Stop. Smoking.

I just snort whiskey and drink cocaine. Got that feelin' , gonna drive that girl insane.INSANITY !
Bluz. What line of work were you in ? Emphysema from Barfly isn't very common.
I didn't WORK at the restaurant/bar we frequented. I ate, drank, and played trivia with the guys. But we did this at least a couple times a week, and usually were there 5 or 6 hours each time. So, unfortunately, after 4 or 5 years of this, I developed a bit of emphysema in both lungs from THEIR second hand smoke. And I believe two of these guys STILL smoke. Less than they used to, but they still do.
Ya missed it. WORK. work, not bar solicitation .
Oops, sorry about that. Of course you knew I didn't work there. Unfortunately, at my increasingly advanced age (I turned 59 years of age last month), brain farts are becoming more and more frequent. The ONLY good thing about MY brain farts is they USUALLY don't smell as bad as my regular farts. Anyway, during the time I was around my chain smoking friends, I was working at one of the Arizona Humane Society animal shelters. I was around NO smokers, smoking obviously was NOT permitted in the shelter. There WERE a few SMOKING HOT women that worked there, that's the closest I came to actual smokers there. I was living with my dad at the time, and he DIDN'T smoke. So the emphysema that developed in my lungs HAD to be caused by my smoking buddies at the restaurant/bar. It's the only logical answer. And again, I blame MYSELF for being around them, I KNEW they were smokers. Thank you.
plain common sense- smoke in lungs is NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Precisely. My best advice is DON'T START SMOKING, that way you don't have to worry about quitting. Thank you very much. I WILL be here ALL weekend, with sage advice to anyone who wants it.
plain common sense- smoke in lungs is NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Precisely. My best advice is DON'T START SMOKING, that way you don't have to worry about quitting. Thank you very much. I WILL be here ALL weekend, with sage advice to anyone who wants it.
....what is the purpose of life and which direction should the toilet paper roll down?
Never smoked in my whole life. I don't understand why some people now in 2020 still smoke.
Everybody knows nicotine kills.
Despite continuous anti-smoking advertising campaigns people still use cigarettes....that's unbelievable :(

Hello Corazon. Welcome to the Wonderful World of USMB.

My after hours Customer Service & Dispatch is located in Makati, Phil. since early 90s. After hours means 5pm to 5 am here in US including weekends. I speak fluent Tagalog but it took me about a year to get rid of my funny pronunciations. Philippines is a unique country compared to other countries.

I traveled from the northern tip Aparri ( China side) to the southern islands like Cebu, Bohol, Panay, Buracay Palawan in short visayan islands. But not in mindanao islands. I’m afraid of abu sayaf terrorist group.

It’s the only place in this wide world of planet earth that I need a bodyguards. It created a lot of attentions that I don’t need feeding and dragging them all over Philippines. These are active NBI agents equivalents to FBI and trained here in US making extra money. Kidnapping is very common in the Phil. especially for foreigners like me that has long interest in that country. McDonald’s, Kentucky FC, Subway or Donut shops etc etc etc has security armed guards. Mostly shotguns.

Smoking? I saw some old women only in northern part of the country especially in Cagayan and ilocos. Where they smoke cigarettes the wrong way. Filter is outside then the fire is inside their mouth.

Smoking in Casinos? if I stayed longer probably get second hand smoke COPD.

Filipinos and other Asians countries loves Karaoke. It’s very big in Asia. I mean BIG. I love to sing. It’s the only place on earth where I can live my dream as a singer in a stage for a couple of hours. That is cheaper than going to a casino. It’s very hard to get inserted in a line up because it’s where the local singers make their livelihood. So I bribe them and they let me sing as long as I want but no more than 2 hours.

I think it’s safe to share this story.

I’m very closely associated with the Marcos families especially with BongBong. I met the Marcoses family 2 weeks after they sent the dictator to Hawaii. My uncle house is next to the Marcoses house where they stayed. It’s those houses where theres no fence about 124 feet from wall to wall.
He successfully run for governor and senator. Then run for VP but loss. They cheated him. He was way ahead of the counts there was a glitch. When it came back he was behind. Similar happened to Morales of Bolivia but the other way. Morales was so behind then a glitch when it came back he won the election. Now he is wanted in Bolivia hiding in Argentina.

