Stock Market Soars on News of Effective COVID19 Vaccine


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is good news, thank you President Trump for accelerating the development of these vaccines!

Pfizer announced Monday that a COVID-19 vaccine developed with its partner, BioNTech, has proved to be more than 90% effective and that it plans to ask regulators for permission to sell the shot before the end of this month if pending data shows it is safe.
"Hopefully now we can move on and get this vaccine out there and make sure it’s doing what it’s supposed to do and stop” the virus, said Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine research and development, reports The Wall Street Journal.
According to Pfizer, the vaccine proved to be more than 90% effective in the first 94 subjects who had both been infected by coronavirus and had developed at least one of the disease's symptoms, according to the companies. The companies say no serious safety issues have come up in its study, which includes almost 44,000 subjects in the United States and in other countries.

The S&P 500 and the Dow hit record highs on Monday as the first successful late-stage clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine sparked hopes of the economy emerging from a pandemic-driven crisis.
The blue-chip Dow surged as much as 5.7%, also getting a boost from Joe Biden clinching a tightly-fought presidential election.
The companies hit hardest by months of travel bans and lockdowns soared, with Boeing Co up 12.6% and airlines and cruise line operators all trading 20% to 30% higher.
Oil prices surged more than 10% and U.S. Treasuries sold off after Pfizer and BioNTech said the data showed the vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19.
"This is extremely important and should give the market confidence that Pfizer's candidate offers a breakthrough in terms of reaching herd immunity at some point next year," said Robin Winkler, strategist at Deutsche Bank Research.

This is good news, thank you President Trump for accelerating the development of these vaccines!

Pfizer announced Monday that a COVID-19 vaccine developed with its partner, BioNTech, has proved to be more than 90% effective and that it plans to ask regulators for permission to sell the shot before the end of this month if pending data shows it is safe.
"Hopefully now we can move on and get this vaccine out there and make sure it’s doing what it’s supposed to do and stop” the virus, said Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine research and development, reports The Wall Street Journal.
According to Pfizer, the vaccine proved to be more than 90% effective in the first 94 subjects who had both been infected by coronavirus and had developed at least one of the disease's symptoms, according to the companies. The companies say no serious safety issues have come up in its study, which includes almost 44,000 subjects in the United States and in other countries.

The S&P 500 and the Dow hit record highs on Monday as the first successful late-stage clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine sparked hopes of the economy emerging from a pandemic-driven crisis.
The blue-chip Dow surged as much as 5.7%, also getting a boost from Joe Biden clinching a tightly-fought presidential election.
The companies hit hardest by months of travel bans and lockdowns soared, with Boeing Co up 12.6% and airlines and cruise line operators all trading 20% to 30% higher.
Oil prices surged more than 10% and U.S. Treasuries sold off after Pfizer and BioNTech said the data showed the vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19.
"This is extremely important and should give the market confidence that Pfizer's candidate offers a breakthrough in terms of reaching herd immunity at some point next year," said Robin Winkler, strategist at Deutsche Bank Research.

Too bad Pfizer wasn't a part of Operation Ward Speed. Pence already tried to take credit for it and he just got slapped down by company spokesperson. So, no checkmate. Sorry
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
94 isn't a large enough sample group and there was no placebo group. Additionally, why are they giving a vaccine to people who already tested positive?
Sorry, but we're minimally 6 months off - More than likely a year before available to general public.
And it has NOTHING to do with Trump other than a cute name. ;)
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Better thank him quickly. Before you know it our president will be cho mo Joe.
No, it wont; Biden will NOT be the winner of the election once the recounts are over.

Right now only Georgia is headed to a recount. If Trump wants one elsewhere, he's going to have to pay for it. And that check better clear before one vote is counted or I tell his campaign to GFY. :)
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.

Uh huh you think these companies are working TOGETHER to make a vaccine?

You really are a fucking idiot.
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.

Uh huh you think these companies are working TOGETHER to make a vaccine?

You really are a fucking idiot.
at least two worked together for this vaccine candidate.
it takes a speshial kind of fucktard to not being able to read the introductory sentence of the press release.
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
The average time it takes to bring a drug from the pipeline on to the market is 7+ years.
You calling someone an idiot is so funny. Bless your heart, it's cute,

the process for researching and developing new medicines is growing in difficulty and length. On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
The average time it takes to bring a drug from the pipeline on to the market is 7+ years.
You calling someone an idiot is so funny. Bless your heart, it's cute,

the process for researching and developing new medicines is growing in difficulty and length. On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average
get the fuck out of here.

you spread conspiracy theory bullshit about "the left" slowing down the development of a vaccine, while in reality, this is a concerted global effort not interested in your partisan idiocy.

in response to me slapping you around you come back with some generic irrelevant shyte.

here, read something.

What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
The average time it takes to bring a drug from the pipeline on to the market is 7+ years.
You calling someone an idiot is so funny. Bless your heart, it's cute,

the process for researching and developing new medicines is growing in difficulty and length. On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average
get the fuck out of here.

you spread conspiracy theory bullshit about "the left" slowing down the development of a vaccine, while in reality, this is a concerted global effort not interested in your partisan idiocy.

in response to me slapping you around you come back with some generic irrelevant shyte.

here, read something.

t's not a conspiracy, it's what your tribe does. Remember, "never let a crisis go to waste". Your tribe said that.
sheesh, you people are pathetic.

