Still Waiting On That Budget

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

Comrade Guno, use some salve on that butthurt.

The GOP congress hasn't even been sworn in yet.
They were sworn in two years ago, retard!

That budge needs to be passed by the Senate in reconciliation committee. The new Senate has yet to be sworn in.
We've had a Republican Congress for two years! Where have you been?

Another far left failed post!

Next this drone will say that Obama would pass anything the GOP put in front of him!

They were sworn in two years ago, retard!


We have a new congress now, Comrade.

Even YOU know why no budget was passed in this session.

Starts with "O," ends with "fucking retard.."
Nope. The GOP didn't hesitate to pass 60 repeals of ObamaCare, knowing they were all a tremendous waste of time and taxpayer dollars, so they have ZERO excuses for not passing a budget.

Nice try. Not.

THIS Republican Congress which has been passing all those CRs could have passed a budget.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

They were sworn in two years ago, retard!


We have a new congress now, Comrade.

Even YOU know why no budget was passed in this session.

Starts with "O," ends with "fucking retard.."
Nope. The GOP didn't hesitate to pass 60 repeals of ObamaCare, knowing they were all a tremendous waste of time and taxpayer dollars, so they have ZERO excuses for not passing a budget.

Nice try. Not.

You're so full of shit, Guno.

{Conservatives hate the deal, preferring to keep in place the across-the-board cuts known as sequester, enacted into law years ago. They refuse to vote for a budget at the higher spending level. And since Ryan can't turn to Democrats for support due to policy riders often in the budget, he’s stuck.}

Ryan says he doesn't have the votes to pass a budget
It is not next year's Congress's responsibility to pass a FY2017 budget, you dumb fucks.

Jesus, you people know NOTHING about how our government works.

They were sworn in two years ago, retard!


We have a new congress now, Comrade.

Even YOU know why no budget was passed in this session.

Starts with "O," ends with "fucking retard.."
Nope. The GOP didn't hesitate to pass 60 repeals of ObamaCare, knowing they were all a tremendous waste of time and taxpayer dollars, so they have ZERO excuses for not passing a budget.

Nice try. Not.

You're so full of shit, Guno.

{Conservatives hate the deal, preferring to keep in place the across-the-board cuts known as sequester, enacted into law years ago. They refuse to vote for a budget at the higher spending level. And since Ryan can't turn to Democrats for support due to policy riders often in the budget, he’s stuck.}

Ryan says he doesn't have the votes to pass a budget
He doesn't have the REPUBLICAN votes necessary to pass a budget for FY2017. Thanks for disproving your own claim it had to do with Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What a bunch of fuck-ups.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...
If you think Trump is going to do anything before he is ready, hold your breath.

He doesn't have the REPUBLICAN votes necessary to pass a budget for FY2017. Thanks for disproving your own claim it had to do with Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What a bunch of fuck-ups.

Poor butthurt Guno.

Your beloved Obama is gone. So is the leftist bullshit that Ryan agreed to. The Republicans have no reason to oppose compromise with Trump.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...

Comrade Guno, use some salve on that butthurt.

The GOP congress hasn't even been sworn in yet.
They were sworn in two years ago, retard!

That budge needs to be passed by the Senate in reconciliation committee. The new Senate has yet to be sworn in.
We've had a Republican Congress for two years! Where have you been?

So if the Congress passes that budget, doesn't it need to be signed by the POTUS?
That alone will bring down the deficit 100 Billion a year.

You just keep thinking that, Grasshopper.....Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act..."repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period?
Oh yeah...CBO.
You can always rely on that bunch for accurate figures.

Well, I will depend on you to present with comparable detail what exactly is wrong with their figure as presented in the report linked in the OP. Come on, oh pontifical one. I am truly interested in seeing your exposition of what is wrong with their figures and why I should believe the one's you surely have at the ready to share seeing as you put so much work into determining what's wrong with theirs.
Easy, oh Universal Genius...
Every politician and political committee comes up with it's own projected budget based on it's own Line Item expenses.
That's why x number of politicians can run against each other and have millions of dollars difference in their budgets.
The CBO is as FOS of shit as any other organization when it comes to conjuring up costs.
Heck, according to the CBO, Trump is going to destroy America whilst Wall Street reversed it's opinion on that stance 2 seconds after he won the election.

Bye Bye.
That alone will bring down the deficit 100 Billion a year.

You just keep thinking that, Grasshopper.....Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act..."repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period?
Oh yeah...CBO.
You can always rely on that bunch for accurate figures.