I was there in Phil. exactly the same time in March last year during dry seasons. Every chance I get I flew to Batac, ilocos Norte for 2 days to have fun with BongBong playing golf.

From there if I have a chance a short flight to Aparri ( northern tip) then to Buguey where I can go fishing using a net. Buckets of fresh water crabs and catfish. The best fishing experience I ever have even better than Alaskan fishing trip.
Kumusta charwin95!
I think maybe we're the only ones here who speak tagalog! It's relieving for me lol :biggrin:
Do you really manage a business in Makati? Wow! Yesterday I've spent almost all the afternoon at Ayala Center! (shopping time...;))
Unfortunately you're right about kidnapping, here we have too many people who have been kidnapped. I think that maybe this crime has something to do with our laws...not harsh enough!
I have also never been in Mindanao! As you said that place is unsafe. There are many rebels (or terrorists I don't know how to call them...) and martial law was declared a few years ago! :(
Speaking of karaoke....well.....almost everybody loves karaoke here!
Personally I don't like it because I really really suck at it lol :D

Never smoked in my whole life. I don't understand why some people now in 2020 still smoke.
Everybody knows nicotine kills.
Despite continuous anti-smoking advertising campaigns people still use cigarettes....that's unbelievable :(

Hello Corazon. Welcome to the Wonderful World of USMB.

My after hours Customer Service & Dispatch is located in Makati, Phil. since early 90s. After hours means 5pm to 5 am here in US including weekends. I speak fluent Tagalog but it took me about a year to get rid of my funny pronunciations. Philippines is a unique country compared to other countries.

I traveled from the northern tip Aparri ( China side) to the southern islands like Cebu, Bohol, Panay, Buracay Palawan in short visayan islands. But not in mindanao islands. I’m afraid of abu sayaf terrorist group.

It’s the only place in this wide world of planet earth that I need a bodyguards. It created a lot of attentions that I don’t need feeding and dragging them all over Philippines. These are active NBI agents equivalents to FBI and trained here in US making extra money. Kidnapping is very common in the Phil. especially for foreigners like me that has long interest in that country. McDonald’s, Kentucky FC, Subway or Donut shops etc etc etc has security armed guards. Mostly shotguns.

Smoking? I saw some old women only in northern part of the country especially in Cagayan and ilocos. Where they smoke cigarettes the wrong way. Filter is outside then the fire is inside their mouth.

Smoking in Casinos? if I stayed longer probably get second hand smoke COPD.

Filipinos and other Asians countries loves Karaoke. It’s very big in Asia. I mean BIG. I love to sing. It’s the only place on earth where I can live my dream as a singer in a stage for a couple of hours. That is cheaper than going to a casino. It’s very hard to get inserted in a line up because it’s where the local singers make their livelihood. So I bribe them and they let me sing as long as I want but no more than 2 hours.

I think it’s safe to share this story.

I’m very closely associated with the Marcos families especially with BongBong. I met the Marcoses family 2 weeks after they sent the dictator to Hawaii. My uncle house is next to the Marcoses house where they stayed. It’s those houses where theres no fence about 124 feet from wall to wall.
He successfully run for governor and senator. Then run for VP but loss. They cheated him. He was way ahead of the counts there was a glitch. When it came back he was behind. Similar happened to Morales of Bolivia but the other way. Morales was so behind then a glitch when it came back he won the election. Now he is wanted in Bolivia hiding in Argentina.

I was there in Phil. exactly the same time in March last year during dry seasons. Every chance I get I flew to Batac, ilocos Norte for 2 days to have fun with BongBong playing golf.

From there if I have a chance a short flight to Aparri ( northern tip) then to Buguey where I can go fishing using a net. Buckets of fresh water crabs and catfish. The best fishing experience I ever have even better than Alaskan fishing trip.
Kumusta charwin95!
I think maybe we're the only ones here who speak tagalog! It's relieving for me lol :biggrin:
Do you really manage a business in Makati? Wow! Yesterday I've spent almost all the afternoon at Ayala Center! (shopping time...;))
Unfortunately you're right about kidnapping, here we have too many people who have been kidnapped. I think that maybe this crime has something to do with our laws...not harsh enough!
I have also never been in Mindanao! As you said that place is unsafe. There are many rebels (or terrorists I don't know how to call them...) and martial law was declared a few years ago! :(
Speaking of karaoke....well.....almost everybody loves karaoke here!
Personally I don't like it because I really really suck at it lol :D

Hello Corazon, Mabuti naman Okey lang. Ikaw. Kumusta ka? Ang negosyo ko ay medical instruments gamit sa hospital, labs and research. Located in San Diego southern Ca . My customer service & dispatch after hours is located in Makati.