PS, you get the fuck out of here.
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
The average time it takes to bring a drug from the pipeline on to the market is 7+ years.
You calling someone an idiot is so funny. Bless your heart, it's cute,

the process for researching and developing new medicines is growing in difficulty and length. On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average
get the fuck out of here.

you spread conspiracy theory bullshit about "the left" slowing down the development of a vaccine, while in reality, this is a concerted global effort not interested in your partisan idiocy.

in response to me slapping you around you come back with some generic irrelevant shyte.

here, read something.

t's not a conspiracy, it's what your tribe does. Remember, "never let a crisis go to waste". Your tribe said that.
sheesh, you people are pathetic.

PS, you get the fuck out of here.
read what i provided or come back with a NO, YOU.

i am not surprised you tard chose the latter.

anything of value to contribute?

this vaccine candidate was developped in germany while your twat of a so-called president sat on his thumbs.

What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
The average time it takes to bring a drug from the pipeline on to the market is 7+ years.
You calling someone an idiot is so funny. Bless your heart, it's cute,

the process for researching and developing new medicines is growing in difficulty and length. On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average
get the fuck out of here.

you spread conspiracy theory bullshit about "the left" slowing down the development of a vaccine, while in reality, this is a concerted global effort not interested in your partisan idiocy.

in response to me slapping you around you come back with some generic irrelevant shyte.

here, read something.

t's not a conspiracy, it's what your tribe does. Remember, "never let a crisis go to waste". Your tribe said that.
sheesh, you people are pathetic.

PS, you get the fuck out of here.
read what i provided or come back with a NO, YOU.

i am not surprised you tard chose the latter.

anything of value to contribute?

this vaccine candidate was developped in germany while your twat of a so-called president sat on his thumbs.

View attachment 413689
WTF? We ARE talking about Pfizer, right? I mean, that is what the OP is talking about? :smoke:
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
The average time it takes to bring a drug from the pipeline on to the market is 7+ years.
You calling someone an idiot is so funny. Bless your heart, it's cute,

the process for researching and developing new medicines is growing in difficulty and length. On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average
get the fuck out of here.

you spread conspiracy theory bullshit about "the left" slowing down the development of a vaccine, while in reality, this is a concerted global effort not interested in your partisan idiocy.

in response to me slapping you around you come back with some generic irrelevant shyte.

here, read something.

t's not a conspiracy, it's what your tribe does. Remember, "never let a crisis go to waste". Your tribe said that.
sheesh, you people are pathetic.

PS, you get the fuck out of here.
read what i provided or come back with a NO, YOU.

i am not surprised you tard chose the latter.

anything of value to contribute?

this vaccine candidate was developped in germany while your twat of a so-called president sat on his thumbs.

View attachment 413689
WTF? We ARE talking about Pfizer, right? I mean, that is what the OP is talking about? :smoke:
we are talking about the vaccine candidate in the OP. read it.
What this did was take the opportunity by the left to slow track the vaccine to gain as much
political power off the table. Thank You DJT!
developping the vaccine is a global concerted effort. your partisan idiocy is irrelevant.
The average time it takes to bring a drug from the pipeline on to the market is 7+ years.
You calling someone an idiot is so funny. Bless your heart, it's cute,

the process for researching and developing new medicines is growing in difficulty and length. On average, it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the marketplace, with clinical trials alone taking six to seven years on average
get the fuck out of here.

you spread conspiracy theory bullshit about "the left" slowing down the development of a vaccine, while in reality, this is a concerted global effort not interested in your partisan idiocy.

in response to me slapping you around you come back with some generic irrelevant shyte.

here, read something.

t's not a conspiracy, it's what your tribe does. Remember, "never let a crisis go to waste". Your tribe said that.
sheesh, you people are pathetic.

PS, you get the fuck out of here.
read what i provided or come back with a NO, YOU.

i am not surprised you tard chose the latter.

anything of value to contribute?

this vaccine candidate was developped in germany while your twat of a so-called president sat on his thumbs.

View attachment 413689
WTF? We ARE talking about Pfizer, right? I mean, that is what the OP is talking about? :smoke:
we are talking about the vaccine candidate in the OP. read it.
It still has to go through the FDA to get approved, so I don't know what your point is? You're just lying about
Trump doing nothing. He opened the door to fast tracking something that would have taken years.
This is good news, thank you President Trump for accelerating the development of these vaccines!

Pfizer announced Monday that a COVID-19 vaccine developed with its partner, BioNTech, has proved to be more than 90% effective and that it plans to ask regulators for permission to sell the shot before the end of this month if pending data shows it is safe.
"Hopefully now we can move on and get this vaccine out there and make sure it’s doing what it’s supposed to do and stop” the virus, said Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine research and development, reports The Wall Street Journal.
According to Pfizer, the vaccine proved to be more than 90% effective in the first 94 subjects who had both been infected by coronavirus and had developed at least one of the disease's symptoms, according to the companies. The companies say no serious safety issues have come up in its study, which includes almost 44,000 subjects in the United States and in other countries.

The S&P 500 and the Dow hit record highs on Monday as the first successful late-stage clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine sparked hopes of the economy emerging from a pandemic-driven crisis.
The blue-chip Dow surged as much as 5.7%, also getting a boost from Joe Biden clinching a tightly-fought presidential election.
The companies hit hardest by months of travel bans and lockdowns soared, with Boeing Co up 12.6% and airlines and cruise line operators all trading 20% to 30% higher.
Oil prices surged more than 10% and U.S. Treasuries sold off after Pfizer and BioNTech said the data showed the vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19.
"This is extremely important and should give the market confidence that Pfizer's candidate offers a breakthrough in terms of reaching herd immunity at some point next year," said Robin Winkler, strategist at Deutsche Bank Research.

Uh you better check to make sure Gates did not have a hand in this vaccine being developed which I would bet my money he did.

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