Stop asking for Obama's impeachment

You know, we could have the best of both worlds...IMPEACH and not convict. Just impeach the SOB - that would take the wind out of his sails and give him the legacy he really deserves.

Then maybe he would have the tail between his legs for a while and stop his dictatorial ways.
Ah, how refreshing – the truth from the partisan right:

It's not about the 'integrity' of separation of powers doctrine, or the 'Constitution,' or the 'rule of law,' or a 'too powerful' president, it's solely about the right's inane, unwarranted hatred for the president – for no other reason than he belongs to the 'wrong party.'

Thank you for your honesty.
Obama looks at everything as him against us. Us, being Americans. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration. The sooner you stupid ass partisan liberals realize this, the sooner we can get rid of the tyrant.

Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.

But she is so right. That speech after the election was so telling. He got his ass womped. He even said the election was ON his policies. And what did he say? I heard the 2/3 of you who didn't vote!!!! I nearly choked and wet my pants I laughed so hard!

And his said "I will work with Congress." One short sentence and four minutes on the Executive Order on Immigration that nobody wants. In other words "Take that you MFER!

Anyone could read that. Columnists were writing about it the next day.
But she is so right. That speech after the election was so telling. He got his ass womped. He even said the election was ON his policies. And what did he say? I heard the 2/3 of you who didn't vote!!!! I nearly choked and wet my pants I laughed so hard!
Then you'll find it so easy to quote that speech and show us where Obama says that ' YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration.'

With sources, of course. I always like to be able to see the original source.
Obama looks at everything as him against us. Us, being Americans. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration. The sooner you stupid ass partisan liberals realize this, the sooner we can get rid of the tyrant.

Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.
Did you know Hitler personally? Ever meet him? Ever been in the same room with him? Then I guess you can't criticize him, according to your criteria.
Coming from the guy calling people "chickenshits." Reality. Man, ain't that a bitch?

Not 'called'. Calls. The GOP are chickenshits on the issue of impeachment, quivering in puddles of steaming yellow fear after being called to act on their empty impeachment bravado.

But tell us again of your little fantasy of 6 democratic senators crossing the aisle to convict the president. I got such a chuckle out of it last time.

I was unaware any of them were chomping at the bit? As I hear it, they can't get any of them to bite.

Since you clearly don't know, I'll clue you in. That would be 2.

Nothing says 'a compelling legal case' like your head counsel quitting. Twice. And my favorite part? The very counsel that the GOP hired to sue the President had already stated publicly before the suit.....that such a suit was without merit. And this is the basis of impeachment?

Are your imaginary '6 democrats' who will cross the aisle to convict on this nonsense.... .....they're actual people, right?

Skylar, It takes 50% of the votes in the House to Impeach. Sixty-seven in the Senate to convict and remove him from office.
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Obama looks at everything as him against us. Us, being Americans. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration. The sooner you stupid ass partisan liberals realize this, the sooner we can get rid of the tyrant.

Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.
Did you know Hitler personally? Ever meet him? Ever been in the same room with him? Then I guess you can't criticize him, according to your criteria.

Nope. And neither have you. And yet you feel comfortable claiming to speak for him, his motivations, his desires, his goals. Not actually quoting Obama, of course. But quoting yourself AS Obama.

Which is just adorable.
Coming from the guy calling people "chickenshits." Reality. Man, ain't that a bitch?

Not 'called'. Calls. The GOP are chickenshits on the issue of impeachment, quivering in puddles of steaming yellow fear after being called to act on their empty impeachment bravado.

But tell us again of your little fantasy of 6 democratic senators crossing the aisle to convict the president. I got such a chuckle out of it last time.

I was unaware any of them were chomping at the bit? As I hear it, they can't get any of them to bite.

Since you clearly don't know, I'll clue you in. That would be 2.

Nothing says 'a compelling legal case' like your head counsel quitting. Twice. And my favorite part? The very counsel that the GOP hired to sue the President had already stated publicly before the suit.....that such a suit was without merit. And this is the basis of impeachment?