It’s March panahon na ngayon nang manga at lanzones sa pilipinas. Ang sarap yan ang na miss miss ko sa Phil. former president Marcos ko na laman kung bakit bawal ang manga at lanzones dito sa America. It produced med fly. Malalaking langaw Hindi ko alam ang tagalog tawag sa ilocano dingraw.
Nag aaral ka pa? Ano ang trabaho mo? Yung picture mo bakit malabo?

How you like my Tagalog? It took me forever to write that bcoz of predictive text keep changing the words.

I’m in the medical instruments business used in hospitals, labs and research located in San Diego.

It’s March, season of mango and lanzones in the Phi. It’s very delicious and that what I missed in the Phil. It’s from former president Marcos I found out why Phil. mango and lanzones are not allowed here in US. It produces med fly when it rot. It’s a big flies that attack other agricultural products. I don’t know what they call in Tagalog but Ilocanos called it dingraw. But both fruits are available in Canada where the weather is cold.
Are you still in school or are you working? Your picture is blurry?

BTW I met Arnel Pineda of Journey before he became famous in one of the tourist resorts when his band was performing. I forgot what island in Visayas. He let me sang when they go on 15 minutes break.
Hi charwin95! :hhello:
Your Tagalog is good, congrats! Way better than my English :biggrin:
I literally adore our mangoes (Carabao mangoes!) and lanzones too! I think we have the best mangoes ever made all over the world :D:D
I graduated from high school in 2017 and could not go to college/university because here it's really expensive... :eek:
I've worked since then but now I'm unemployed (and honestly I don't think I'm gonna find a job soon because now we have home quarantine here) :(
My picture...well a friend of mine took that picture of me...he told me it could have been a "creative photo" :laugh:

Hello Corazon, How are you holding with the lock down in Manila? Your president Duterte is real tough. Ordered shoot to kill any Filipino or foreign violators.

After his term June 2022 they will arrest him because of his judicial killings unless his party will win the next presidential election. If he loses 10 to 1 he will flee to Russia or Hongkong. No extradition treaty. Duterte is trying to be a good friend of Putin.

Russian war ships are now in Philippines ports supplying arms at a very low cost away from US suppliers. First time in Philippine history. He cannot come here or he will get arrested and send back.
Ex president Arroyo Macapagal tried to flee to Hongkong but she was caught.

Marco's had an answer for that. He simply declared martial law and stayed in power for years after his last legal term had expired.
Back in the day elections in the Philippines were largly settled by who was left alive and still standing at the end an election by survival process.
Never smoked in my whole life. I don't understand why some people now in 2020 still smoke.
Everybody knows nicotine kills.
Despite continuous anti-smoking advertising campaigns people still use cigarettes....that's unbelievable :(

Hello Corazon. Welcome to the Wonderful World of USMB.

My after hours Customer Service & Dispatch is located in Makati, Phil. since early 90s. After hours means 5pm to 5 am here in US including weekends. I speak fluent Tagalog but it took me about a year to get rid of my funny pronunciations. Philippines is a unique country compared to other countries.

I traveled from the northern tip Aparri ( China side) to the southern islands like Cebu, Bohol, Panay, Buracay Palawan in short visayan islands. But not in mindanao islands. I’m afraid of abu sayaf terrorist group.

It’s the only place in this wide world of planet earth that I need a bodyguards. It created a lot of attentions that I don’t need feeding and dragging them all over Philippines. These are active NBI agents equivalents to FBI and trained here in US making extra money. Kidnapping is very common in the Phil. especially for foreigners like me that has long interest in that country. McDonald’s, Kentucky FC, Subway or Donut shops etc etc etc has security armed guards. Mostly shotguns.

