Stolen Elections

If 2020 were a legitimate election there would be no need to constantly be going after president Trump and his supporters. It would be obvious that the election was legitimate. BUT IT WAS NOT. And we all know it. The world knows it. The left elites who put it into action and continue the harassment know it too. This persecution of the opposition is only possible when the persecuting party has the media and the justice system in their corner. and we are not so stupid that we cannot see that.

Well the american people see that the justice system is corrupt but that's what you get when the left takes control of media and law enforcement. Americans see it, Question is. Why can't you? Unless you like it.
Srsly? You really think the entire judicial system is in on it? That doesn't seem likely at all. I think you're just in denial.
Poor thing, you've been duped.

Wait the left praises Dick Morris but calls Bannon a lying insurrectionist deplorable and you selectively use the Bannon opinion comments while selectively without refutation or knowledge denounce Morris' factual comments?
Must be nice to create your own reality & protective mechanism around your affiliation pride.
You do realize my position from the beginning was the argument is about was there enough fraud to sway the election not "if there was fraud"*, in other words I was open to explore if it was or not, but "you were the one" as well as other propagandists on this forum, and MSM and Dem polititians intellectually dishonest not open to figuring if it was enough, in fact they originally said zero fraud which means just finding 1 single account means they lose their propaganda stance. They also contradicted themselves stating it can't happen when they claimed it happened in The Ukraine annexation vote.
In AZ it was enough to sway the electoral votes, as well as other states.
The Arizona audit showed serious issues with 53,000 votes (Biden won by 10,000)

*note the twitter files and releases on the investigative branches being weaponized to manipulate the election proves there was enough fraud and manipulation of the election without even counting the ballot laws being broken.*
We already found our answer and that is fact.
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All reviewed in court. Lake lost EVERY claim because her claims were all bullshit. Same as with Trump.


The courts already captured your king.
What part of Secretary of State of AZ not recusing herself do you not understand is a crime? The fact we both don't even know her name, but know Lakes name we remember, is comical though. 😁
Wait the left praises Dick Morris but calls Bannon a lying insurrectionist deplorable and you selectively use the Bannon opinion comments while selectively without refutation or knowledge denounce Morris' factual comments?
Must be nice to create your own reality & protective mechanism around your affiliation pride.
You do realize my position from the beginning was the argument is about was there enough fraud to sway the election not "if there was fraud"*, in other words I was open to explore if it was or not, but "you were the one" as well as other propagandists on this forum, and MSM and Dem polititians intellectually dishonest not open to figuring if it was enough, in fact they originally said zero fraud which means just finding 1 single account means they lose their propaganda stance. They also contradicted themselves stating it can't happen when they claimed it happened in The Ukraine annexation vote.
In AZ it was enough to sway the electoral votes, as well as other states.
The Arizona audit showed serious issues with 53,000 votes (Biden won by 10,000)

*note the twitter files and releases on the investigative branches being weaponized to manipulate the election proves there was enough fraud and manipulation of the election without even counting the ballot laws being broken.*
We already found our answer and that is fact.

I got only as far as your insane claim, the left praises Dick Morris to see you're batshit insane. Presumably, everything you posted after that is equally insane.
What part of Secretary of State of AZ not recusing herself do you not understand is a crime? The fact we both don't even know her name, but know Lakes name we remember, is comical though. 😁

No SoS running for governor has ever recused themselves. That's not a thing. You're making shit up and trying to sell it as a rose.
No SoS running for governor has ever recused themselves. That's not a thing. You're making shit up and trying to sell it as a rose.
Name them.
Doesn't make it any less legal, and worse she was called out on the conflict of interest before she abused her position.
Ok we've established that was a lie, nobody could name a Secretary of State that ran for Gov without recusing themselves of the position in charge of elections.
How many in charge of hiring election officials pulled this off to help their own campaign?
Ok we've established that was a lie, nobody could name a Secretary of State that ran for Gov without recusing themselves of the position in charge of elections.
How many in charge of hiring election officials pulled this off to help their own campaign?


Who said no one could name anyone??

Brian Kemp.

Who said no one could name anyone??

Brian Kemp.
Because you never named one silly, so you just called yourself an idiot.
He resigned before the race was over, it took affect before the race was over:

But you just trapped yourself, because Abrams disputed the elections validity making you just admit Lake has a legitimate concern, but worse, there were actually strange events with messed up machines that destroyed the voting process in AZ that give legit concern whereby Abrams had no legit reason for being an election denier.-oops
Because you never named one silly, so you just called yourself an idiot.
He resigned before the race was over, it took affect before the race was over:

But you just trapped yourself, because Abrams disputed the elections validity making you just admit Lake has a legitimate concern, but worse, there were actually strange events with messed up machines that destroyed the voting process in AZ that give legit concern whereby Abrams had no legit reason for being an election denier.-oops

No, I called you an idiot for thinking that not naming one meant I couldn't name one. You're a special kind of stupid who can't comprehend the nuance.

As far as Kemp, he resigned about 8 hours after he won the election...

No, I called you an idiot for thinking that not naming one meant I couldn't name one. You're a special kind of stupid who can't comprehend the nuance.

As far as Kemp, he resigned about 8 hours after he won the election...

So you admit this is a problem then- oops!
Now that we established that, can you tell me one law suit filed complaining about how the election was run in GA?
And why did the FBI not order Stacy Abrams twitter act. Banned?-oops!
So you admit this is a problem then- oops!
Now that we established that, can you tell me one law suit filed complaining about how the election was run in GA?
And why did the FBI not order Stacy Abrams twitter act. Banned?-oops!
View attachment 789786

Nope, I didn't admit that. You're hallucinating again.
Nope, I didn't admit that. You're hallucinating again.
So you don't know why the FBI didn't close Stacy Abrams twitter account for being a GA election denier?
You also can't come up with any law suits filed on Kemp.
So you don't know why the FBI didn't close Stacy Abrams twitter account for being a GA election denier?
You also can't come up with any law suits filed on Kemp.


You gonna make the same mistake again you made in post #930? You're ineducable, ain't ya?

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