stop comparing C19 with Vietnam deaths's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

I paid my dues. If you had paid yours you wouldn't feel the need to bring up the question. I paid my dues so that EVERY American has the right to express their opinion no matter whether I agree with it or not.
I did 7 years asshat including time on the ground in Vietnam and the balance of SEA, all of it. Got out in 1974.

Then you should know better. Got a few more years than you but it doesn't matter. Just keep working, paying your taxes and sending it to me and I'll keep protecting our United States Constitution.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID
Stop comparing the Vietnam deaths with the coronavirus deaths.

It is disrespectful to every American who has died or suffered in the hospital for weeks from this pandemic.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

You forgot to make not of MIA's and those who spent years in the Hanoi Hilton, or do you not like those who were captured because dumb donald told you so.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
I guess Trump should have been xenophobic and racist sooner eh?
Trump has always used xenophobia and racism to appeal to his base.

It would have been nice if Trump had:
a) Had prepared the country for the inevitable pandemic, rather than dismantling the organizations intended to plan for it.
b) Had not downplayed the virus and proclaimed it was just going to go away in a few weeks
c) Had prepared tests that worked and sent them out timely- like South Korea and other nations- rather than delay and send out defective tests.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

I paid my dues. If you had paid yours you wouldn't feel the need to bring up the question. I paid my dues so that EVERY American has the right to express their opinion no matter whether I agree with it or not.
I did 7 years asshat including time on the ground in Vietnam and the balance of SEA, all of it. Got out in 1974.

Then you should know better. Got a few more years than you but it doesn't matter. Just keep working, paying your taxes and sending it to me and I'll keep protecting our United States Constitution.
About all I'll put you down for protecting is your seat at a snack bar or maybe a barstool somewhere.
Y's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

What a stupid question. What does military service have to do with whether one number is larger than another?
You're the asshole that made the assertion that it wasn't disrespectful. Now answer the question asshole and quit trying to beat around the bush or deflect. How do you know?

Well, let's just ask you then. Do you find that disrespectful?'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
..I knew someone would bring that up---you just proved my point and proved yourself to be an idiot:
View attachment 329445 didn't provide a link so that we could verify the veracity of your chart. And, I can tell you that your chart is wrong, because it says that the death rate of those 0 - 19 is 0.0 percent, meaning that zero deaths have occurred in that age range.

These links prove you wrong..........................

The links are all about people under the age of 19 who have died of COVID-19, some of which were infants. Sorry, but your chart is wrong because the death rate of those under 19 isn't zero as your chart claims.
Y's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

What a stupid question. What does military service have to do with whether one number is larger than another?
You're the asshole that made the assertion that it wasn't disrespectful. Now answer the question asshole and quit trying to beat around the bush or deflect. How do you know?

Well, let's just ask you then. Do you find that disrespectful?
Just stupid and unrelated.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
..I knew someone would bring that up---you just proved my point and proved yourself to be an idiot:
View attachment 329445

What are the recurrence rates? It doesn't matter. The data isn't complete as the studies lack peer review. We don't have a vaccine and we are searching for herd immunity assuming it exists for this virus. I think the young who get it a second time will have an underlying condition.

The Vietnam vets are old now, so they have a better chance of dying due to COVID-19. You just posted their death graphs. Why did you bring up the Vietnam vets now? They had their day last month.
Y's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

What a stupid question. What does military service have to do with whether one number is larger than another?
You're the asshole that made the assertion that it wasn't disrespectful. Now answer the question asshole and quit trying to beat around the bush or deflect. How do you know?

Well, let's just ask you then. Do you find that disrespectful?
Just stupid and unrelated.

Ok. So you, a vet, do not find it disrespectful. Thanks.
The OP is pissed and wants people to not talk about the number of deaths due to the virus are more than what happened in Viet Nam, because it ruins what his dear leader the Cheeto in Chief told him.

Sorry, but you can't argue with math and numbers.
Y's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

What a stupid question. What does military service have to do with whether one number is larger than another?
You're the asshole that made the assertion that it wasn't disrespectful. Now answer the question asshole and quit trying to beat around the bush or deflect. How do you know?

Well, let's just ask you then. Do you find that disrespectful?
Just stupid and unrelated.

Ok. So you, a vet, do not find it disrespectful. Thanks.
But I do find it and you stupid.
Y's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

What a stupid question. What does military service have to do with whether one number is larger than another?
You're the asshole that made the assertion that it wasn't disrespectful. Now answer the question asshole and quit trying to beat around the bush or deflect. How do you know?

Well, let's just ask you then. Do you find that disrespectful?
Just stupid and unrelated.

Ok. So you, a vet, do not find it disrespectful. Thanks.
But I do find it and you stupid.

What makes you think I'm stupid?'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
How do you know, are you a vet?

I paid my dues. If you had paid yours you wouldn't feel the need to bring up the question. I paid my dues so that EVERY American has the right to express their opinion no matter whether I agree with it or not.
I did 7 years asshat including time on the ground in Vietnam and the balance of SEA, all of it. Got out in 1974.

Then you should know better. Got a few more years than you but it doesn't matter. Just keep working, paying your taxes and sending it to me and I'll keep protecting our United States Constitution.
About all I'll put you down for protecting is your seat at a snack bar or maybe a barstool somewhere.

As long as you keep sending me those funds. You quit and I didn't. I get the check (direct deposit) and you don't. Does that give me any more reason to attempt to squelch discussion? No, except when someone tries to use Military Service as a factor.

And thank you for working and sending those funds. I really appreciate it.
Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
If those who are young are going to be dragged into this matter, in my opinion, nothing will ever top those who have had to spend their lives at St. Jude Children's Hospital due to something more life threatening.

God bless you and everyone who has been hit with any kind of sickness always!!!

I don't need anything but I'm all done being pissed on over Vietnam.

Then why bring it up? I don't. Anyone that compares deaths to one thing to another is just plain stupid and expects everyone else to be just as dumb.
I didn't. He did.

it doesn't matter whom brought it up. It shouldn't have been brought up in the first place. And you shouldn't have tried to use the Military Service as an angle either.

And the Eagle Shits in 3 days.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.

How many Vietnams of people die each year from the Flu?

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