Smoking? I saw some old women only in northern part of the country especially in Cagayan and ilocos. Where they smoke cigarettes the wrong way. Filter is outside then the fire is inside their mouth.

Smoking in Casinos? if I stayed longer probably get second hand smoke COPD.

Filipinos and other Asians countries loves Karaoke. It’s very big in Asia. I mean BIG. I love to sing. It’s the only place on earth where I can live my dream as a singer in a stage for a couple of hours. That is cheaper than going to a casino. It’s very hard to get inserted in a line up because it’s where the local singers make their livelihood. So I bribe them and they let me sing as long as I want but no more than 2 hours.

I think it’s safe to share this story.

I’m very closely associated with the Marcos families especially with BongBong. I met the Marcoses family 2 weeks after they sent the dictator to Hawaii. My uncle house is next to the Marcoses house where they stayed. It’s those houses where theres no fence about 124 feet from wall to wall.
He successfully run for governor and senator. Then run for VP but loss. They cheated him. He was way ahead of the counts there was a glitch. When it came back he was behind. Similar happened to Morales of Bolivia but the other way. Morales was so behind then a glitch when it came back he won the election. Now he is wanted in Bolivia hiding in Argentina.

I was there in Phil. exactly the same time in March last year during dry seasons. Every chance I get I flew to Batac, ilocos Norte for 2 days to have fun with BongBong playing golf.

From there if I have a chance a short flight to Aparri ( northern tip) then to Buguey where I can go fishing using a net. Buckets of fresh water crabs and catfish. The best fishing experience I ever have even better than Alaskan fishing trip.
Kumusta charwin95!
I think maybe we're the only ones here who speak tagalog! It's relieving for me lol :biggrin:
Do you really manage a business in Makati? Wow! Yesterday I've spent almost all the afternoon at Ayala Center! (shopping time...;))
Unfortunately you're right about kidnapping, here we have too many people who have been kidnapped. I think that maybe this crime has something to do with our laws...not harsh enough!
I have also never been in Mindanao! As you said that place is unsafe. There are many rebels (or terrorists I don't know how to call them...) and martial law was declared a few years ago! :(
Speaking of karaoke....well.....almost everybody loves karaoke here!
Personally I don't like it because I really really suck at it lol :D

Never smoked in my whole life. I don't understand why some people now in 2020 still smoke.
Everybody knows nicotine kills.
Despite continuous anti-smoking advertising campaigns people still use cigarettes....that's unbelievable :(

Hello Corazon. Welcome to the Wonderful World of USMB.

My after hours Customer Service & Dispatch is located in Makati, Phil. since early 90s. After hours means 5pm to 5 am here in US including weekends. I speak fluent Tagalog but it took me about a year to get rid of my funny pronunciations. Philippines is a unique country compared to other countries.

I traveled from the northern tip Aparri ( China side) to the southern islands like Cebu, Bohol, Panay, Buracay Palawan in short visayan islands. But not in mindanao islands. I’m afraid of abu sayaf terrorist group.

It’s the only place in this wide world of planet earth that I need a bodyguards. It created a lot of attentions that I don’t need feeding and dragging them all over Philippines. These are active NBI agents equivalents to FBI and trained here in US making extra money. Kidnapping is very common in the Phil. especially for foreigners like me that has long interest in that country. McDonald’s, Kentucky FC, Subway or Donut shops etc etc etc has security armed guards. Mostly shotguns.

Smoking? I saw some old women only in northern part of the country especially in Cagayan and ilocos. Where they smoke cigarettes the wrong way. Filter is outside then the fire is inside their mouth.

Smoking in Casinos? if I stayed longer probably get second hand smoke COPD.

Filipinos and other Asians countries loves Karaoke. It’s very big in Asia. I mean BIG. I love to sing. It’s the only place on earth where I can live my dream as a singer in a stage for a couple of hours. That is cheaper than going to a casino. It’s very hard to get inserted in a line up because it’s where the local singers make their livelihood. So I bribe them and they let me sing as long as I want but no more than 2 hours.

I think it’s safe to share this story.

