STFU, Dammit!

They used to say a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. These days a conservative is a liberal who loved the Mob until the Mob started throwing rocks and bottles at their house. And remember, Pelousy is 80 years old....we could get wonderful news about her without warning. :eusa_angel:
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.

Sure is.

That you fuckers have no tolerance whatsoever for people who don't think like you.

Looking forward to the day.
Why should I tolerate intolerance?
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.
Its an automatic response by Democrats to ignore, marginalize or insult anyone in the Black community that doesn't follow the parties expected rules for minorities. Biden proved that with his comment “I tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”
There’s no rules. No one forces anyone to vote for a Democrat. You are alone, in privacy, in the voting booth.

What other wingnuttery have you got?
How is it my "wingnuttery" for the way Democrats treat any women or minority that votes other than Democrat ?
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.

Sure is.

That you fuckers have no tolerance whatsoever for people who don't think like you.

Looking forward to the day.
Why should I tolerate intolerance?

The bigger question is:

When are you going to get help for your head injury.
This is definitely not the first or last time someone will properly address Biden

Biden Quote....
"If you ain't votin Biden, you ain't black"

Garbage like this will guarantee it.
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
No, the idiot would be the guy going on that black man’s show and claiming if you don’t vote for him you ain’t black.

This view, that only Democrats can decide who is authentically 'black,' no matter how they view themselves, is one more variation on the old insult "you acting white."

The Left has felt powerful enough to come out and tell blacks that they cannot be authentically black if they exhibit “white” traits. Here’s the sort of instruction Democrats/Progressives give to their black constituents in order to keep them on the ‘plantation.’

According to the recent Smithsonian display on whiteness, these are the traits real black persons must avoid in order not to be ridiculed as ‘acting white.’

“Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

Among other things, this graphic suggests that the nuclear family, science, capitalism, and the Judeo-Christian tradition are forms of oppressive “whiteness” that non-white people should reject as part of an oppressive system.

“Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal,” the Smithsonian “whiteness” page reads. The “teaching tool” suggests that “whiteness” needs to be overthrown in order for non-white people to become liberated from an oppressive “white culture.”

“Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color,” the Smithsonian page argues. “Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messages.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

They cannot allow their 'pets' to assume those traits that have advanced the most successful society ever to exist.
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.
Yes, it is revealing. It reveals I'm very familiar with leftist racism.

But it's not racism, its POLITICS.. Everyone on the left is all busloads of multicultural UNTIL they have to toss a heretic UNDER the multi-- bus.... LOL
Oh, life would be SO much simpler if black Americans just dutifully parroted the opinions white liberals insist they should!

Right, Synthia?
BREAKING NEWS: Wingnut Asks “Why Won’t Negroes Vote Against Their Own Interest?”
BREAKING NEWS: White Liberal Insists It's In Blacks' Interest To Keep White Liberals In Power

You leftists sure do get angry when black people make up their own minds. We had a whole war that wound up with you not being able to own them anymore. Is that why you're so angry?
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.
Its an automatic response by Democrats to ignore, marginalize or insult anyone in the Black community that doesn't follow the parties expected rules for minorities. Biden proved that with his comment “I tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”
There’s no rules. No one forces anyone to vote for a Democrat. You are alone, in privacy, in the voting booth.

What other wingnuttery have you got?

Yeah.. I've got a "wingernuttery" question as an ardent NON-winger.. How many buses will the DNC have to buy to TOSS ALL those black homeowners, business owners UNDER THEM when the rip the Dems a NEW ones by aiding and abetting the riotting/looting of THEIR neighborhoods.. When they vote to REMOVE mayors/council/governors who want to give rioters "some space for creative destruction" -- as the mayor of Baltimore put it -- and others like the mayor of Seattle who THINKING he's a hero of revolution -- shows up at a rally, gets booed and tear gassed at the same time and gets shouted down by ignorant mommies' basement dwellers with DEMANDS for his resignation??

Gonna throw your brown shirt regiments under those buses??? HEY -- make sure they're all AOC approved battery powered buses.. That way the victims wont hear them coming...


Nobody can quote Trump making a single racist remark but we have many racist quotes by Biden.
Mary Trump did. Many others have.
Mary's mad because she wanted the entire family fortune. What she got wasn't everything, so it wasn't enough, and she's getting even with the old man by beating up his principal heir, who was picked because the old man was fond of people, and he knew that Donald J. Trump would enjoy hiring many people and making the family business a huge success. Taking good care of people's needs is the best in aesthetics of human beings.
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.
Its an automatic response by Democrats to ignore, marginalize or insult anyone in the Black community that doesn't follow the parties expected rules for minorities. Biden proved that with his comment “I tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”
There’s no rules. No one forces anyone to vote for a Democrat. You are alone, in privacy, in the voting booth.

What other wingnuttery have you got?

Even those black folks that YOU THINK rely on you for help KNOW -- property rights, secure neighborhoods, school choice, and POLICE can't be chucked out for political goals... Them folks be smarter than YOU give them credit for... Aint even a majority convinced the BLM (the org) is anything they want to support...

Trust me.. You're GONNA be taught -- not woke -- by all that happens next when you start dissing, excommunicating black folks from your tribe for POLITICAL disloyalties..

wonder what that old demented asshole thought about that?
Biden has opened to door to double scrutiny. Both his and Donald Trump's histories since birth will be under microscopes looking for traces of racism.

Trump will pass. Biden will fail. Guaranteed!

I wish all readers here could have heard Leo Terrell 2.0 going off on Biden last night.

This outspoken Democrat has seen the light and will be voting for a Republican for President. He will be encouraging others to do likewise...and he has a big sound system!

Examples of his newly acquired posture:

You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.

Sure is.

That you fuckers have no tolerance whatsoever for people who don't think like you.

Looking forward to the day.
Why should I tolerate intolerance?

Because just 3 minutes before this post, you tossed a black radio show host YOU DONT KNOW OR FOLLOW under an Official DNC bus with THIS? Maybe??

You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

You have no stock in tolerance to sell... Don't know what ya think you're selling, but you're scaring all the customers away with the stinky stuff...
You shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.

edit: I’m sorry! That should be:

Ewe shouldn’t be quoting idiots who call themselves god.
You're this close to calling him a "house Negro", aren't you?
No, but it’s revealing where your mind immediately goes.
Yes, it is revealing. It reveals I'm very familiar with leftist racism.
Exactly! Sorta like when Biden calls Obama "clean, articulate...a story book..." or when he says "...poor kids are just as smart as white kids."

But wait! There's more!

These are worth reading.

Even CNN is on point.
CNN dredged up some info on Biden that they conveniently overlooked earlier. That’s because Obama ordained Biden “acceptable” when he needed an idiot VP.

These claims are not lies, conjecture or wishful thinking. THEY ARE QUOTES OF THE RACIST BASTARD, JOE BIDEN!

Most recently, Larry Elder, Leo Terrell and Lawrence Jones all three lit into Biden tonight on Hannity's TV show. Biden is TOAST!
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