Stick a fork in Trump

We'll see. Don't be the farm on November. Long way to go. :)
Personally, I want Trump sticking around. He's the useful divider and idiot.
I'm just making the statement that before these hearings, it was probable the DOJ was not going to do anything about him. Now?...not so sure.
Let them. They haven't created much of a record of success. The Left is going to become increasingly frantic as the clock ticks down to '23. I still predict general chaos, protests, riots, and so on as soon as he ANNOUNCES HIS RUN ;)
You lost one war, you’re on the verge of losing another one.

Eastman is toast. They can and they cannot indict Eastman without indicting his co-conspirator – the former twice impeached disgraced president of United States

A piece of new information was the testimony that on Jan. 4, Eastman reportedly made it clear to former President Donald Trump that the attempt to stop the count of the Electoral College votes would be illegal​
The committee also obtained emails by Eastman that revealed he thought the attempt to stop the counting of votes was absurd.​
Judge Michael Luttig was a judge for whom Eastman served as a clerk. At Thursday's hearing, Luttig harshly criticized his former subordinate​
"It's not merely profound truth for the US, it's also simple truth of American Republic," said Luttig. "Thus in my view, hearings being conducted by this select committee, examining that profound truth, namely rule of law."​
“The foundational rule of law was supremely violated on January 6 2021," he noted.​
Former deputy attorney general and law professor Harry Litman cited the new information, saying that it ensured Eastman is "forever toast​
Our History Is Written by Unmanly Professors Who Don't Approve of the Message That Reality Sends Us

To understand how confused the Constitution is, you need to visit the Election of 1800. Just like the Civil War, it wasn't solved by Constitutional means, but by the use of military force, or the threat thereof. Governor James Monroe of Virginia threatened to march on Washington with his state's militia unless the deadlocked political shenanigans were called off and Jefferson was declared the winner of the Presidency.
Your stupidity is so off the wall that I wonder if you are a dumb computer program.
I see Trump's standby army of cosplaying sissies got indicted for sedition.

I wonder of the orangee slob is "standing by" for them and giving some of the money he gifted from your cult to their defense fund?

Probably not.
You Dims are so stupid.
whats comical about them is their sad pathetic obsession over trump a year in a half later .they dont want to talk about the disasterous policys that Biden has brought to Americans and how the majority of Americans hate him with entire NFL stadiums chanting LETS GO BRANDON,:auiqs.jpg:

they dont have a clue how they need help harping over a president who has long been out of office,that thats not normal.:auiqs.jpg:

the OP shill for the DNC is the one that needs to have a fork sticked in him,not Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
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Your stupidity is so off the wall that I wonder if you are a dumb computer program.
many of these so called posters could just be that,a bot. by the way,you need to look in the mirror when making that statement endorcing the magic bullet theory of oswald killing jfk.pot meet kettle.

Not a big fork; a little one is all that's required.

Yeah.....heard that before....just ask avenatti, stormy daniels, Andrew cuomo, chris cuomo, hilary, and all the rest.....
If he's done, let him be done.

Instead, all you idiots on the left can't keep from posting about him. The more you guys whine about him, the more people will grow tired of listening to you, and the more they're going to start looking at the shortcomings (which are plentiful) within the democratic party.

You guys are systematically shooting yourselves in the collective foot when it comes to the midterms. The democrats are going to be slaughtered in November, and they'll STILL be too stupid to realize they brought it on themselves...

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