Stolen Elections

That part was obvious. Although he’s off by half a million. What wasn’t clear was what comment of mine he thinks he’s offering a bet on.

The kind of conspiracy drivel that you've offered.....has cost others hundreds of millions of dollars.

Your ilk are so wildly incompetent that they've literally created a viable new business model: Suing conspiracy theorists for defamation.

Dominion settled for 10 times its value and 8 times its annual revenue. Everyone at that company can take an 8 year vacation....and they're still revenue neutral.

And they've still got suits out on OANN, NewsMax, Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, Rudy Gulliani. All who spewed some of the same nonsense you have.

But tell us again how teams of lawyers specializing in defamation didn't understand malice. But you did. So we can all giggle again.
The kind of conspiracy drivel that you've offered.....has cost others hundreds of millions of dollars.

Your ilk are so wildly incompetent that they've literally created a viable new business model: Suing conspiracy theorists for defamation.

Dominion settled for 10 times its value and 8 times its annual revenue. Everyone at that company can take an 8 year vacation....and they're still revenue neutral.

And they've still got suits out on OANN, NewsMax, Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, Rudy Gulliani. All who spewed some of the same nonsense you have.

But tell us again how teams of lawyers specializing in defamation didn't understand malice. But you did. So we can all giggle again.
Summary: more ^ reiterations of your unsupported opinion. How expected.
I'm pretty sure he's referencing Fox New's unprecedented public defamation settlement of $787,000,000 for shilling much of the same conspiracy drivel that you do.

You know the settlement....the one where you insisted you knew better that an entire team of lawyers specializing in defamation on issues of malice.

Because you said so.
excuse me but didn't Fox news fall right in line with the left election night 2020 and haven't they busted their asses for your luv? But you gotta have your target of hate don't y ou. TAKE THE BASTARDS we don't want them.
excuse me but didn't Fox news fall right in line with the left election night 2020 and haven't they busted their asses for your luv? But you gotta have your target of hate don't y ou. TAKE THE BASTARDS we don't want them.
Excuse me, but didn't Fox News offer a litany of empty conspiracy theories backed by nothing that resulted in them having to pay 3/4 of a billion dollars? Fox News' conspiracy screed were so inept, so incompetent, so laughably meaningless, that Ted Cruz *pleaded with* them to provide actual evidence.

"They can’t just be, you know, ‘Somebody tweeted that.’ There’s got to be demonstrable facts that can be laid out with evidence because that’s what a court of law is going to look to ― not just an allegation but actual facts."

Ted Cruz BEGGED your inept conspiracy ilk not because they had offered demonstrable facts and actual evidence.......but because they hadn't.

And don't worry. Dominion has lawsuits against OANN, Sidney Powell, Rudy Gulliani, and NewsMax too.

Your delusional ilk have unwittingly created a viable new business model: Suing Conspiracy Dipshits for hundreds of millions of dollars.
When Stacey Abraham loses an election bid, it was all about election fraud and voter suppression.

But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types, any claim of a stolen election is just kook “conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections.

Imagine the Dim clamor had Trump won! Imagine that the Dims and their handmaiden apparatchik media claimed that the GOP had constructed an elaborate set of election frauds in the swing states (as is now alleged against the Dims).

There would already have been a third impeachment circus. The media cacophony would be loud, endlessly looped and more screechy than Hillary’s cackles.
Is it true you are Gender and Race 'Fluid' and have used alter race 'BLackAgain' as well as alter gender 'InTheBackAgain' as handles on POC Trans mbs?

Is it true you are Gender and Race 'Fluid' and have used alter race 'BLackAgain' as well as alter gender 'InTheBackAgain' as handles on POC Trans mbs?

Look at the AGW liberal ^ resorting to the old gay slur in yet another of his many posts relying on fallacy.

Look at the AGW liberal ^ resorting to the old gay slur in yet another of his many posts relying on fallacy.

You need to at least stay down here.
You have No Topical Information to share ANYWHERE else.

Now go check the propane tank before your mobile home explodes.

You need to at least stay down here.
You have No Topical Information to share ANYWHERE else.

Now go check the propane tank before your mobile home explodes.

The perpetually confused and dull-witted apu afuk has no ammo and therefore resorts to its inane “go to” ad hominem.

That she/he/it makes no sense is crystal clear. But it does like to spin it’s wheels. 👍
The perpetually confused and dull-witted apu afuk has no ammo and therefore resorts to its inane “go to” ad hominem.

That she/he/it makes no sense is crystal clear. But it does like to spin it’s wheels. 👍

There are 787,500,000 reasons why your 'no ammo' claim doesn't hold up.

Fox News offer a litany of empty conspiracy theories backed by nothing that resulted in them having to pay 3/4 of a billion dollars. Fox News' conspiracy screed were so inept, so incompetent, so laughably meaningless, that Ted Cruz *pleaded with* them to provide actual evidence.

"They can’t just be, you know, ‘Somebody tweeted that.’ There’s got to be demonstrable facts that can be laid out with evidence because that’s what a court of law is going to look to ― not just an allegation but actual facts."

