stop comparing C19 with Vietnam deaths's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
..I knew someone would bring that up---you just proved my point and proved yourself to be an idiot:
View attachment 329445 didn't provide a link so that we could verify the veracity of your chart. And, I can tell you that your chart is wrong, because it says that the death rate of those 0 - 19 is 0.0 percent, meaning that zero deaths have occurred in that age range.

These links prove you wrong..........................

The links are all about people under the age of 19 who have died of COVID-19, some of which were infants. Sorry, but your chart is wrong because the death rate of those under 19 isn't zero as your chart claims.
hahahhahahahahaa--if you don't know the ages of C19 deaths, you have no business talking to adults
..stop the stupid shit--you KNOW the deaths of age groups or you are a dumbass---
etc links to infinity's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

You forgot to make not of MIA's and those who spent years in the Hanoi Hilton, or do you not like those who were captured because dumb donald told you so.
hahhaha--ANOTHER poster who:
1 can't refute my post
2. brings up the POTUS--who has NOTHING to do with this post
3. like others, you don't even do a basic research--you don't know WTF you are babbling about
---you just made an ass out of yourself--here:
Of the remaining 1,246 Americans still unaccounted for in Vietnam, 470 are in a “non-recoverable” category. This means that as a result of rigorous investigation, we have conclusive evidence the individual perished, but do not believe it possible to recover his remains. On rare occasions, new leads can arise that bring a case back to an active status.

perished means DEAD!!!!
Last edited:
no one is saying anyone is more valuable --DUH
...we're saying the comparison is OBVIOUSLY nonsensical/idiotic/etc's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

Trump 2020: Nana was going to die, anyway.

You guys go with that. Please.

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

Trump Plague has killed more Americans in six weeks than Vietnam killed in 8 years.

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

Many thousands of Covid-19 victims will suffer permanent damage to their lungs.

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

That you guys put a game show host in charge, and he's running a national crisis like a game show?

"Next up, the Bleach Drinking Challenge for Immunity!!!"



  • 1588156776839.png
    32 KB · Views: 18's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
..I knew someone would bring that up---you just proved my point and proved yourself to be an idiot:
View attachment 329445

You totally ignored his other point. Deaths are deaths. your premise is that a young person’s life is worth more than an old or sick person. I take issue with that.
DIFFERENCE---you don't compare apples to oranges
the CAUSE of death is DIFFERENT
the age is DIFFERENT
that means you can't COMPARE the two

Nobody was comparing the two except for you. Some people likening the two tragedies because the death toll figures. But if someone wanted to compare the two there’s no rule that all the characteristics of death have to the same in order to compare the different types of deaths. The ironic thing about you putting Vietnam soldiers who died about above the deaths of COVID patients is a lot of the COVID deaths are Vietnam vets. I guess their lives aren’t valuable to you anymore.
Last edited:'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.

How many Vietnams of people die each year from the Flu?

We aren't talking a full year, dumb ass. It's only been two months since the first US corona virus death.

That isn't material. How many vietnams die of heart attacks each year?
the age is DIFFERENT
the cause is DIFFERENT
you can't COMPARE them --they are NOT THE SAME

No one in there right mind considered them the same. The similarity is the death toll. We can talk about them as both being significant tragedies in American history. Stop acting like the two can’t be apart of the same sentence because the circumstances are different. Like I said I don’t agree with you characterization of young lives being more valuable than the lives of old lives. Also while dying in Vietnam is horrible, so is dying of COVID 19. Some people, including me, if given the option would rather die fighting a war than die of COVID 19z
Last edited:'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.

How many Vietnams of people die each year from the Flu?

We aren't talking a full year, dumb ass. It's only been two months since the first US corona virus death.

That isn't material. How many vietnams die of heart attacks each year?

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Heart disease is our #1 cause of death. Are you trying to say that since the virus isn't our main cause of death, it doesn't count?'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.

How many Vietnams of people die each year from the Flu?

We aren't talking a full year, dumb ass. It's only been two months since the first US corona virus death.

That isn't material. How many vietnams die of heart attacks each year?

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Heart disease is our #1 cause of death. Are you trying to say that since the virus isn't our main cause of death, it doesn't count?

I'm saying the comparison is purely political in nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to make Trump look bad.

There are several other events they could have compared the death rate to, but they chose this one. Vietnam has been used as a symbol of American weakness as well as Incompetent upper leadership, a comparison progressives I'm sure are not making accidentally.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.

How many Vietnams of people die each year from the Flu?

We aren't talking a full year, dumb ass. It's only been two months since the first US corona virus death.

