Stop covering up White Christian terrorism

We cannot address what is trying to be dismissed

The line of logic used in foreign terrorism rhetoric by the GOP is swiftly ignored when the issue pertains to homegrown, domestic white terrorism. If we are to claim that a belief in Islamic extremism may motivate terrorists, why then are we to dismiss even the possibility that a belief in anti-abortion Christian rhetoric may also contribute to violence in society? If we are genuinely pursuing the truth, we ought to be honest about discussing the motives that inspire violence, even if they may be inconvenient or uncomfortable to confront. Ignoring this form of terrorism furthers the idea that terrorism only exists when done by certain minority groups and not by white Christian Americans, simply because the idea of it makes people uneasy.

Stop covering up White Christian terrorism - The Bates Student

You were one of the people cheering on 911 when the twin towers fell were't you.
I lost three friends in the faith based attack on the WTC, but I am sure you were praising you man god on two sticks last week on the christianist attack on planned parenthood , goy boy
I don't believe you. Someone like you who knows nothing but hate couldn't possibly have any friends.

There has been a long history of violent cross groveling goyim in America acting out in the name of their man god
Yeah, like they're the only ones who have a lock on violence and hate........ :lmao:
We cannot address what is trying to be dismissed

The line of logic used in foreign terrorism rhetoric by the GOP is swiftly ignored when the issue pertains to homegrown, domestic white terrorism. If we are to claim that a belief in Islamic extremism may motivate terrorists, why then are we to dismiss even the possibility that a belief in anti-abortion Christian rhetoric may also contribute to violence in society? If we are genuinely pursuing the truth, we ought to be honest about discussing the motives that inspire violence, even if they may be inconvenient or uncomfortable to confront. Ignoring this form of terrorism furthers the idea that terrorism only exists when done by certain minority groups and not by white Christian Americans, simply because the idea of it makes people uneasy.

Stop covering up White Christian terrorism - The Bates Student

You were one of the people cheering on 911 when the twin towers fell were't you.
I lost three friends in the faith based attack on the WTC, but I am sure you were praising you man god on two sticks last week on the christianist attack on planned parenthood , goy boy
I don't believe you. Someone like you who knows nothing but hate couldn't possibly have any friends.

There has been a long history of violent cross groveling goyim in America acting out in the name of their man god
Yeah, like they're the only ones who have a lock on violence and hate........ :lmao:
That's the point of all his threads:

Deflect for the PC-protected religion. Don't look at what is happening.

Makes you wonder about his agenda, huh?
Actually the word "terrorism" is a poor description of jihad attacks worldwide and on American soil. If you expand the definition of "terrorism" you can include everything from school bullying to robberies to gang violence and even a shooting spree by a maniac. Hell, you could even call Planned Parenthood a terrorist organization since they are in the killing business and they even sell the body parts. To get the proper perspective of the term "domestic terrorist", Bill Ayers is a perfect example of a well educated white left wing agnostic who terrorized America and got away with it. You almost gotta laugh that Ayers is a (respected?) college professor today and a former partner and political adviser to the equally left wing president.
You were one of the people cheering on 911 when the twin towers fell were't you.
I lost three friends in the faith based attack on the WTC, but I am sure you were praising you man god on two sticks last week on the christianist attack on planned parenthood , goy boy
I don't believe you. Someone like you who knows nothing but hate couldn't possibly have any friends.

There has been a long history of violent cross groveling goyim in America acting out in the name of their man god
Yeah, like they're the only ones who have a lock on violence and hate........ :lmao:
That's the point of all his threads:

Deflect for the PC-protected religion. Don't look at what is happening.

Makes you wonder about his agenda, huh?
Oh I have no doubt what his "agenda" is, he's a (mostly pathetic) troll trying to get a rise out of people, specifically Conservatives and Christians. Every time someone responds to his tripe angrily he starts responding with one hand, the other one is rather busy elsewhere........
Almost twice as many people have died in attacks by right-wing groups in America than have died in attacks by Muslim extremists. Of the 26 attacks since 9/11 that the group defined as terror, 19 were carried out by non-Muslims. Yet there are no white Americans languishing inside the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. And there are no drones dropping bombs on gatherings of military-age males in the country’s lawless border regions.

