Stimulus bill is a Trojan Horse

Sort of related to Skull's post above. Schools have done the same, 'control teachers from practicing solo.' While mostly effecting k-8, the curriculum is 'set' by 'standards' and 'best practices' as set out by education departments of universities. Less impact on high schools, why? Because the teachers are more effected by history, math, science, English, foreign language departments than education departments. (Secondary teachers are majors in something other than education, they just 'pick up the credentials by about 2 semesters of work.) Thus 'standards' and 'best practices' of secondary subjects tend to be subject related, rather than 'education' related.

Thus the 'standards' in math are driven by education departments, with their beliefs in whatever theories are popular at a given point in time. Notice how much of elementary math is now geared towards 'estimating' answers? The children are not learning facts or processes. It's a scandal.

But with 'standardization', not too worry, they are all getting the same education. The exception being 'gifted' or enriched, they work at the facts, then move onto applications. Not so those not so lucky.

We'll end up with the same with medical care, equally bad practices.

Couldn't have laid out the motivation better! Let's hear it for HOMESCHOOLING!

Oh you twit----don't you do something else other than homeschool ! :lol:

Actually I do, but if I tell you then I have to kill you...:eusa_whistle:
There are no government regulations on doctors now?

of course there are some but as of now the government does not have unfettered access to your confidential records.

I find it funny how some people get all upset and say it's a crime to track e mails or phone calls from countries harboring terrorists but when the Democrats want your medical records that's not an infringement of your rights because the government is doing what's good for you whether you want it to or not.

As an aside the governor of the once great state of MA, the cradle of liberty, is proposing that computer tracking chips be put on every car so that a per mile tax can be collected. In other words the government will be able to know every where you go for no reason other than to extract more money from you.

but its wrong to tap a terrorists phone.
As an aside the governor of the once great state of MA, the cradle of liberty, is proposing that computer tracking chips be put on every car so that a per mile tax can be collected. In other words the government will be able to know every where you go for no reason other than to extract more money from you.
As if that would give an accurate method of taxing road useage and ecological impact from driving and transportation. An eighteen-wheeler and a Geo driving the same miles would have entirely different impacts, not to mention gasoline used as cars idle while they are stationary. How could we have a better more focused and targeted tax than gasoline purchases?

Since that system could not improve on what we have, we should wonder about it's actual use as a taxing system.
This satellite/chip travel tax would have to be in addition to the regular gas tax.
As you said Skull, it should arouse suspicions in all of us, especially those who are fond of 1984 quotations about Big Brother, but likewise in anyone with common sense.

I apologize for going off topic...
As an aside the governor of the once great state of MA, the cradle of liberty, is proposing that computer tracking chips be put on every car so that a per mile tax can be collected. In other words the government will be able to know every where you go for no reason other than to extract more money from you.
As if that would give an accurate method of taxing road useage and ecological impact from driving and transportation. An eighteen-wheeler and a Geo driving the same miles would have entirely different impacts, not to mention gasoline used as cars idle while they are stationary. How could we have a better more focused and targeted tax than gasoline purchases?

Since that system could not improve on what we have, we should wonder about it's actual use as a taxing system.
This satellite/chip travel tax would have to be in addition to the regular gas tax.
As you said Skull, it should arouse suspicions in all of us, especially those who are fond of 1984 quotations about Big Brother, but likewise in anyone with common sense.

I apologize for going off topic...

But none of this is about ecology, it's about taxation. First and foremost.
Unbelievable, You leftwacks are really showing your ass. If ever there was a time for bi-partisanship this is it.
Your new hitler is winning, even with a stalemate,
Next thing obamaislama will want is your firstborns for pedophile appeasement.
this legislation DOES NOT belong in this bill, regardless of how it is interpreted!
this legislation DOES NOT belong in this bill, regardless of how it is interpreted!