Well, I will depend on you to present with comparable detail what exactly is wrong with their figure as presented in the report linked in the OP. Come on, oh pontifical one. I am truly interested in seeing your exposition of what is wrong with their figures and why I should believe the one's you surely have at the ready to share seeing as you put so much work into determining what's wrong with theirs.
Easy, oh Universal Genius...
Every politician and political committee comes up with it's own projected budget based on it's own Line Item expenses.
That's why x number of politicians can run against each other and have millions of dollars difference in their budgets.
The CBO is as FOS of shit as any other organization when it comes to conjuring up costs.
Heck, according to the CBO, Trump is going to destroy America whilst Wall Street reversed it's opinion on that stance 2 seconds after he won the election.

Bye Bye.
You insulted me first and I provided a real world example.
That alone will bring down the deficit 100 Billion a year.

You just keep thinking that, Grasshopper.....Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act..."repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period?
Oh yeah...CBO.
You can always rely on that bunch for accurate figures.

Well, I will depend on you to present with comparable detail what exactly is wrong with their figure as presented in the report linked in the OP. Come on, oh pontifical one. I am truly interested in seeing your exposition of what is wrong with their figures and why I should believe the one's you surely have at the ready to share seeing as you put so much work into determining what's wrong with theirs.

He won't provide any facts or figures. He's one of the biggest cluckers here.
You just keep thinking that, Grasshopper.....Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act..."repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period?
Oh yeah...CBO.
You can always rely on that bunch for accurate figures.

Well, I will depend on you to present with comparable detail what exactly is wrong with their figure as presented in the report linked in the OP. Come on, oh pontifical one. I am truly interested in seeing your exposition of what is wrong with their figures and why I should believe the one's you surely have at the ready to share seeing as you put so much work into determining what's wrong with theirs.
Easy, oh Universal Genius...
Every politician and political committee comes up with it's own projected budget based on it's own Line Item expenses.
That's why x number of politicians can run against each other and have millions of dollars difference in their budgets.
The CBO is as FOS of shit as any other organization when it comes to conjuring up costs.
Heck, according to the CBO, Trump is going to destroy America whilst Wall Street reversed it's opinion on that stance 2 seconds after he won the election.

Bye Bye.
You insulted me first and I provided a real world example.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.
Oh yeah...CBO.
You can always rely on that bunch for accurate figures.

Well, I will depend on you to present with comparable detail what exactly is wrong with their figure as presented in the report linked in the OP. Come on, oh pontifical one. I am truly interested in seeing your exposition of what is wrong with their figures and why I should believe the one's you surely have at the ready to share seeing as you put so much work into determining what's wrong with theirs.
Easy, oh Universal Genius...
Every politician and political committee comes up with it's own projected budget based on it's own Line Item expenses.
That's why x number of politicians can run against each other and have millions of dollars difference in their budgets.
The CBO is as FOS of shit as any other organization when it comes to conjuring up costs.
Heck, according to the CBO, Trump is going to destroy America whilst Wall Street reversed it's opinion on that stance 2 seconds after he won the election.

Bye Bye.
You insulted me first and I provided a real world example.

What's your point moron?
You are saying that all politicians make the same EXACT budgets for various projects?
You are a retard.
But congratulations on Hillary winning the election; she DID win, didn't she?
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...
If you think Trump is going to do anything before he is ready, hold your breath.

Making excuses for this massive turd already and it's not even Jan 20 yet.

Wait! He was supposed to tell us today or tomorrow about what he knows that we don't know about hacking. And now his transition team has said there will be no announcement tomorrow either. You are right in the first part of your sentence, he's not going to do anything ....except enrich himself.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

For years, the pseudocons whined about the Democratic Congress never passing a budget.

Here we are, waiting on the Republican Congress to do the same.

What exactly has the GOP Congress achieved since assuming power two years ago?

Oh, yeah. They have managed to not pass a budget. The current continuing resolution was passed on December 10, which carries the federal government to April 28, and I bet the dumb howling fucks didn't even notice. Their propaganda sites certainly didn't make any noise about it.

You know what is especially funny about this last CR? A few Democrats threatened to filibuster unless there were provisions in it to fund the healthcare of coal miners.

The GOP wouldn't give it to them. So they folded, because they didn't want to be responsible for a shutdown.

So all that noise about caring about coal miners from the GOP was just so much bullshit lip service. As usual.

Meet the new boss...
If you think Trump is going to do anything before he is ready, hold your breath.

Making excuses for this massive turd already and it's not even Jan 20 yet.

Wait! He was supposed to tell us today or tomorrow about what he knows that we don't know about hacking. And now his transition team has said there will be no announcement tomorrow either. You are right in the first part of your sentence, he's not going to do anything ....except enrich himself.
Hacking can NOT be prevented.
Not allowing our servers to be in Asia or maintained by Indian Business Visas CAN be prevented.
And yes, I know someone in the Navy who knows that Military servers servers ARE maintained by Indian Business Visas because he worked side by side with them.

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