Attacks by right-wing groups get comparatively little coverage in the news media. Most people will struggle to remember the shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin that killed six people in 2012. A man who associated with neo-Nazi groups carried out that shooting. There was also the married couple in Las Vegas who walked into a pizza shop and murdered two police officers. They left a swastika on one of the bodies before killing a third person in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Such attacks are not limited to one part of the country. In 2011, two white supremacists went on a shooting spree in the Pacific Northwest, killing four people.

Terrorism is hard to define. But here is its basic meaning: ideological violence. In its study, the New America Foundation took a narrow view of what could be considered a terror attack. Most mass shootings, for instance, like Sandy Hook or the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting — both in 2012 — weren’t included. Also not included was the killing of three Muslim students in North Carolina earlier this year. The shooter was a neighbor and had strong opinions about religion. But he also had strong opinions about parking spaces and a history of anger issues. So that shooting was left off the list.

White Americans Are The Biggest Terror Threat In The United States
Abortion Clinics, White Christian Terrorism and GOP Candidates

Abortion clinics have been targeted for violence by fundamentalist Christians of a violent bent for decades. In 2009, Dr. George Tiller was relentlessly shot to death by Scott Roeder, who insisted that the good doctor was satanic because he performed abortions. Dr. John Britton was murdered in 1994 on similar grounds. A strain of Christianity in the United States has never accepted Roe v. Wade, which made it a woman’s right to have an abortion. Not accepting it for oneself is a matter of conscience, and there is nothing wrong with that. But not accepting it for other people is a form of coercion aimed at depriving them of a legal right.

Deploying violence against people to halt abortions is the textbook definition of terrorism, which in the 1990s the Federal Code sensibly defined as non-state actors using violence against civilians to achieve a political aim. Much violence and coercion at Planned Parenthood (only 3% of its activity has to do with abortion) is inspired by Christian fundamentalism.

Abortion Clinics, White Christian Terrorism and GOP Candidates: Juan Cole

I lost three friends in the faith based attack on the WTC, but I am sure you were praising you man god on two sticks last week on the christianist attack on planned parenthood , goy boy
I don't believe you. Someone like you who knows nothing but hate couldn't possibly have any friends.

There has been a long history of violent cross groveling goyim in America acting out in the name of their man god
Yeah, like they're the only ones who have a lock on violence and hate........ :lmao:
That's the point of all his threads:

Deflect for the PC-protected religion. Don't look at what is happening.

Makes you wonder about his agenda, huh?
Oh I have no doubt what his "agenda" is, he's a (mostly pathetic) troll trying to get a rise out of people, specifically Conservatives and Christians. Every time someone responds to his tripe angrily he starts responding with one hand, the other one is rather busy elsewhere........

Showing the facts of our homeground christian terrorism is trolling? Interesting

I don't believe you. Someone like you who knows nothing but hate couldn't possibly have any friends.

There has been a long history of violent cross groveling goyim in America acting out in the name of their man god
Yeah, like they're the only ones who have a lock on violence and hate........ :lmao:
That's the point of all his threads:

Deflect for the PC-protected religion. Don't look at what is happening.

Makes you wonder about his agenda, huh?
Oh I have no doubt what his "agenda" is, he's a (mostly pathetic) troll trying to get a rise out of people, specifically Conservatives and Christians. Every time someone responds to his tripe angrily he starts responding with one hand, the other one is rather busy elsewhere........

Showing the facts of our homeground christian terrorism is trolling? Interesting

That deflection is sooooooo trite........ sputz....... :lmao:
Nice try at deflection, considering the terrorist attack in California...

So when do you really out yourself and get busted????
Which attack are you talking about? The attack by the two Muslims or the attack by the white Christian?

