stimulating housing demand will cure the economy

your a fucking evil piece of shit and your party is doubling down on evil.

your about to get what you deserve

And this is just plain abuse of the English language and makes baby apostrophe cry.
why did the banks write so many more than the law required?

Lets pretend for a moment that you actually have a clue what you are talking about (and man does that require a big immagination on our part). Lets say that the banks wrote 400 gabillion zillion more loans than they were required to (when dealing with a child, you have to use their lingo to help them understand).


Think about this clearly for a moment. So fucking what? Did the banks force a loan on anyone? No. Did the banks seek out anyone? No. Did they hold a gun to anyone's head and "make 'em an offer they couldn't refuse"? No.

The truth, which you refuse to ever acknowledge, is that people went into banks begging, pleading, crying for loans. If the "big bad banking corporations" don't give it to them, you attack them as institutions of suppression. If they do give it to them, you blame them when the assholes who borrowed the money don't pay it back. No matter what the outcome, you're looking to blame them and then destroy them.

At the end of the day, you don't look at any facts, you're just out to get the wealthy and the successful because you are a spiteful little Communist/Marxist/Socialist.

This is the heart of the issue, and the rest is just you trying to mask the real issue here. These people borrowed the money, the signed a contract, they should be forced to pay it back no matter what. Instead, you call them "victims" and then try to demonize the real victim - the banks who loaned money and didn't get it back. You're the type of fucking asshole who ways the girl that got raped deserved it because of the short skirt she was wearing, while trying to convince everyone that the sicko rapist is the real "victim" because of his home life growing up, the girl teasing him with the short skirt, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
fuck off and die.

your party is being caught keeping legal Americans from voting so they can win elections.

there is nohting more anti AMERICAN than that.

your party will deserve its death
Oh, nice. A truthmatter's meltdown.

Hey TM, post the link to the LA Times artical from the 90s regarding voter suppression.

Then this thread will be complete. Along with my slow ass work Friday.
Hey TMN, where did the Obamanoids say unemployment would be right now with the stimulus?
fuck off and die.

your party is being caught keeping legal Americans from voting so they can win elections.

there is nohting more anti AMERICAN than that.

your party will deserve its death
And YOUR party is trying to have foreign nationals vote - which is unconstitutional, by the way, but no surprise from the Democrats. They seem to have a penchant for violating the Constitution, especially since Obama is in office.
dear fucking dolt.

who wrote them those mortgages and then sold them for profit to unsuspecting securities investors.

The lenders.

They should take the hit for what they have done.

Instead they are seeing huge profits.

Beat the little guy is NOT going to effect recovery anyway you assbite

Excuse me?!?! "Unsuspecting investors"?!?!? Oh my God, you are truly the dumbest little liberal twitt in America!

Sweetie, it's the investors job to not be "unsuspecting". If they are, then they are at fault for investing in something without thoroughly researching it.

I've tried to help you dozens of times on this site and you just keep making a bigger and bigger ass out of yourself. Just once, for the love of God, would you allow me to save you from further embarassment?

There is a man named Michael Burry who was a physician. However, due to a medical condition known as as Asperger's Syndrome, he had to quit his practice (it's essentially a social condition). So, he went into investing where he could sit behind a computer all day and have very little interaction with people. He started reading the prospectus's for the subprime mortgages (imagine that, properly doing his homework and reading the investment information) and he saw that the mortgages were getting riskier and riskier. So, rather than investing in those packages - he went to Wall Street and asked to create a new investestment called Credit Default Swaps (essentially insurance policies against the subprime mortgage loan investments). Burry ended up making $700 million for his investors and $100 million for himself.

Here, learn something (unless of course you prefer to stay ignorant). This is the problem with you liberals - you always want to blame everyone else instead of taking personal responsibility.

Extra: The $8.4 Billion Bet - 60 Minutes - CBS News
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[ame=]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]

goo goo doggy
fuck off and die.

your party is being caught keeping legal Americans from voting so they can win elections.

there is nohting more anti AMERICAN than that.

your party will deserve its death

in other words, you know that the people who were begging for the loan were at fault, and since you can't dispute that very critical fact that I pointed out to you, the best you can do is "fuck off and die"... :lol:

By the way, the GOP has never stopped a legal person from voting. We've stopped voter fraud, which is the only way a liberal gets elected, and that is what you are actually pissed about... :lol:

Changing the conversation again because the facts are handing your very large ass to you? Not going to work...

Excuse me?!?! "Unsuspecting investors"?!?!? Oh my God, you are truly the dumbest little liberal twitt in America!

Sweetie, it's the investors job to not be "unsuspecting". If they are, then they are at fault for investing in something without thoroughly researching it.

I've tried to help you dozens of times on this site and you just keep making a bigger and bigger ass out of yourself. Just once, for the love of God, would you allow me to save you from further embarassment?

There is a man named Michael Burry who was a physician. However, due to a medical condition known as as Asperger's Syndrome, he had to quit his practice (it's essentially a social condition). So, he went into investing where he could sit behind a computer all day and have very little interaction with people. He started reading the prospectus's for the subprime mortgages (imagine that, properly doing his homework and reading the investment information) and he saw that the mortgages were getting riskier and riskier. So, rather than investing in those packages - he went to Wall Street and asked to create a new investestment called Credit Default Swaps (essentially insurance policies against the subprime mortgage loan investments). Burry ended up making $700 million for his investors and $100 million for himself.

Here, learn something (unless of course you prefer to stay ignorant). This is the problem with you liberals - you always want to blame everyone else instead of taking personal responsibility.

Extra: The $8.4 Billion Bet - 60 Minutes - CBS News
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the banks cheated after the Bush admin gamed the regulations in their favor
Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.
Good grief, this psycho path Communist/Marxist/Socialist will blame everything and everyone except those that are actually responsible!!! :cuckoo:
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dear fucking right wing lying sack of racid pig shit.

the courts proved they cheated

So lets get this straight - you blame the banks, you excuse investors for blindly investing without doing research or reading the prospectus, and I'm the "idiot" :lol:

You're such an angry little liberal because you can't accept the facts and the reality. Must be a horrible way to go through life.... I'm seriously going to say a prayer for you tonight, because you need desperately need it. God bless my Marxist friend...
fuck off and die.

your party is being caught keeping legal Americans from voting so they can win elections.

there is nohting more anti AMERICAN than that.

your party will deserve its death

I am bookmarking this post for posterity.

If ANY Republican politician is ever shot, I am going to directly blame YOU because of the violent rhetoric you are using in your posts, you evil little woman.

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