Are your imaginary '6 democrats' who will cross the aisle to convict on this nonsense.... .....they're actual people, right?

Skylar, It takes 50 votes in the House to Impeach. Sixty-seven in the Senate to convict and remove him from office.

You're just figuring this out? Welcome to the party, friend.
You know, we could have the best of both worlds...IMPEACH and not convict. Just impeach the SOB - that would take the wind out of his sails and give him the legacy he really deserves.

Then maybe he would have the tail between his legs for a while and stop his dictatorial ways.
Ah, how refreshing – the truth from the partisan right:

It's not about the 'integrity' of separation of powers doctrine, or the 'Constitution,' or the 'rule of law,' or a 'too powerful' president, it's solely about the right's inane, unwarranted hatred for the president – for no other reason than he belongs to the 'wrong party.'

Thank you for your honesty.

Clayton, I can see how you think that my complete dislike for Obama would be the reason for impeachment, but that is just too easy to infer. That is like saying I just can't stand Hitler and would have done my level best to get him out of office if he was our leader.

The question is, what caused such complete dislike? In the case of Obama, it was initially, when our country was in deep economic distress, he kept having Health Care Speeches! I kept saying, when is he going to talk about the economy? Health Care, Health Care and More Health Care, NO Economy, No jobs!

He has botched up Benghazi, the Middle East, poor foreign relations all over the world, and we are in another Cold War.

Then the Stimulus Acts and no transparency. Then the Czars, Then Solyndra, Then Fast and Furious, Then DOJ and the Racial DIVISION, then IRS,...

We could almost pic a subject and talk about it. Credit ratings down twice or three times can't remember which.

He might be a great Community Activist, fundraister, golfer and speech maker but he just isn't cut out to be a president. Give him a few drinks, bet he would agree with me.
Obama looks at everything as him against us. Us, being Americans. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration. The sooner you stupid ass partisan liberals realize this, the sooner we can get rid of the tyrant.

Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.
Did you know Hitler personally? Ever meet him? Ever been in the same room with him? Then I guess you can't criticize him, according to your criteria.

Nope. And neither have you. And yet you feel comfortable claiming to speak for him, his motivations, his desires, his goals. Not actually quoting Obama, of course. But quoting yourself AS Obama.

Which is just adorable.
So, you're saying no one who has never met Hitler can comment on him?
Obama looks at everything as him against us. Us, being Americans. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration. The sooner you stupid ass partisan liberals realize this, the sooner we can get rid of the tyrant.

Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.
Did you know Hitler personally? Ever meet him? Ever been in the same room with him? Then I guess you can't criticize him, according to your criteria.

Nope. And neither have you. And yet you feel comfortable claiming to speak for him, his motivations, his desires, his goals. Not actually quoting Obama, of course. But quoting yourself AS Obama.

Which is just adorable.
So, you're saying no one who has never met Hitler can comment on him?

Oh, you can offer us ignorant personal opinion. But why would anyone give a shit about you pretending to be someone you've never met?
Coming from the guy calling people "chickenshits." Reality. Man, ain't that a bitch?

Not 'called'. Calls. The GOP are chickenshits on the issue of impeachment, quivering in puddles of steaming yellow fear after being called to act on their empty impeachment bravado.

But tell us again of your little fantasy of 6 democratic senators crossing the aisle to convict the president. I got such a chuckle out of it last time.

I was unaware any of them were chomping at the bit? As I hear it, they can't get any of them to bite.

Since you clearly don't know, I'll clue you in. That would be 2.

Nothing says 'a compelling legal case' like your head counsel quitting. Twice. And my favorite part? The very counsel that the GOP hired to sue the President had already stated publicly before the suit.....that such a suit was without merit. And this is the basis of impeachment?

Are your imaginary '6 democrats' who will cross the aisle to convict on this nonsense.... .....they're actual people, right?

Skylar, It takes 50 votes in the House to Impeach. Sixty-seven in the Senate to convict and remove him from office.

You're just figuring this out? Welcome to the party, friend.
To convict, the number needed would be 13, not 6. Nineteen Democratic senators will be up for re-election in 2015 and may be run from Obama like they did this past election so the 13 could possibly be had. But not many have the stomach for Biden as POTUS.

