stop comparing C19 with Vietnam deaths's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

And by the time this is over they will be so overshadowed there will be no comparison.
perfectly healthy people vs not healthy
no comparison
Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
So you're trying to score political points? You're blaming Trump for his handling of the Coronavirus pandemic? What about China? Lots of people are calling this the Wuhan Flu.
"Lots of people are calling this the Wuhan Flu."

And that means what exactly? Really everytime I see Trump or anyone else say "Lots of people are saying" I just figure you are just to cowardly to just come out and say "I call this the Wuhan flu".

The virus started in China- and certainly China bears blame for how it handled the outbreak. But the United States won't be voting on whether to elect China as leader of the United States for 4 years- we will be voting on whether to re-elect Trump. And certainly part of that equation should be how well- and how poorly he has done with handling the pandemic in the United States.

This administration told Americans that the World Health Organization has blood on its hands for how WHO handled this pandemic. By the standards of the accusations against WHO, then Trump has blood on his hands. There are actions Trump could have taken in the last 3 years to be prepared for this pandemic, and actions he could have taken in the early stages of the pandemic that would have saved lives.

I want to repeat- Trump is not to blame for the coronavirus- but he does deserve blame for his totally inept handling of this crisis.
2 MILLION died in the Vietnam war---but the DUMBASSES want to count only a portion of the deaths!!!!!!!
..ok let's count the 18-23 year olds killed by C19 in Maine's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.

How many Vietnams of people die each year from the Flu?

We aren't talking a full year, dumb ass. It's only been two months since the first US corona virus death.

That isn't material. How many vietnams die of heart attacks each year?

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Heart disease is our #1 cause of death. Are you trying to say that since the virus isn't our main cause of death, it doesn't count?

I'm saying the comparison is purely political in nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to make Trump look bad.
If that comparison is purely political in nature, then every comparison of the coronavirus to the flu is purely political nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to try to burnish Trump's knob.
I agree Syriusly. Trump isn't responsible for the start of the virus, but he IS responsible for the actions taken in this country to keep the people safe. And, he's been failing miserably.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
I guess Trump should have been xenophobic and racist sooner eh?
Trump did just fine starting last January. Enemy democrats just have to lie.
I agree Syriusly. Trump isn't responsible for the start of the virus, but he IS responsible for the actions taken in this country to keep the people safe. And, he's been failing miserably.
But by all means- lets not talk about Trump's failure as a leader- but instead trot out this strawman and whine about the non-issue of comparing the coronavirus deaths with vietnam deaths.

Anything to avoid discussing Trump's failures as a leader both before and after this crisis.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
I guess Trump should have been xenophobic and racist sooner eh?
Trump did just fine starting last January. Enemy democrats just have to lie.
No surprise that Tipsycat supports Trump's dog whistle to racism- this is the person who happily proclaimed that Christopher Columbus was a wonderful man better than any black man can ever be(sorry Ben Carson)
For all you people that think Trump is doing such a fantastic job, consider this...................Trump has been telling people that tests would be here "soon" for the past 2 months, and it was only on Monday that he got heads of companies together who are going to make the test, as he was having them say what they were going to make for the tests during his virus briefing. That means that production hasn't even started yet.

Then, there is the backlog for running the tests. Why couldn't we have done what S. Korea did? They got the tests out quick and flattened the curve earlier than most.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

And by the time this is over they will be so overshadowed there will be no comparison.
2 million died in the Vietnam war---C19 is only up to 50,000's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
I guess Trump should have been xenophobic and racist sooner eh?
Trump did just fine starting last January. Enemy democrats just have to lie.
No surprise that Tipsycat supports Trump's dog whistle to racism- this is the person who happily proclaimed that Christopher Columbus was a wonderful man better than any black man can ever be(sorry Ben Carson)
Hmmm. Is it time to remind everyone how great Marco Polo was? How about Lief Erickson. Bet he was blonde. Both better than any black man who could ever be. Now you have something new to jerk off with.
I'm saying the comparison is purely political in nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to make Trump look bad.