Ted Cruz BEGGED your inept conspiracy ilk not because they had offered demonstrable facts and actual evidence.......but because they hadn't.

With every court to hear y'all's bleating pseudo-legal gibberish about a 'stolen election' having laughed that nonsense right out of the door.
There are 787,500,000 reasons why your 'no ammo' claim doesn't hold up.

Fox News offer a litany of empty conspiracy theories backed by nothing that resulted in them having to pay 3/4 of a billion dollars. Fox News' conspiracy screed were so inept, so incompetent, so laughably meaningless, that Ted Cruz *pleaded with* them to provide actual evidence.

"They can’t just be, you know, ‘Somebody tweeted that.’ There’s got to be demonstrable facts that can be laid out with evidence because that’s what a court of law is going to look to ― not just an allegation but actual facts."

Ted Cruz BEGGED your inept conspiracy ilk not because they had offered demonstrable facts and actual evidence.......but because they hadn't.

With every court to hear y'all's bleating pseudo-legal gibberish about a 'stolen election' having laughed that nonsense right out of the door.
Looks like you spent some time composing that after a moment trying to think. You failed again. In both facets.
Looks like you spent some time composing that after a moment trying to think. You failed again. In both facets.

Whereas you just folded this hand. Wise choice, Welshy.
Looks like you spent some time composing that after a moment trying to think. You failed again. In both facets.

Laughing.....oh, obviously. That's why you failed completely to point out any inaccuracy in any of my claims. Or Ted's:

"They can’t just be, you know, ‘Somebody tweeted that.’ There’s got to be demonstrable facts that can be laid out with evidence because that’s what a court of law is going to look to ― not just an allegation but actual facts."

He *pleaded* with your ilk for actual evidence.

And as the $787 million dollar settlement demonstrates elegantly, your ilk failed miserably.
excuse me but didn't Fox news fall right in line with the left election night 2020 and haven't they busted their asses for your luv? But you gotta have your target of hate don't y ou. TAKE THE BASTARDS we don't want them.

And by the 'lefts election night 2020', you mean the actual election results?
Laughing.....oh, obviously. That's why you failed completely to point out any inaccuracy in any of my claims. Or Ted's:

"They can’t just be, you know, ‘Somebody tweeted that.’ There’s got to be demonstrable facts that can be laid out with evidence because that’s what a court of law is going to look to ― not just an allegation but actual facts."

He *pleaded* with your ilk for actual evidence.

And as the $787 million dollar settlement demonstrates elegantly, your ilk failed miserably.
You are amazingly dull witted.

FoxNews settled a civil lawsuit for a massive amount. This is already known.

What that has to do with this discussion isn’t all that clear despite your verbosity.

Oh so seem easily confused. I didn’t say the election was stolen. In fact, I have frequently noted that despite clear evidence of election theft efforts, I haven’t seen any proof that it sufficed to alter even one electoral vote.

The thread discussion is about allegedly stolen elections. It is not about the merits (or lack of merits) in Fox Mews coverage of the claim that Dominion Voting Systems machines had been programmed to steal votes or whether it was even possible.

That ^ was the basis for the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News, not the discussion of whether Brandon’s people secured a stolen election from Trump.

You liberals aren’t all that capable of thinking clearly.
You are amazingly dull witted.

FoxNews settled a civil lawsuit for a massive amount. This is already known.

What that has to do with this discussion isn’t all that clear despite your verbosity.

That Fox News spread lies about the imaginary 'stolen election' and had to pay huge money for those lies. Lies from people like Sidney Powell, Trump's own lawyer.

With the courts ruling with Dominion on the issue of falsity and against Fox News.

Falsity about what? About your stolen election lies.

Keep running.
That Fox News spread lies about the imaginary 'stolen election' and had to pay huge money for those lies. Lies from people like Sidney Powell, Trump's own lawyer.

With the courts ruling with Dominion on the issue of falsity and against Fox News.

Falsity about what? About your stolen election lies.

Keep running.
I haven’t run at all — as you knew when you just posted that lie.

You libtards are very reliant on lies.

Assuming (just for the sake of the discussion) that Fox News “lied” in its reporting about the election, so what? Again, you dullard, that’s not what this thread is about.

You want to discuss that some more? I have to worry about your fascination with beating dead horses. :itsok:
I haven’t run at all — as you knew when you just posted that lie.

You libtards are very reliant on lies.

Assuming (just for the sake of the discussion) that Fox News “lied” in its reporting about the election, so what? Again, you dullard, that’s not what this thread is about.

You want to discuss that some more? I have to worry about your fascination with beating dead horses. :itsok:

What lie? That the judge ruled in favor of Dominion and against Fox News on the issue of falsity?

That's absolutely true.

That Fox paid out the largest settlement in defamation history?

That's absolutely true.

That the topic of that defamation were your silly, foolish, and laughably baseless lies about a 'stolen election'?

That's absolutely true.

Talk to me when you can find an inaccuracy in what I'm actually saying. Because so far, you've failed miserably.

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