But your number of "6" is wrong, friend.
Coming from the guy calling people "chickenshits." Reality. Man, ain't that a bitch?

Not 'called'. Calls. The GOP are chickenshits on the issue of impeachment, quivering in puddles of steaming yellow fear after being called to act on their empty impeachment bravado.

But tell us again of your little fantasy of 6 democratic senators crossing the aisle to convict the president. I got such a chuckle out of it last time.

I was unaware any of them were chomping at the bit? As I hear it, they can't get any of them to bite.

Since you clearly don't know, I'll clue you in. That would be 2.

Nothing says 'a compelling legal case' like your head counsel quitting. Twice. And my favorite part? The very counsel that the GOP hired to sue the President had already stated publicly before the suit.....that such a suit was without merit. And this is the basis of impeachment?

Are your imaginary '6 democrats' who will cross the aisle to convict on this nonsense.... .....they're actual people, right?

Skylar, It takes 50 votes in the House to Impeach. Sixty-seven in the Senate to convict and remove him from office.

You're just figuring this out? Welcome to the party, friend.
To convict, the number needed would be 13, not 6. Nineteen Democratic senators will be up for re-election in 2015 and may be run from Obama like they did this past election so the 13 could possibly be had. But not many have the stomach for Biden as POTUS.

But your number of "6" is wrong, friend.

Its not my number.

Templar, tell him your fantasy.
Obama looks at everything as him against us. Us, being Americans. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration. The sooner you stupid ass partisan liberals realize this, the sooner we can get rid of the tyrant.

Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.
Did you know Hitler personally? Ever meet him? Ever been in the same room with him? Then I guess you can't criticize him, according to your criteria.

Nope. And neither have you. And yet you feel comfortable claiming to speak for him, his motivations, his desires, his goals. Not actually quoting Obama, of course. But quoting yourself AS Obama.

Which is just adorable.
So, you're saying no one who has never met Hitler can comment on him?

Oh, you can offer us ignorant personal opinion. But why would anyone give a shit about you pretending to be someone you've never met?
Man, you are one weak debater.
Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.
Did you know Hitler personally? Ever meet him? Ever been in the same room with him? Then I guess you can't criticize him, according to your criteria.

Nope. And neither have you. And yet you feel comfortable claiming to speak for him, his motivations, his desires, his goals. Not actually quoting Obama, of course. But quoting yourself AS Obama.

Which is just adorable.
So, you're saying no one who has never met Hitler can comment on him?

Oh, you can offer us ignorant personal opinion. But why would anyone give a shit about you pretending to be someone you've never met?
Man, you are one weak debater.

Because I don't accept that you speak for Obama? Laughing....get used to the idea.
Impeachment wouldn't about WHO took over afterwards, it would be about punishing and admitted law breaker. Obama is his own words said that such an EO would be unconstitutional. Not like it matters, since ignorance of law (Constitution) is not an excuse anyway, especially by the highest ranking officer of the land (who took an oath to it).
Obama looks at everything as him against us. Us, being Americans. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, YOU are the enemy in his eyes. That's why he wants to screw us ALL over with his EO on immigration. The sooner you stupid ass partisan liberals realize this, the sooner we can get rid of the tyrant.

Oh, look! SJ is pretending to be Obama again. And telling us the heart of hearts of a man he doesn't know, has never met, nor has ever been in the same room with.

I don't care who you are, that's adorable right there.
Did you know Hitler personally? Ever meet him? Ever been in the same room with him? Then I guess you can't criticize him, according to your criteria.

Nope. And neither have you. And yet you feel comfortable claiming to speak for him, his motivations, his desires, his goals. Not actually quoting Obama, of course. But quoting yourself AS Obama.

Which is just adorable.
So, you're saying no one who has never met Hitler can comment on him?

Oh, you can offer us ignorant personal opinion. But why would anyone give a shit about you pretending to be someone you've never met?

SJ was giving an opinion about someone, not pretending to be that person. Do you know the difference?

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