Stop lying about solar .....

Sun bearing down and "electric clothes dryer" is an exercise in stupidity. WTF ?
Makes sense in the winter,
or when it's raining,
or windy, or if you don't want to iron everything,
or if you don't want clothes stolen,
or if you want to save time,
or if your kids are too short to reach the cloth lines,
or if your wife says no way (probably the most important reason to own a dryer). ;)
Yea well not everyone wants to live in a shoebox. Although that seems to be the new goal for the radical left, get everyone used to small ass living spaces under the guise of it being “environmentally sustainable”.

When I retire to the woods I dont want or need a big house.
The smaller it is the easier it is to maintain and clean.
We have a 4900 square foot house right now and I'd gladly give the second story away if I could.
Along with the $1200 dollar electricity bills in the summer.
In my case it has nothing to do with the radical left or being environmentally stable.
As some of you know we just bought a 95 liter solar powered fridge/freezer with a solar panel and battery. It'll be great for camping and road tripping. In fact it just showed up today.
Today we're looking at Bluetti system that will run a small house for two days without recharge. Including an A/C unit as long as it's a small one.
If you have the 6 optional solar panels you can recharge the system in 4 hours.
So if you have the panels you can run the system pretty much constantly as long as you dont live in Portland where it rains all the time,not sure why anyone would want to live in Portland even if it was sunny all of the time but I digress.

The Bluetti EP500Pro is $1k more than this system

But ... this is how things get done. Follow the playbook.

1. Step one: Flood the media with feel good stories about how wind and solar power is cheap and will save us money and the planet at the same time. Ignore the part about how there is no viable technology available to STORE the power when the sun isn't out or the wind isn't blowing (or blowing too hard).

2. Step two: Heavily subsidize the installation of home and commercial solar to make it seem cheap to the average person. Make people believe solar is cheap.

3. Step three: When people start to wonder why, after installing all this solar, we still haven't made the planet cleaner or made any progress on the Climate Change issue, THEN you blame "wicked conservatives" and "big oil" who hate trees and bunnies and only want to use fossil fuels because they hate children.

4. Step four: Get support for legislation that kills oil, gas, and coal (as well as non-polluting nuclear) to punish those evil planet-haters ... despite the fact that neither solar nor wind can currently come anywhere close to feeding our infrastructure requirements.

5. Follow-up: If people start complaining about blackouts and soaring energy prices, just blame the same evil planet-haters because they took too long to get on the wind and solar agenda.

4. Step four: Get support for legislation that kills oil, gas, and coal (as well as non-polluting nuclear) to punish those evil planet-haters ... despite the fact that neither solar nor wind can currently come anywhere close to feeding our infrastructure requirements.

lol they just killed mining operations in Minnesota and Alaska, where all that copper and other materials come from that go in electric cars. They're morons who can't plan anything or decide where it is they want to go. They also figured out the chemical waste from producing all those lithium batteries will kill stuff if dumped somewhere.
Toxic materials and chemicals are used to make the photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into energy....Solar thermal systems use potentially hazardous fluids to transfer heat....
You can't get away from it folks...if you want to flip a switch and get light warmth and is going to way or the other...
Like sulfuric acid pools from EV battery production...pools we don't know what to do with so we barrel it and bury it.....just think what a nation like China is doing...maybe dumping it in the ocean....
Damned excellent point....

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