Stocks in a NOSE DIVE....Thanks to OBAMA!

Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?

Nope, which why we don't blame him for the drop. Thing is he was not responsible for the soar either.
"We" does not seem to include the OP.

I read sarcasm in the OP.
No, the OP was a pathetic try at covering up the fact the Gnu Right has been since Day One blaming everything bad that happens anywhere on the planet on Obama, and never once attributed anything positive to him. Therefore, they knew if anything good anywhere happened, they have to credit Obama or else be called out for their hypocrisy. And that is why whenever any topic anywhere was started about a good jobs report, for example, the rubes rushed in to find a downside. Anything good had to be diminished or dismissed to avoid being caught as hypocrites.

This topic is a desperate attempt to project their hypocrisy onto others.

I suppose it works on the people who are as equally stupid as the topic starter.
Out here in Reality, the US stock market dive is being tied to the dive in the Shanghai Index which preceded it. China has seen their explosive growth begin to shrink, and their currency is wobbling. Confidence in China is wavering after decades of boom times.

The dive seems to have been halted for the moment. Time will tell if this is temporary.
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?

Nope, which why we don't blame him for the drop. Thing is he was not responsible for the soar either.
"We" does not seem to include the OP.

I read sarcasm in the OP.
No, the OP was a pathetic try at covering up the fact the Gnu Right has been since Day One blaming everything bad that happens anywhere on the planet on Obama, and never once attributed anything positive to him. Therefore, they knew if anything good anywhere happened, they have to credit Obama or else be called out for their hypocrisy. And that is why whenever any topic anywhere was started about a good jobs report, for example, the rubes rushed in to find a downside. Anything good had to be diminished or dismissed to avoid being caught as hypocrites.

This topic is a desperate attempt to project their hypocrisy onto others.

I suppose it works on the people who are as equally stupid as the topic starter.
No the topic is a successful attempt to expose the hypocrisy and B$ coming from the Left that claims everything good going on is the result of direct action from Obama...but that when fecal matter hits the oscillating cooling unit Obama...and his apologists...can't wait to claim he is impotent, has no power to effect anything, and blame anyone else they can. It's funny as heel to watch, as we are starting to see in this thread from the Libbies.

The Fed pumped $85B a month into the economy for years, the market went up doh!
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)
Ever heard of China?
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.
Thanks China for the market correction.

So China runs the stock market, not Obama?

apparently you need to read the world news and stop yammering about Obama.

hint) go buy some stock while they're cheap and pretend you're a saavy investor, not an idiot.

Away ahead of you on making investments right now. Too early.

buy more later ... its called averaging
Dollar cost averaging works about as well as reading the entrails of dead animals. So go for it.
20 trillion in national don't you all feel foolish?
20 trillion in national don't you all feel foolish?
America's motto: Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Then when everything goes to shit, blame that guy over there.
Multiple strategies are best. Dollar cost average with your 401(k), buy the dips and sell the crests, diversify.
Thanks China for the market correction.

So China runs the stock market, not Obama?
When the market is up it's all because of Obama.
When the market is down....Obama has nothing to do with that.

And that's the way it Obamaland...
Ben Bernanke said the rising stock market was because of him.

You could hear the air rush out of the room when he said that.

"They have a TRIPLE mandate now?!?!"
Fortunately the lefties provide a great deal of entertainment and melts over the whole thing. Glass is half full.
Another America-bashing thread by the usual RWNJ's who can't stand that their country has recovered stronger than most any other country in the world since the Republican-made Great Recession of 2008-2009.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

I don't know about you- but my stock portfolio has about doubled from 2009. Is Obama to blame for that too? I really have no problem with blaming Obama for the drop this week- if we also 'blame' Obama for the Dow Jones going from about 8000 to 16514

The Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 29.8 points or 0.18% to 16538 on Friday January 8 from 16514.10 in the previous trading session. Looking back, The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1364 points or 7.62 percent during the last 12 months from 17,907.87 points in January of 2015. Historically, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached an all time high of 18312.39 in May of 2015 and a record low of 41.20 in July of 1932.

Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.
clinton's presidency was fantastic with the GOP ran Congress. My company thrived during his tenure. Then in 2003, all the vendors saturated the markets and killed the US jobs.

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