I’m very closely associated with the Marcos families especially with BongBong. I met the Marcoses family 2 weeks after they sent the dictator to Hawaii. My uncle house is next to the Marcoses house where they stayed. It’s those houses where theres no fence about 124 feet from wall to wall.
He successfully run for governor and senator. Then run for VP but loss. They cheated him. He was way ahead of the counts there was a glitch. When it came back he was behind. Similar happened to Morales of Bolivia but the other way. Morales was so behind then a glitch when it came back he won the election. Now he is wanted in Bolivia hiding in Argentina.

I was there in Phil. exactly the same time in March last year during dry seasons. Every chance I get I flew to Batac, ilocos Norte for 2 days to have fun with BongBong playing golf.

From there if I have a chance a short flight to Aparri ( northern tip) then to Buguey where I can go fishing using a net. Buckets of fresh water crabs and catfish. The best fishing experience I ever have even better than Alaskan fishing trip.
Kumusta charwin95!
I think maybe we're the only ones here who speak tagalog! It's relieving for me lol :biggrin:
Do you really manage a business in Makati? Wow! Yesterday I've spent almost all the afternoon at Ayala Center! (shopping time...;))
Unfortunately you're right about kidnapping, here we have too many people who have been kidnapped. I think that maybe this crime has something to do with our laws...not harsh enough!
I have also never been in Mindanao! As you said that place is unsafe. There are many rebels (or terrorists I don't know how to call them...) and martial law was declared a few years ago! :(
Speaking of karaoke....well.....almost everybody loves karaoke here!
Personally I don't like it because I really really suck at it lol :D

Hello Corazon, Mabuti naman Okey lang. Ikaw. Kumusta ka? Ang negosyo ko ay medical instruments gamit sa hospital, labs and research. Located in San Diego southern Ca . My customer service & dispatch after hours is located in Makati.

It’s March panahon na ngayon nang manga at lanzones sa pilipinas. Ang sarap yan ang na miss miss ko sa Phil. former president Marcos ko na laman kung bakit bawal ang manga at lanzones dito sa America. It produced med fly. Malalaking langaw Hindi ko alam ang tagalog tawag sa ilocano dingraw.
Nag aaral ka pa? Ano ang trabaho mo? Yung picture mo bakit malabo?

How you like my Tagalog? It took me forever to write that bcoz of predictive text keep changing the words.

I’m in the medical instruments business used in hospitals, labs and research located in San Diego.

It’s March, season of mango and lanzones in the Phi. It’s very delicious and that what I missed in the Phil. It’s from former president Marcos I found out why Phil. mango and lanzones are not allowed here in US. It produces med fly when it rot. It’s a big flies that attack other agricultural products. I don’t know what they call in Tagalog but Ilocanos called it dingraw. But both fruits are available in Canada where the weather is cold.
Are you still in school or are you working? Your picture is blurry?

BTW I met Arnel Pineda of Journey before he became famous in one of the tourist resorts when his band was performing. I forgot what island in Visayas. He let me sang when they go on 15 minutes break.
Hi charwin95! :hhello:
Your Tagalog is good, congrats! Way better than my English :biggrin:
I literally adore our mangoes (Carabao mangoes!) and lanzones too! I think we have the best mangoes ever made all over the world :D:D
I graduated from high school in 2017 and could not go to college/university because here it's really expensive... :eek:
I've worked since then but now I'm unemployed (and honestly I don't think I'm gonna find a job soon because now we have home quarantine here) :(
My picture...well a friend of mine took that picture of me...he told me it could have been a "creative photo" :laugh:

Hello Corazon, How are you holding with the lock down in Manila? Your president Duterte is real tough. Ordered shoot to kill any Filipino or foreign violators.

After his term June 2022 they will arrest him because of his judicial killings unless his party will win the next presidential election. If he loses 10 to 1 he will flee to Russia or Hongkong. No extradition treaty. Duterte is trying to be a good friend of Putin.

Russian war ships are now in Philippines ports supplying arms at a very low cost away from US suppliers. First time in Philippine history. He cannot come here or he will get arrested and send back.
Ex president Arroyo Macapagal tried to flee to Hongkong but she was caught.

Marco's had an answer for that. He simply declared martial law and stayed in power for years after his last legal term had expired.
Back in the day elections in the Philippines were largly settled by who was left alive and still standing at the end an election by survival process.
Are you saying Biden won’t make to Election Day?
I lost another friend to lung disease yesterday.

