"Stimulus:" The Right Way


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. It's almost hard to believe that years after the Obama 'Stimulus' fiasco....spend a $billion of the taxpayer's , and the result is, to paraphrase T.S. Eliot.....'not a bang, but a whimper,' there are still hordes of mind-numbed lock-step lap dogs and followers still endorse the practice.

It seems for many....enough to elect the windbag-in-chief, big government can do no wrong.

2. Nor does it matter that the founding document, the supposed law of the land, doesn't authorize government to invest in private companies, to pick winners and losers.

3. A reminder of the last time it was tried....Federal spending went from 2.5 % in 1929 to 9 % in 1936: Washington’s portion of the economy increased by 360 % in just seven years- with no benefit to the economy.

a. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.” The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

4. But.... there was an episode of 'stimulus' that did prove beneficial. And today, March 24th, is an anniversary of sorts.

In the 17th century, the English Parliament offered a huge reward, a stimulus, to anyone who could invent a timepiece that would remain accurate at sea.

On this day, March 24th, 1693 John Harrison was born ( the date was significant to him, too: March 24, 1693–March 24, 1776).

He revolutionized and extended the possibility of safe long distance sea travel in the Age of Sail by inventing the key piece in a long sought for and critical need in the problem of accurately establishing the East-West position, or longitude of a ship at sea. The problem was so intractable that the English Parliament offered a huge fortune for the day for a solution.

Harrison designed and built the world's first successful chronometers, a highly accurate maritime time-keeping instrument necessary for a navigator to accurately assess his ship's position in longitude.

James Cook used K1, a copy of H4, made by Larcum Kendall who had been apprenticed to John Jefferys on his voyages. Cook's log is full of praise for the watch and the charts of the southern Pacific Ocean he made with its use were remarkably accurate.

"The first true chronometer was the life work of one man, John Harrison, spanning 31 years of persistent experimentation and testing that revolutionized naval (and later aerial) navigation enabling the Age of Discovery and Colonialism to accelerate."
Marine chronometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A free market approach to stimulus....and a lesson to the economic wizards in charge today.
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your problem is you have to lie about what worked and want didnt.

Only brain washed cons think stimulus doesnt work.

sorry you guys put yourselves there through partisan rediculesness.
your problem is you have to lie about what worked and want didnt.

Only brain washed cons think stimulus doesnt work.

sorry you guys put yourselves there through partisan rediculesness.

You know I never lie, Ms. Truthie......so why would you make that up?

OH...I know!

Because I've revealed the ineptitude of both of your heroes!

Gosh....don't take it personally....just switch parties!

Never too late to learn!
your problem is you have to lie about what worked and want didnt.

Only brain washed cons think stimulus doesnt work.

sorry you guys put yourselves there through partisan rediculesness.

You know I never lie, Ms. Truthie......so why would you make that up?

OH...I know!

Because I've revealed the ineptitude of both of your heroes!

Gosh....don't take it personally....just switch parties!

Never too late to learn!

Statistically, you cannot prove that stimulation doesn't work. Just like you cannot prove that "supply side economics" work. Because, according to graphic analysis and correlative trends, none of what you said is true.
your problem is you have to lie about what worked and want didnt.

Only brain washed cons think stimulus doesnt work.

sorry you guys put yourselves there through partisan rediculesness.

You know I never lie, Ms. Truthie......so why would you make that up?

OH...I know!

Because I've revealed the ineptitude of both of your heroes!

Gosh....don't take it personally....just switch parties!

Never too late to learn!

Statistically, you cannot prove that stimulation doesn't work. Just like you cannot prove that "supply side economics" work. Because, according to graphic analysis and correlative trends, none of what you said is true.


There are a dozen things I stated.

All true.
Yes, I can prove that stimulus doesn't work with a simple illustration:

I can confiscate $100 from 10 people in order to give ten people $100 each in the HOPE that they will do something that will be on ongoing benefit, but with no requirement that ongoing benefit be the outcome. My chances of realizing any return on that money is pretty much zero.

End result: Ten people are poorer, and ten people are temporarily richer and will likely feel poorer once the money is spent. They will have accomplished nothing, and the only incentive they have is to go looking for somebody to give them another $100. There arre temporarily ten people with money to spend with various vendors, but there are also ten people who have less money to spend with other vendors. So any net boost to the economy is short lived and usually illusionary.

That is what most of government stimulus does.

Or. . . .I can hire 10 people to do something I need done that will allow me to increase my income and pay them each $100 when they do it. If the government doesn't consume too much of my profit via taxes and regulation, I get good value for my money and and can hire those 10 people again so they can make another $100. With good management, that cycle can continue indefinitely. As the workers become more experienced and therefore more productive, they and I can increase our prosperity together. As will vendors where the workers spend their money because it will become a steady source of income for them too without taking anything out of the economy to accomplish it..

That's what supply side economics does.
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Yes, I can prove that stimulus doesn't work with a simple illustration:

I can confiscate $100 from 10 people in order to give ten people $100 each in the HOPE that they will do something that will be on ongoing benefit, but with no requirement that ongoing benefit be the outcome. My chances of realizing any return on that money is pretty much zero.

End result: Ten people are poorer, and ten people are temporarily richer and will likely feel poorer once the money is spent. They will have accomplished nothing, and the only incentive they have is to go looking for somebody to give them another $100. There arre temporarily ten people with money to spend with various vendors, but there are also ten people who have less money to spend with other vendors. So any net boost to the economy is short lived and usually illusionary.

That is what most of government stimulus does.

Or. . . .I can hire 10 people to do something I need done that will allow me to increase my income and pay them each $100 when they do it. If the government doesn't consume too much of my profit via taxes and regulation, I get good value for my money and and can hire those 10 people again so they can make another $100. With good management, that cycle can continue indefinitely. As the workers become more experienced and therefore more productive, they and I can increase our prosperity together. As will vendors where the workers spend their money because it will become a steady source of income for them too without taking anything out of the economy to accomplish it..

That's what supply side economics does.

yes but thats too complicated for a liberal to understand! A photo-op of a tax and spend stimulus bridge being built reaches the limit of a liberal's IQ.

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