Stolen Elections

SHIMON, I think the avg person is smart enough to notice he never asked what Dick Morris knew or described as the "network" of voter fraud, instead he insulted Dick Morris for exposing corruption or proving his position wrong. In this, people can notice the difference in the behavior and reactions between good vs evil, and how evil protects it's (ego) inadequacies by lashing out instead of intellectual discourse.
SHIMON, I think the avg person is smart enough to notice he never asked what Dick Morris knew or described as the "network" of voter fraud, instead he insulted Dick Morris for exposing corruption or proving his position wrong. In this, people can notice the difference in the behavior and reactions between good vs evil, and how evil protects it's (ego) inadequacies by lashing out instead of intellectual discourse.

Who needs to ask? There was no widespread fraud. So any that Morris wrote about to sell a book is a lie.
You still have no idea why this is significant, because you never bothered to educate yourself and ask questions about the voter fraud network Biden admitted to in a speech slip.
That network (*drum roll) is of democrat secretary of states (that set rules and how ballots are handled, EMPLOY SELECT TRAIN POLL WORKERS, & used their position to tweek and break state voting laws). All the States in question had broken State voting process rules and laws. This midterm incident in AZ, the secretary of State was the candidate herself, and she never stepped down or recused herself as a conflict of interest. She politically "promised" it was not necessary, then they had the most oddest misshap with voting machines accepting votes, that turned people away and messed up the voting process. Once again significant because BIDEN ADMITTED HE HAD THE NETWORK SET UP, it's also why Clinton thought she was a sure thing to win in 2016, and when she didn't she went full fledge sore loser (like you are doing)deflected to protect her crime (like you are doing).
-Checkmate (you showed us tangibly the process of social behavior attributed to these things).
Oh a meme! Cute.

How are the court cases going?
Well the american people see that the justice system is corrupt but that's what you get when the left takes control of media and law enforcement. Americans see it, Question is. Why can't you? Unless you like it.

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The latest revision listed in the 8/15/2021 document is dated 2/26/2021, almost six months earlier. Is that how long it takes to update the document? If so, why does the revision get updated but the fact the revision was made takes almost half a year to be added? Both numbers are in the same document. Is it that difficult to push the single button required to reach the revisions tab?

This, I remind readers, is the first thing I found, in the first document I looked at as part of the NYCA audit of the election. Since then, such discoveries have become a weekly, sometimes daily, experience. This goes beyond incompetence. This is serious administrative negligence for the least of the problems found to date. Others are clear violations of election law, such as the existence and tolerance of cloned records.

The fact that the people of this state pay salaries to the people responsible for the many errors and illegal records contained in official election materials is a disgrace. The state of recordkeeping is so poor that I am inclined to take officials at their word: everyone is incompetent. Then fire them!

After that, hire some competent investigators to determine who was responsible for the many violations of election law and deal with that separately and appropriately.

it's not incompetence. it's fraud.
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It's easy to spot the cheat, they are to stupid and greedy to give the opposition a percentage of votes to seem legit and not to far an anomaly, so that the Dem counties avging 70-30 suddenly turn
90-10 and one county went 97-3 suddenly with "newly found votes".
In 2016 they found a trunk load of fraudelant Clinton mail in ballots, also a church found a wharehouse boxes full.
None proven to be used during the counted election until it was called already, then suddenly the "mail ins" changed the Popular vote from 1 million to 2 million, then a week later 3million vote difference claim till the fake news claimed Clinton won popular vote by 5 million (magically the numbers changed). Seems these "mail ins" were used for a narrative tactic and to try an change our election methods to popular vote, so one state can be brainwashed propaganda central while controlling the cheat to assault the democratic process for all the states.
This is why before 2020 election I warned there would be use of the covid tactical mail in ballots to cheat the elections.
I noticed that is why they were over zealous keeping people affraid at home, I knew their intent, because I knew of the ballot incidences with Clinton that they needed the cover of mail in ballots which were easy to cheat through. There were incidences of nursing homes filling out and sending in fraud votes for unsuspecting residents, but that was minor to the other forged methods they used.
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If 2020 were a legitimate election there would be no need to constantly be going after president Trump and his supporters. It would be obvious that the election was legitimate. BUT IT WAS NOT. And we all know it. The world knows it. The left elites who put it into action and continue the harassment know it too. This persecution of the opposition is only possible when the persecuting party has the media and the justice system in their corner. and we are not so stupid that we cannot see that.
You still have no idea why this is significant, because you never bothered to educate yourself and ask questions about the voter fraud network Biden admitted to in a speech slip.
That network (*drum roll) is of democrat secretary of states (that set rules and how ballots are handled, EMPLOY SELECT TRAIN POLL WORKERS, & used their position to tweek and break state voting laws). All the States in question had broken State voting process rules and laws. This midterm incident in AZ, the secretary of State was the candidate herself, and she never stepped down or recused herself as a conflict of interest. She politically "promised" it was not necessary, then they had the most oddest misshap with voting machines accepting votes, that turned people away and messed up the voting process. Once again significant because BIDEN ADMITTED HE HAD THE NETWORK SET UP, it's also why Clinton thought she was a sure thing to win in 2016, and when she didn't she went full fledge sore loser (like you are doing)deflected to protect her crime (like you are doing).

All reviewed in court. Lake lost EVERY claim because her claims were all bullshit. Same as with Trump.

-Checkmate (you showed us tangibly the process of social behavior attributed to these things).


The courts already captured your king.
It's easy to spot the cheat, they are to stupid and greedy to give the opposition a percentage of votes to seem legit and not to far an anomaly, so that the Dem counties avging 70-30 suddenly turn
90-10 and one county went 97-3 suddenly with "newly found votes".
In 2016 they found a trunk load of fraudelant Clinton mail in ballots, also a church found a wharehouse boxes full.
None proven to be used during the counted election until it was called already, then suddenly the "mail ins" changed the Popular vote from 1 million to 2 million, then a week later 3million vote difference claim till the fake news claimed Clinton won popular vote by 5 million (magically the numbers changed). Seems these "mail ins" were used for a narrative tactic and to try an change our election methods to popular vote, so one state can be brainwashed propaganda central while controlling the cheat to assault the democratic process for all the states.
This is why before 2020 election I warned there would be use of the covid tactical mail in ballots to cheat the elections.
I noticed that is why they were over zealous keeping people affraid at home, I knew their intent, because I knew of the ballot incidences with Clinton that they needed the cover of mail in ballots which were easy to cheat through. There were incidences of nursing homes filling out and sending in fraud votes for unsuspecting residents, but that was minor to the other forged methods they used.

Poor thing, you've been duped.


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