The two Muslims got 35 dead and wounded, the white Christian 12 dead and wounded. Per terrorist, they were actually pretty close.
We cannot address what is trying to be dismissed

The line of logic used in foreign terrorism rhetoric by the GOP is swiftly ignored when the issue pertains to homegrown, domestic white terrorism. If we are to claim that a belief in Islamic extremism may motivate terrorists, why then are we to dismiss even the possibility that a belief in anti-abortion Christian rhetoric may also contribute to violence in society? If we are genuinely pursuing the truth, we ought to be honest about discussing the motives that inspire violence, even if they may be inconvenient or uncomfortable to confront. Ignoring this form of terrorism furthers the idea that terrorism only exists when done by certain minority groups and not by white Christian Americans, simply because the idea of it makes people uneasy.

Stop covering up White Christian terrorism - The Bates Student

You were one of the people cheering on 911 when the twin towers fell were't you.
I lost three friends in the faith based attack on the WTC, but I am sure you were praising you man god on two sticks last week on the christianist attack on planned parenthood , goy boy

You lost 3 friends on 911, but then you dishonor and piss on those friends by coming to this forum and posting this disingenuous garbage. I suspect they weren't really your "friends", at least not in the way I call people friends.
We cannot address what is trying to be dismissed

The line of logic used in foreign terrorism rhetoric by the GOP is swiftly ignored when the issue pertains to homegrown, domestic white terrorism. If we are to claim that a belief in Islamic extremism may motivate terrorists, why then are we to dismiss even the possibility that a belief in anti-abortion Christian rhetoric may also contribute to violence in society? If we are genuinely pursuing the truth, we ought to be honest about discussing the motives that inspire violence, even if they may be inconvenient or uncomfortable to confront. Ignoring this form of terrorism furthers the idea that terrorism only exists when done by certain minority groups and not by white Christian Americans, simply because the idea of it makes people uneasy.

Stop covering up White Christian terrorism - The Bates Student
Let's see...we have beta-boy Dylann Roof "white conservative terrorist" with a sweet black boyfriend who went and shot up a Bible study and 9 Christians went to an early grave.

We have the the beta-boy Mercer guy in Oregon, "white conservative terrorist" who shot up specifically Christians after he asked them to identify their religion..

We have the planned parenthood shooter who is a man who identified as a woman of official record (yeah, like he didn't notice "female" was listed as his gender on his driver's license..) as our latest "white conservative terrorist"....

Anybody see a trend here? I'm thinking the word "Christian" needs to be deleted from the thread title here.

I love that you're still pretending that Roof is gay and Dear is a tranny just so you can blame queers. Too funny.
Have you noticed these far left loons only seem to think about so called white Christian terrorism after there is an attack by Muslim terrorist?
That's not true. The white Christian terrorist came first so we thought about that one first.
Almost twice as many people have died in attacks by right-wing groups in America than have died in attacks by Muslim extremists. Of the 26 attacks since 9/11 that the group defined as terror, 19 were carried out by non-Muslims. Yet there are no white Americans languishing inside the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. And there are no drones dropping bombs on gatherings of military-age males in the country’s lawless border regions.

Attacks by right-wing groups get comparatively little coverage in the news media. Most people will struggle to remember the shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin that killed six people in 2012. A man who associated with neo-Nazi groups carried out that shooting. There was also the married couple in Las Vegas who walked into a pizza shop and murdered two police officers. They left a swastika on one of the bodies before killing a third person in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Such attacks are not limited to one part of the country. In 2011, two white supremacists went on a shooting spree in the Pacific Northwest, killing four people.

Terrorism is hard to define. But here is its basic meaning: ideological violence. In its study, the New America Foundation took a narrow view of what could be considered a terror attack. Most mass shootings, for instance, like Sandy Hook or the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting — both in 2012 — weren’t included. Also not included was the killing of three Muslim students in North Carolina earlier this year. The shooter was a neighbor and had strong opinions about religion. But he also had strong opinions about parking spaces and a history of anger issues. So that shooting was left off the list.

White Americans Are The Biggest Terror Threat In The United States

Gee --- how quickly you turn from Christian terrorists to Satan worshipping terrorists and neo-nazi terrorists.
And look at how quickly the premise in your OP dies..

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