Stoned out of his mind liberal & Calexit supporter admits middle class is fleeing California on T.V.

That's only because of the 10 to 1 trade...for every 1 legit person who flees the shithole Jerry Brown and Garcetti trade for 10 filthy wetbacks....just sayin'!
Cali bitching:

popular...but too popular for it's own good, the rent is too damn high!

People are fleeing...the most populous state in this country.
I wish that were true...but traffic is getting more congested...not less.
What happened to the "claim" that trump was causing more illegals to leave than ever before?

That's not a claim that's a fact.
AND he's on a mission to eradicate the human cockroaches....a problem of this magnitude takes time...but it's all good...we have 7.5 more years....haha

Hate much?
Think about how much we'll save when we stop paying government benefits to Californians.
I wonder what currency they will use?

You won't "save" anything, California pays in more to the federal government than it takes out, not to mention accounts for 11% of total U.S. Exports and 13.3% of national GDP.

I don't know about you but I'm not particularly keen on seeing the U.S. Economy shrink by 13.3% our trade deficits rise by 11% and having to make up for around $100 billion a year in gross federal revenues that California overpays.

You won't "save" anything,

Sure we will. All the Californians who paid into SocSec and now won't receive benefits.
Uh-Huh....So you're proposal is for the Federal Government to steal (even more) money from the tax payers in California in order to "save" money? What makes you any different from the elected thieves that run Washington?

Not to mention you need some help with your math, California represents 13.3% of GDP which represents a loss (based on 2016 numbers) of $2.46 TRILLION a year in economic activity, so even stealing their SS contributions doesn't "save" you any money.

I will be curious to see how California will pay their $2.6 trillion share of the national debt.
LOL, you want to steal Californians SS contributions and then expect them to pay "their share" of the national debt? In case you missed it, I say again, Californians have been OVERPAYING into the Federal pig trough, so on balance they'd be OWED money from the tax payers of the remaining states.

Bottom line: From an economic perspective the U.S. needs California more than California needs the U.S. at least until the left wing dingbats that are running the state get finished turning it into a completely bifurcated "progressive" hell hole.

Uh-Huh....So you're proposal is for the Federal Government to steal (even more) money from the tax payers in California in order to "save" money?

Steal money from foreigners? LOL!
LOL, so you're a discriminating sort of thief? Californians weren't "foreigners" when they were forced to pay into SS.

Before you leave, pay your share of the debt.
Before I leave? what makes you think I live in California? As I've already said Californians have already paid in their "share" and then some, on balance they are owed money.

After you leave, why would you still get US benefits?
Er.. um.... Californian's paid into SS , you don't think they should get the money they paid in back plus interest? Using your logic if someone leaves a job it would be okay for their employer to steal all the money the employee contributed company sponsored 401K, theft is theft and it's immoral whether it's committed by individuals, companies or governments.

I say again, Californians have been OVERPAYING into the Federal pig trough

Then they'll have the funds to pay their own citizens SocSec.
Again you attempt to justify theft with weak rationalization, perhaps you need to perform an objective assessment of your own morality before continuing to advocate a position that one would normally expect from a government worshiping progressive.......

LOL, so you're a discriminating sort of thief? Californians weren't "foreigners" when they were forced to pay into SS.

Will they be foreigners once they "exit"?

Before I leave?

Yes, before California leaves.

Californian's paid into SS , you don't think they should get the money they paid in back plus interest?

If their state leaves, they shouldn't get paid.

Again you attempt to justify theft with weak rationalization,

Actions have consequences. Leaving the union would have some very large consequences.
Maybe they should rethink?
Will they be foreigners once they "exit"?
Sure and theft will still remain theft.

If their state leaves, they shouldn't get paid.
..... yes, you've made that clear, unfortunately you have not made any attempt to articulate anything resembling a rational explanation as to why stealing their money is morally justified.

Actions have consequences. Leaving the union would have some very large consequences.
Maybe they should rethink?
There's nothing to "rethink" California isn't even close to succeeding, if they did the negative economic consequences would be felt most severely by Americans in those States that remained in the union since as I already pointed out, California would be taking over 13% of the U.S. Economy (a large chunk of which is the high growth technology sector) with it, can you say "great depression version 2.0"?

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