Stolen Elections

It is a lie made into and acted upon like it is truth. The election was clearly stolen. Living this lie has destroyed this country. Probably not fast enough for some. I bet you are one of them. You are dishonest and haven't the guts to admit it is a lie.
You will never make that lie the truth.
You will never make that lie the truth.
Yeah. It's denial. Democrats went through the same kind of insanity when Trump was elected. They went into denial and clung to whatever story they could find that would protect them from the sad fact that they lost. You're doing exactly the same thing. And the cause is the same: Partisan fear mongering has become so effective that people literally can't accept the thought of the "other side" in power.
Yeah. It's denial. Democrats went through the same kind of insanity when Trump was elected. They went into denial and clung to whatever story they could find that would protect them from the sad fact that they lost. You're doing exactly the same thing. And the cause is the same: Partisan fear mongering has become so effective that people literally can't accept the thought of the "other side" in power.
The fraud was obvious just like the cover up which will be going on forever. I will accept they have power but they did not win that election.


As if more evidence was needed that rightards are fucked in the head. :icon_rolleyes:

Moron, I got only as far as your first claim to see you're nuts.

The images you posted do not include the last 5 days leading up to the election where the county stopped putting in numbers of absentee ballots counted. October 29, 2020 was the last entry...


Those numbers also EXCLUDE people who received a ballot but then went in person to the polls to vote, which they're allowed to do if they bring their absentee ballot with them to exchange for a new ballot to vote on.

Yes it's an assertion that the elections are not rigged, using your own standard.

Imbecile, that standard is the same standard this country has always used ... election results certified by each respective state.

If that's no longer the standard because your feelings are hurt, then you can never again accept any election results. Not even the ones you win. You also have to admit we've never legitimately elected a president, as nuts as that is for you to assert.
So, in your insane worldview, is every judge in the country a member of the "deep state"?

According to our resident nuts...

the Department of Justice can't be trusted ...voters can’t be trusted ... the poll workers can’t be trusted ... the voting machines can’t be trusted ... the canvasing boards can't be trusted ... the recounts can't be trusted ... the audits can't be trusted ... Democrats can't be trusted ... Republicans can't be trusted ... the media can’t be trusted ... the news can't be trusted ... Fox News can't be trusted ... Sydney Powell can't be trusted ... Lin Wood can't be trusted ... William Barr can’t be trusted ... Christopher Wray can't be trusted ... the guy who was in charge of election security can’t be trusted ... Georgia's Republican Secretary of State can't be trusted ... Gabriel Sterling, his Republican COO and Trump voter, can't be trusted ... the Republican-led Maricopa board of elections can't be trusted ... the Racine board of elections can't be trusted ... Mike Pence can't be trusted ... the pillow guy can't be trusted ... Cyber Ninja's can't be trusted ... the Arizona audit can't be trusted ... the Wisconsin audit can't be trusted ... the Wisconsin Attorney General can't be trusted ... state authorities can't be trusted ... the lower courts can’t be trusted ... the appellate courts can’t be trusted ... the Supreme Court can’t be trusted ... the United States Congress can't be trusted ...

But Donald Trump can be trusted.
Interesting. They must be incredibly sneaky, to control all those judges, and no one's spilled the beans. Amazing. You live in a truly amazing world!

Biden: (to judges) this isn't the election fraud you're looking for. [FADE]
It is a lie made into and acted upon like it is truth. The election was clearly stolen. Living this lie has destroyed this country. Probably not fast enough for some. I bet you are one of them. You are dishonest and haven't the guts to admit it is a lie.

It's sad that you're so crazy.

Funny. But sad.
Imbecile, that standard is the same standard this country has always used ... election results certified by each respective state.

If that's no longer the standard because your feelings are hurt, then you can never again accept any election results. Not even the ones you win. You also have to admit we've never legitimately elected a president, as nuts as that is for you to assert.
1)You just called the person I responded to an Imbecile, because I used their standard. You also called Hillary, Abrams, and MSM Imbeciles.
2) I already disclosed many times that our votes haven't been democratically legit for a long time.
3) Bill Clinton's own former advisor
Dick Morris in his book details how the Dems rigged the 2020 election.
It's why Biden admitted he had a voter fraud network set up, Morris details what that network is and what they illegally did using and abusing their power in that network that controlled state elections.
1)You just called the person I responded to an Imbecile, because I used their standard. You also called Hillary, Abrams, and MSM Imbeciles.
2) I already disclosed many times that our votes haven't been democratically legit for a long time.
3) Bill Clinton's own former advisor
Dick Morris in his book details how the Dems rigged the 2020 election.
It's why Biden admitted he had a voter fraud network set up, Morris details what that network is and what they illegally did using and abusing their power in that network that controlled state elections.

Well now, if Dick Morris says it, it must be true.
You never source any of your burps.
But it's nice that you admit being a forum troll.
Wow Faun sure likes to throw the insults out … But by calling someone insane and a loser which is quite offensive to say the least but hey this is coming from someone who has as his/ her handle a half goat half man Roman mythological creature which never existed unless it is in the mind of a truly not insane but delusional person… Hmm so who now is the one with issues… All because of a simple topic like stolen elections which if one thinks about it could easily happen in todays age with all the funky new methods of counting votes it was so much easier when people just raised their hands and were counted with either a yea or a nay… Come to think of it itis still down that way in the senate and the house so why not in the rest of the country Out in the open so no chance of a magicians sleightof hand or trickery…
You never source any of your burps.
But it's nice that you admit being a forum troll.

That's a lie too. Here is a post of mine from yesterday where I linked my source...

You lie because you're a liar and you lose because you're a loser.

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