There's something you could compare 60,000 deaths to that would make Trump look good?

The thing is, you'd have to skip over a lot of other disasters - Katrina, 9/11, OKC, to find one that killed as many people as Trump's Plague. And Vietnam is the closest we have in numbers.

There are several other events they could have compared the death rate to, but they chose this one. Vietnam has been used as a symbol of American weakness as well as Incompetent upper leadership, a comparison progressives I'm sure are not making accidentally.

Name one.

Why isn't it Cuomo's Plague? Or Diblasio's Plague? or the Chicom Plague?

Oh right, because those names don't let you score cheap political points.

Korea, Yearly Polio deaths before the vaccine, AIDS deaths, Smallpox deaths per year before eradication.

I named a few, hack.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.

How many Vietnams of people die each year from the Flu?

We aren't talking a full year, dumb ass. It's only been two months since the first US corona virus death.

That isn't material. How many vietnams die of heart attacks each year?

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Heart disease is our #1 cause of death. Are you trying to say that since the virus isn't our main cause of death, it doesn't count?

I'm saying the comparison is purely political in nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to make Trump look bad.
If that comparison is purely political in nature, then every comparison of the coronavirus to the flu is purely political nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to try to burnish Trump's knob.

Comparing it to a seasonal flu, or even specific seasons of flu, or other diseases, isn't political, it is to put it into a matter of perspective.

Only political twats like you can't or won't see that. Willful ignorance.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

/———/ Libtards will stop at nothing to promote their wretched agenda.
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.

And you know how many of us are left? Are you aware I was in on the last draft? Yes, there were others with draft numbers but most states stopped calling them up astaring in 1971. MOST Vietnam Vets are well into their 70s. And with the various physical and mental problems we received, we are dying at a much higher rate than the civilian counterpart.

I would like to give your Grandfather a salute. But I look at the time line for WWII. My Father was a WWII Vet. He died at age 82 in 2003. He was drafted in 1942 and served in North Africa, The invasion of Sicily, Italy and the Invasion of Southern France. If he were alive today, he would be right around 100 years old as well. These were the Greatest Americans that EVER lived and will probably ever live. And you bringing him up in your BS post, he should slap you across the head.
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.

And you know how many of us are left? Are you aware I was in on the last draft? Yes, there were others with draft numbers but most states stopped calling them up astaring in 1971. MOST Vietnam Vets are well into their 70s. And with the various physical and mental problems we received, we are dying at a much higher rate than the civilian counterpart.

I would like to give your Grandfather a salute. But I look at the time line for WWII. My Father was a WWII Vet. He died at age 82 in 2003. He was drafted in 1942 and served in North Africa, The invasion of Sicily, Italy and the Invasion of Southern France. If he were alive today, he would be right around 100 years old as well. These were the Greatest Americans that EVER lived and will probably ever live. And you bringing him up in your BS post, he should slap you across the head.

You claimed you are "one of the last", you are not.

He would call you out on that.
I'm saying the comparison is purely political in nature, and is nothing more than another political ploy to make Trump look bad.

There's something you could compare 60,000 deaths to that would make Trump look good?

The thing is, you'd have to skip over a lot of other disasters - Katrina, 9/11, OKC, to find one that killed as many people as Trump's Plague. And Vietnam is the closest we have in numbers.

There are several other events they could have compared the death rate to, but they chose this one. Vietnam has been used as a symbol of American weakness as well as Incompetent upper leadership, a comparison progressives I'm sure are not making accidentally.

Name one.

Why isn't it Cuomo's Plague? Or Diblasio's Plague? or the Chicom Plague?

Oh right, because those names don't let you score cheap political points.

Korea, Yearly Polio deaths before the vaccine, AIDS deaths, Smallpox deaths per year before eradication.

I named a few, hack.

If we're going to blame Trump for Covid deaths, then we also should be blaming Cuomo and deBlasio as well. Both have blood on their hands in handling this crisis.
Should have closed the subways, and should NOT have EVER sent Covid patients to nursing homes that are obviously filled with vulnerable residents.

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