That isn't material. How many vietnams die of heart attacks each year?

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Heart disease is our #1 cause of death. Are you trying to say that since the virus isn't our main cause of death, it doesn't count?

I'm saying the comparison is purely political in nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to make Trump look bad.

There are several other events they could have compared the death rate to, but they chose this one. Vietnam has been used as a symbol of American weakness as well as Incompetent upper leadership, a comparison progressives I'm sure are not making accidentally.

There is no need for a ploy to make Trump look bad. He does that quite well by himself.
DIFFERENCE---you don't compare apples to oranges
the CAUSE of death is DIFFERENT
the age is DIFFERENT
that means you can't COMPARE the two

What do you mean the cause of death is different? With COVID-19, we have found it leads to ARDS or you get slime on your lungs and it grows so the ER doctors can't or have difficulties putting in a breathing tube. Both young and old can experience this.
4. etc --it's just plain STUPID
Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
No, dumbass, deaths are not all the same. They vary by suffering, cause and circumstance.

My Gawd, how can you utter such a stupid ass thing?
I'm saying the comparison is purely political in nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to make Trump look bad.

There's something you could compare 60,000 deaths to that would make Trump look good?

The thing is, you'd have to skip over a lot of other disasters - Katrina, 9/11, OKC, to find one that killed as many people as Trump's Plague. And Vietnam is the closest we have in numbers.

There are several other events they could have compared the death rate to, but they chose this one. Vietnam has been used as a symbol of American weakness as well as Incompetent upper leadership, a comparison progressives I'm sure are not making accidentally.

Name one.
More Americans died in 3 months of this virus than the whole time we were in Nam. Yeah, we need to stop making comparisons, Trump's virus is deadlier than Nam.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

And by the time this is over they will be so overshadowed there will be no comparison.
the age is DIFFERENT
the cause is DIFFERENT
you can't COMPARE them --they are NOT THE SAME

No one in there right mind considered them the same. The similarity is the death toll. We can talk about them as both being significant tragedies in American history. Stop acting like the two can’t be apart of the same sentence because the circumstances are different. Like I said I don’t agree with you characterization of young lives being more valuable than the lives of old lives. Also while dying in Vietnam is horrible, so is dying of COVID 19. Some people, including me, if given the option would rather die fighting a war than die of COVID 19z's like comparing apples to must not understand basic 4th grade science and math--you CAN'T say the death rate or total deaths are comparable's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
..I knew someone would bring that up---you just proved my point and proved yourself to be an idiot:
View attachment 329445

You totally ignored his other point. Deaths are deaths. your premise is that a young person’s life is worth more than an old or sick person. I take issue with that.
DIFFERENCE---you don't compare apples to oranges
the CAUSE of death is DIFFERENT
the age is DIFFERENT
that means you can't COMPARE the two

Nobody was comparing the two except for you. Some people likening the two tragedies because the death toll figures. But if someone wanted to compare the two there’s no rule that all the characteristics of death have to the same in order to compare the different types of deaths. The ironic thing about you putting Vietnam soldiers who died about above the deaths of COVID patients is a lot of the COVID deaths are Vietnam vets. I guess their lives aren’t valuable to you anymore.
.....what FN planet do you live on???!!!!! you just proved you don't know what you are babbling about:
1. many idiot lib posters have used the comparison on USMB to infinity of the comparison:
these links are the nail in your coffin--adios amigo's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

Trump 2020: Nana was going to die, anyway.

You guys go with that. Please.

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

Trump Plague has killed more Americans in six weeks than Vietnam killed in 8 years.

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

Many thousands of Covid-19 victims will suffer permanent damage to their lungs.

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

That you guys put a game show host in charge, and he's running a national crisis like a game show?

"Next up, the Bleach Drinking Challenge for Immunity!!!"

View attachment 329573
the OP is air tight--BABY!!!
AJ squared away
the math and the differences
DIFFERENCE---you don't compare apples to oranges
the CAUSE of death is DIFFERENT
the age is DIFFERENT
that means you can't COMPARE the two

What do you mean the cause of death is different? With COVID-19, we have found it leads to ARDS or you get slime on your lungs and it grows so the ER doctors can't or have difficulties putting in a breathing tube. Both young and old can experience this.
....gee.... I think someone sneaking up to wounded people and blowing their brains out is a little different
anyway, like I told Joe, the OP is air tight
.....with C19, you have older people with pre-existing conditions Vietnam, perfectly healthy people died ..... you have a group that is 300 times larger--and you don't think 300 times something is different/larger?????!!!!!! hahahahahhahahahahah''d have to be a super idiot not to see the differences

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