Still Waiting On That Budget


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...
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We're just taking care of shit like Obamakov, with a phone and a pen. That and we need to get Obamakovcare junked so we know what to budget for. That alone will bring down the deficit 100 Billion a year.

Oh, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...
Let me raise the flag for you.
"It's okay when the Republicans do it!"
We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Demoquacks joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

Barack Obama Oct 26, 2010

I made a minor change in the text :cool:
Just waiting for the new commander and chief to take his rightful seat....:biggrin:
We're just taking care of shit like Obamakov, with a phone and a pen. That and we need to get Obamakovcare junked so we know what to budget for. That alone will bring down the deficit 100 Billion a year.

Oh, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about.

In just a "minute" -- about as soon as, if not before, the Senate gets the legislation to repeal the ACA -- we are going to be hearing all about the Byrd Rule...That's going to be fun. Not. It'll be nothing but stupid shit back and forth he-said-she-said.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

See how the far left drones think that Trump is already in office, yet they say one president at a time..

Budget will come later after the new president gets into office..

Silly far left drone!
Excuse me but isn't the President supposed to submit a budget to Congress?

I know that Obama submitted a budget his first year and it was such a debacle that even the Democrats couldn't support it. Thus began a series of continuing resolutions that ran throughout his presidency. I don't think he ever submitted another budget.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

Comrade Guno, use some salve on that butthurt.

The GOP congress hasn't even been sworn in yet.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

Comrade Guno, use some salve on that butthurt.

The GOP congress hasn't even been sworn in yet.
They were sworn in two years ago, retard!
That alone will bring down the deficit 100 Billion a year.

You just keep thinking that, Grasshopper.....Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act..."repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period?
Oh yeah...CBO.
You can always rely on that bunch for accurate figures.

Well, I will depend on you to present with comparable detail what exactly is wrong with their figure as presented in the report linked in the OP. Come on, oh pontifical one. I am truly interested in seeing your exposition of what is wrong with their figures and why I should believe the one's you surely have at the ready to share seeing as you put so much work into determining what's wrong with theirs.
That alone will bring down the deficit 100 Billion a year.

You just keep thinking that, Grasshopper.....Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act..."repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period?
Oh yeah...CBO.
You can always rely on that bunch for accurate figures.

Well, I will depend on you to present with comparable detail what exactly is wrong with their figure as presented in the report linked in the OP. Come on, oh pontifical one. I am truly interested in seeing your exposition of what is wrong with their figures and why I should believe the one's you surely have at the ready to share seeing as you put so much work into determining what's wrong with theirs.
Easy, oh Universal Genius...
Every politician and political committee comes up with it's own projected budget based on it's own Line Item expenses.
That's why x number of politicians can run against each other and have millions of dollars difference in their budgets.
The CBO is as FOS of shit as any other organization when it comes to conjuring up costs.
Heck, according to the CBO, Trump is going to destroy America whilst Wall Street reversed it's opinion on that stance 2 seconds after he won the election.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

Comrade Guno, use some salve on that butthurt.

The GOP congress hasn't even been sworn in yet.
They were sworn in two years ago, retard!

That budge needs to be passed by the Senate in reconciliation committee. The new Senate has yet to be sworn in.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

Comrade Guno, use some salve on that butthurt.

The GOP congress hasn't even been sworn in yet.
They were sworn in two years ago, retard!

That budge needs to be passed by the Senate in reconciliation committee. The new Senate has yet to be sworn in.
We've had a Republican Congress for two years! Where have you been?
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

Comrade Guno, use some salve on that butthurt.

The GOP congress hasn't even been sworn in yet.
They were sworn in two years ago, retard!

Wrong! Another far left drone failed post!

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