Stolen Elections

I do not care. It is not a crime.


Says you, a demented idiot who still thinks the election was stolen even though you still can't prove it after nearly 31 months and counting.

The GBI, who actually knows the law infinitely more than you, says otherwise.


Says you, a demented idiot who still thinks the election was stolen even though you still can't prove it after nearly 31 months and counting.

The GBI, who actually knows the law infinitely more than you, says otherwise.

The courts refuse to hear real evidence. How do you prove anything in a corrupt system? You don't, and you assholes know it. It has been proven to me and over half the voters in this country.

Please quote the law the GBI is using.
The courts refuse to hear real evidence. How do you prove anything in a corrupt system? You don't, and you assholes know it. It has been proven to me and over half the voters in this country.

Lies don't help you, FruitLoops. In about half the cases, judges looked at the evidence, determined it didn't hold water, and tossed it for lacking merit.

Please quote the law the GBI is using.

Prolly Ga. Code § 21-2-603
Lies don't help you, FruitLoops. In about half the cases, judges looked at the evidence, determined it didn't hold water, and tossed it for lacking merit.

Prolly Ga. Code § 21-2-603
Lies are all you have and they have not helped you a bit.
The courts refuse to hear real evidence. How do you prove anything in a corrupt system? You don't, and you assholes know it. It has been proven to me and over half the voters in this country.

Please quote the law the GBI is using.
There is no 'real evidence'. That is your problem that you don't accept the truth. You are the one who is corrupt and you know it.
another meaningless assertion

to you have any factual evidence you can prove
Did they give evidence that the error was human? No. So by your logic.....
Did Dominion give evidence on the switch votes debacle? No, they merely stated it was computer glitch with zero proof how what, where, and why.
Law suits are not proof, detailing evidence works 2 ways, if you claim it a glitch, then prove it.
Lastly nobody answered the simple question, what are the odds they always go Dems way after already being caught cheating other things over the years, like debates, like twice in Dade County same lady head of voting Snipes incident, scripting press questions, Clinton caught cheating Bernie etc. It's a known DNC tactic win any way possible to stay in power and stay out of jail.
No, HaShev. You have to provide answers to your questions. The other side does not have to prove you wrong at all. You have to prove yourself right.

You have no factual evidence.
No, HaShev. You have to provide answers to your questions. The other side does not have to prove you wrong at all. You have to prove yourself right.

You have no factual evidence.
Oh yes you do, because according to you, they offer no proof means it's not true, until they prove it's true otherwise you are arguing Trump's case. Their track record to lie is through the roof, so the lack of trust is 100% Valid and any claim otherwise or ad hominem response is more evidence something is wrong, because truth doesn't need lies and deflections, smokescreens and fascist responses.-fact!

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