13 years ago, I had a chest x-ray. I forget what for. Anyway, the doctor pointed to a bunch of spots in the x-ray and asked me if I knew what they were. I admitted ignorance.

He told me they were the beginning signs of emphysema. Emphysema is irreversible. I had been trying for over a decade to quit, to no avail. I did the gum, the patches, the classes, cold turkey, all the methods. Nothing had worked.

One night, my four year old son patted my empty shirt pocket. I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm looking for those things that you always have there."


That was it. I had to quit.

Then I heard about Chantix, which was a relatively new thing at the time. So I gave it a shot. About 8 of us at work all quit together.

13 years later, I am the only one who is still not smoking. And yesterday, one of our group of 8 died. He leaves behind a daughter who is one of my daughter's best friends, and a wife.

He loved his daughter. Believe me. He loved her very, very much. Spoiled her rotten. And I used to berate him and berate him that if he loved his daughter, he should quit smoking.

A couple years ago, he had a heart attack and was in a coma for three days. He collapsed right in front of his daughter. He ended up in the most rundown horrible convalescent home I have ever seen. It was hellish.

Was that enough?


He quit for about a month and then took up smoking again.

The last time I saw him, he was gulping like a goldfish. That's the way he existed for the past two years. Sipping air. He could barely draw a breath. And still smoking.

Nicotine is a vicious, vicious addiction. It is stronger than a father's love.

I lost the best friend I have ever had in my entire life three years ago to this shit. He went out the same way. Gasping for air.

If you smoke, STOP! For fuck's sake, STOP.

Do whatever it takes.

And if you catch your kids vaping nicotine, cut them off. Take away their money, their cell phone, their computer, their TV privileges, their sleepover privileges. Make them sleep on a straw bed until they give that shit up.

I mostly quit, but yeah, I got the COPD. I think that's the first step to ending up like your friend. What really did it was my daughter got candy cigarettes and would copy me when I smoked. On the rare day I burn one I walk across the stree and sit at the park. Been about three weeks since I had one.
Bluz. What line of work were you in ? Emphysema from Barfly isn't very common.
I didn't WORK at the restaurant/bar we frequented. I ate, drank, and played trivia with the guys. But we did this at least a couple times a week, and usually were there 5 or 6 hours each time. So, unfortunately, after 4 or 5 years of this, I developed a bit of emphysema in both lungs from THEIR second hand smoke. And I believe two of these guys STILL smoke. Less than they used to, but they still do.
Ya missed it. WORK. work, not bar solicitation .
Oops, sorry about that. Of course you knew I didn't work there. Unfortunately, at my increasingly advanced age (I turned 59 years of age last month), brain farts are becoming more and more frequent. The ONLY good thing about MY brain farts is they USUALLY don't smell as bad as my regular farts. Anyway, during the time I was around my chain smoking friends, I was working at one of the Arizona Humane Society animal shelters. I was around NO smokers, smoking obviously was NOT permitted in the shelter. There WERE a few SMOKING HOT women that worked there, that's the closest I came to actual smokers there. I was living with my dad at the time, and he DIDN'T smoke. So the emphysema that developed in my lungs HAD to be caused by my smoking buddies at the restaurant/bar. It's the only logical answer. And again, I blame MYSELF for being around them, I KNEW they were smokers. Thank you.
Damn shame. Stay away from body work and welding at all cost. Woodwork 'might' be OK....depending on the wood
Never smoked in my whole life. I don't understand why some people now in 2020 still smoke.
Everybody knows nicotine kills.
Despite continuous anti-smoking advertising campaigns people still use cigarettes....that's unbelievable :(

Hello Corazon. Welcome to the Wonderful World of USMB.

My after hours Customer Service & Dispatch is located in Makati, Phil. since early 90s. After hours means 5pm to 5 am here in US including weekends. I speak fluent Tagalog but it took me about a year to get rid of my funny pronunciations. Philippines is a unique country compared to other countries.

I traveled from the northern tip Aparri ( China side) to the southern islands like Cebu, Bohol, Panay, Buracay Palawan in short visayan islands. But not in mindanao islands. I’m afraid of abu sayaf terrorist group.