Thank you Care, you just gave me the last line of a letter to fax to both my US Senators. My Representative is already on board, but to those of you whose rep is not, besides your Senators, consider him or her a person to send a letter similar to mine quoted below to:

The Honorable Senator xxx
Washington, DC
Fax or Email address

REF: The Stimulus Bill in Senate and House Conference Section on: National Coordinator of Health Information Technology
( which will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing
what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective.)
Soon the Stimulus Bill will be in conference. The section referenced above in that bill has been inserted without fair disclosure and full and open debate to inform the public on such an issue of grave importance. It seems to have been buried deep within the Stimulus Bill in order to prevent ordinary Americans from participating in the process or having their voices heard on this issue of great importance in a timely fashion.

You should be aware that this secretive provision has come to the awareness of a huge proportion of the electorate who have very little tolerance for a legislative process which performs so poorly to inform them of the actions of their elected representatives in Congress.

I urge you to use your influence to have this section removed from the bill, or to vote against the bill in its entirety when it comes to the Senate in its final form. This legislation DOES NOT belong in this bill, regardless of how it is interpreted!


(Constituent with address and phone number)
this legislation DOES NOT belong in this bill, regardless of how it is interpreted!
Thank you Care, you just gave me the last line of a letter to fax to both my US Senators. My Representative is already on board, but to those of you whose rep is not, besides your Senators, consider him or her a person to send a letter to....
The conference between House and Senate has reached a tentative agreement on the substance of the Stimulus Bill. The speed with which this was done, in spite of the claim by Senator Reid that there were tough negotiations was because these were sham negotiations with Dems debating Dems (because no Reps were present). There was a desperate need to get the "negotiated" version back to the full bodies before anyone lost their nerve.

Many of these Democrats have to be concerned that this bill over-reaches and for that they will pay a price two years from now. That's because they have to have some doubts that it will get the job done, or that it may even make things worse. The responsibility will be theirs alone.

If you have a Democrat Congressman or Senator who might be vulnerable to those doubts it is not too late to cause this bill to be changed before it is passed into law. If 39 Dem House members changed their vote, or only a couple of Dem Senators even hinted at changing theirs, it's passage could be stalled. Except for 3-Rep traitors, this bill has virtually no Republican suport meaning this Stim Bill gives those Dems from more conservative and for them less safe districts, absolutely no cover. They know too well that more than 60% of Americans are opposed to this Stim Bill.
EVERY complex revenue spending bill is a trogan horse of some kind or the other.
If you have a Democrat Congressman or Senator who might be vulnerable to those doubts it is not too late to cause this bill to be changed before it is passed into law. If 39 Dem House members changed their vote, or only a couple of Dem Senators even hinted at changing theirs, it's passage could be stalled. Except for 3-Rep traitors, this bill has virtually no Republican suport meaning this Stim Bill gives those Dems from more conservative and for them less safe districts, absolutely no cover. They know too well that more than 60% of Americans are opposed to this Stim Bill.

EVERY complex revenue spending bill is a trogan horse of some kind or the other.

So true Ed, but this one fits the name much more aptly than most because, like in the historical case, we find ourselves in dire and dangerous straits. This is not just our usual misappropriation during the annual budget-boondoggle.

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The government having my personal medical records is absolutely an invasion of privacy and against our constitution.
If you have a Democrat Congressman or Senator who might be vulnerable to those doubts it is not too late to cause this bill to be changed before it is passed into law. If 39 Dem House members changed their vote, or only a couple of Dem Senators even hinted at changing theirs, it's passage could be stalled. Except for 3-Rep traitors, this bill has virtually no Republican suport meaning this Stim Bill gives those Dems from more conservative and for them less safe districts, absolutely no cover. They know too well that more than 60% of Americans are opposed to this Stim Bill.

EVERY complex revenue spending bill is a trogan horse of some kind or the other.

So true Ed, but this one fits the name much more aptly than most because, like in the historical case, we find ourselves in dire and dangerous straits. This is not just our usual misappropriation during the annual budget-boondoggle.


Then it might be useful to express oneself where it counts, with a phone call, Fax, or Email to a Senator or House member who might be turned on this.

It's especially influential when a known supporter (and if you've donated to the party or a candidate they know who you are...) goes against some questionable piece of legislation.

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