Stop defending leaving Obamacare ACA unchanged


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
HHS REPORT: Average Health Insurance Premiums Doubled Since 2013

The results are in...... insurance premiums doubled. How is that a benefit to US? You Liberals are more concerned with protecting Obama legacy by fighting any and all effort to change Obama ACA. This was a shitbag from Day 1. How many Democrats including Obama himself were exempted? How many corporate and Union cronies were exempted?

Doubling Premiums????
This is one case where we should return to 2009 policies, then change things one small part at a time. The rush to create just another all-encompassing policy is ill-advised.
Defending Obama Plan 100 percent born of stubborn dedication to a legacy AND bashing Trump at every turn is not going to solve this problem. It is broken severely and needs fixing.
We need an up or down vote on repealing Obamacare. I would love to see how the elderly sisters from Maine and Joe Manchin (D-WV) would vote on this one. If it failed to pass, the Dems would lose 10 Senate seats in 2018. Not a bad outcome?
You mean government idiots passing a 2000+ page bill they didn't even read that generated 10's of thousands of pages of government healthcare regulations was a bad idea? /sarcasm /infinity
Reminder: These government idiots spent a billion dollars building healthcare exchange web sites that were such a cluster they were scrapped and thrown in the trash. Oregon spent over $300 million on theirs alone, goddamn and we should put these government morons in charge of our healthcare industry?
Pass that Trumpcare thing with 15% support from the American people. lol, then I can relax confident that the GOP will be swept away in 2018.
This dabbling by congress in peoples health care and screwing over decent doctors all needs to go away.

We need an up or down vote on repealing Obamacare. I would love to see how the elderly sisters from Maine and Joe Manchin (D-WV) would vote on this one. If it failed to pass, the Dems would lose 10 Senate seats in 2018. Not a bad outcome?

You are in fantasy mode. Manchin is looking out for his constituents as they would be heavily impacted by the loss of the subsidies. The Republican Senator from West Virginia is opposed to the current Senate bill as well. Maine is a more liberal state so she would not be impacted by voting against it.
You mean government idiots passing a 2000+ page bill they didn't even read that generated 10's of thousands of pages of government healthcare regulations was a bad idea? /sarcasm /infinity

Republicans in the House admitted that they did not read the bill. Several Republicans were clueless when they were told what was in the bill they voted for.
You're worried about the senators from WVA and Maine? That's hilarious, better worry about McConnell, his latest stance is giving more to insurance companies to play in the counties they have and are going to withdraw from. Might as well forget about repeal.
Pass that Trumpcare thing with 15% support from the American people. lol, then I can relax confident that the GOP will be swept away in 2018.

You can attack Trumpcare all you want. I am not here to defend that. The reality is that you cannot defend or site a benefit of leaving Obamacare unchanged. Obamacare results as delivered by HHS calls for change.

Your attempt to shift the goalpost has been noted.
You mean government idiots passing a 2000+ page bill they didn't even read that generated 10's of thousands of pages of government healthcare regulations was a bad idea? /sarcasm /infinity

Republicans in the House admitted that they did not read the bill. Several Republicans were clueless when they were told what was in the bill they voted for.

No Republicans voted for the Obamacare turd. I know Obamacare is a huge embarrassment for Dem's but try to stay on topic.

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