of every con, "Know Your Mark". The Traitor knew his mark and he their guilibility. He took them for millions. Only a fool would have believed the Traitor could have taught them the art of deal. IF there is a way for the Traitor to Con his supporters, he does. In that vain BTW, the Republican National Committe has informed the Traitor that they will no longer foot the bill for his legal problem is he declares for office, nor will the R.N.C. pay legal fees for his hiding classified documents Shit-A-Lago.

The Traitor claims to be a Billionaire, yet he need help paying his legal fees. But have no fear, the Traitor is taking most of the money donated to his PAC and he putting in his wallet.
I have been saying this since 2015. trump is a world class grifter. He will come up with whatever excuse or reason he needs to take money from his drooling cult members.
Isn't the name of lawfirm defending the Traitor called, "Ignorce and Stupidity"? Gullible Fool is an associate.

I though Gullible Fool was Trump's First Chair. Makes sense. You'd have to have no other choices to take on a client like Trump.

There was a discussion of Trump's difficulty finding a lawyer on one of the morning shows this morning, and the trial attorney who was their "expert" said lawyers really don't want to do work for people who refuse to take their advice and Trump is Exhibit A in that regard. That was her #1 objection to taking on the job. Ahead of his reputation for not paying his legal bills, or getting his lawyers sent to jail.

I've dealt with people who think they know it all, and just pinball from one catastrophe to another, screwing people over, and fucking up everything they touch. Lawyers make a lot of money cleaning up after people like this, but the work is frustrating, and the every one of the clients needs to be bitch slapped into next week for their stupidity - none more than Donald J. Trump.
It defies comprehension that anyone could be as stupid as you.

The Jan 6 commission has proved nothing beyond the fact that Dims are a gang of NAZIs.

If anyone here knows what stupid is, it would be YOU.

Still believing in Donald Trump, despite overwhelming evidence that he's a criminal, and you've been conned.
Being true to form, Truth Social is NOT paying venders. Which the Traitor's business model, never pay for work performed.

I knew a man named Lud. He was a fellow aviator, and he became a billionaire by building large projects, including casino's.

He built Trumps casino in Vegas.

When Trump announced his run I asked Lud his opinion of Trump. He looked at me and said "he pays his bills on time".

From Lud that was the best recomendation you could get.
I though Gullible Fool was Trump's First Chair. Makes sense. You'd have to have no other choices to take on a client like Trump.

There was a discussion of Trump's difficulty finding a lawyer on one of the morning shows this morning, and the trial attorney who was their "expert" said lawyers really don't want to do work for people who refuse to take their advice and Trump is Exhibit A in that regard. That was her #1 objection to taking on the job. Ahead of his reputation for not paying his legal bills, or getting his lawyers sent to jail.

I've dealt with people who think they know it all, and just pinball from one catastrophe to another, screwing people over, and fucking up everything they touch. Lawyers make a lot of money cleaning up after people like this, but the work is frustrating, and the every one of the clients needs to be bitch slapped into next week for their stupidity - none more than Donald J. Trump.
It defies comprehension that anyone could be as stupid as you.

The Jan 6 commission has proved nothing beyond the fact that Dims are a gang of NAZIs.
Everyone who hasn`t watched a minute of the hearings and has not read one story about the goings on of the J6 committee agrees with you.
This has you babbling like an idiot with NAZI goofiness. I`m enjoying the hell out of watching it all blow up. How about you?:auiqs.jpg:
I've dealt with people who think they know it all, and just pinball from one catastrophe to another, screwing people over, and fucking up everything they touch. Lawyers make a lot of money cleaning up after people like this, but the work is frustrating, and the every one of the clients needs to be bitch slapped into next week for their stupidity - none more than Donald J. Trump.
then there's you, canadian who dreams of being a US citizen. sucks so bad in canada.
Everyone who hasn`t watched a minute of the hearings and has not read one story about the goings on of the J6 committee agrees with you.
This has you babbling like an idiot with NAZI goofiness. I`m enjoying the hell out of watching it all blow up. How about you?:auiqs.jpg:
and then there's you who believes anything a cnn agent says. hahhahaahahahahaahahaha that makes you gullible.
you're still looking to see Trump's IRS documents. hahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahaha

you really have a shallow life huh?
Weak response. Even, on this Trump cult web site the tide is starting to turn. The Trump cult members are making more ridiculous excuses for their loser cult leader. The anti-Trumpers are gaining momentum. The anti-Trumpers are showing what a fool Trump and his followers are. I love it.
I knew a man named Lud. He was a fellow aviator, and he became a billionaire by building large projects, including casino's.

He built Trumps casino in Vegas.

When Trump announced his run I asked Lud his opinion of Trump. He looked at me and said "he pays his bills on time".

From Lud that was the best recomendation you could get.

Of course Trump would pay someone like Lud. He wouldn't dare stiff someone who was a billionaire. An equal, who had the resources to fight back. It's always the smaller vendors Trump screws over, because he can.

How have 7 of Trump's ventures gone bankrupt if Trump "pays his bills on time". Why won't American banks lend to Trump if Trump "pays his bills on time"? The record just doesn't back you up.
Weak response. Even, on this Trump cult web site the tide is starting to turn. The Trump cult members are making more ridiculous excuses for their loser cult leader. The anti-Trumpers are gaining momentum. The anti-Trumpers are showing what a fool Trump and his followers are. I love it.
you're just confused. your gaslighting is even interfering with your nonsense it seems. can't get out of your own way.
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