It’s the only place in this wide world of planet earth that I need a bodyguards. It created a lot of attentions that I don’t need feeding and dragging them all over Philippines. These are active NBI agents equivalents to FBI and trained here in US making extra money. Kidnapping is very common in the Phil. especially for foreigners like me that has long interest in that country. McDonald’s, Kentucky FC, Subway or Donut shops etc etc etc has security armed guards. Mostly shotguns.

Smoking? I saw some old women only in northern part of the country especially in Cagayan and ilocos. Where they smoke cigarettes the wrong way. Filter is outside then the fire is inside their mouth.

Smoking in Casinos? if I stayed longer probably get second hand smoke COPD.

Filipinos and other Asians countries loves Karaoke. It’s very big in Asia. I mean BIG. I love to sing. It’s the only place on earth where I can live my dream as a singer in a stage for a couple of hours. That is cheaper than going to a casino. It’s very hard to get inserted in a line up because it’s where the local singers make their livelihood. So I bribe them and they let me sing as long as I want but no more than 2 hours.

I think it’s safe to share this story.

I’m very closely associated with the Marcos families especially with BongBong. I met the Marcoses family 2 weeks after they sent the dictator to Hawaii. My uncle house is next to the Marcoses house where they stayed. It’s those houses where theres no fence about 124 feet from wall to wall.
He successfully run for governor and senator. Then run for VP but loss. They cheated him. He was way ahead of the counts there was a glitch. When it came back he was behind. Similar happened to Morales of Bolivia but the other way. Morales was so behind then a glitch when it came back he won the election. Now he is wanted in Bolivia hiding in Argentina.

I was there in Phil. exactly the same time in March last year during dry seasons. Every chance I get I flew to Batac, ilocos Norte for 2 days to have fun with BongBong playing golf.

From there if I have a chance a short flight to Aparri ( northern tip) then to Buguey where I can go fishing using a net. Buckets of fresh water crabs and catfish. The best fishing experience I ever have even better than Alaskan fishing trip.
Kumusta charwin95!
I think maybe we're the only ones here who speak tagalog! It's relieving for me lol :biggrin:
Do you really manage a business in Makati? Wow! Yesterday I've spent almost all the afternoon at Ayala Center! (shopping time...;))
Unfortunately you're right about kidnapping, here we have too many people who have been kidnapped. I think that maybe this crime has something to do with our laws...not harsh enough!
I have also never been in Mindanao! As you said that place is unsafe. There are many rebels (or terrorists I don't know how to call them...) and martial law was declared a few years ago! :(
Speaking of karaoke....well.....almost everybody loves karaoke here!
Personally I don't like it because I really really suck at it lol :D

Never smoked in my whole life. I don't understand why some people now in 2020 still smoke.
Everybody knows nicotine kills.
Despite continuous anti-smoking advertising campaigns people still use cigarettes....that's unbelievable :(

Hello Corazon. Welcome to the Wonderful World of USMB.

My after hours Customer Service & Dispatch is located in Makati, Phil. since early 90s. After hours means 5pm to 5 am here in US including weekends. I speak fluent Tagalog but it took me about a year to get rid of my funny pronunciations. Philippines is a unique country compared to other countries.

I traveled from the northern tip Aparri ( China side) to the southern islands like Cebu, Bohol, Panay, Buracay Palawan in short visayan islands. But not in mindanao islands. I’m afraid of abu sayaf terrorist group.

It’s the only place in this wide world of planet earth that I need a bodyguards. It created a lot of attentions that I don’t need feeding and dragging them all over Philippines. These are active NBI agents equivalents to FBI and trained here in US making extra money. Kidnapping is very common in the Phil. especially for foreigners like me that has long interest in that country. McDonald’s, Kentucky FC, Subway or Donut shops etc etc etc has security armed guards. Mostly shotguns.

Smoking? I saw some old women only in northern part of the country especially in Cagayan and ilocos. Where they smoke cigarettes the wrong way. Filter is outside then the fire is inside their mouth.

Smoking in Casinos? if I stayed longer probably get second hand smoke COPD.

Filipinos and other Asians countries loves Karaoke. It’s very big in Asia. I mean BIG. I love to sing. It’s the only place on earth where I can live my dream as a singer in a stage for a couple of hours. That is cheaper than going to a casino. It’s very hard to get inserted in a line up because it’s where the local singers make their livelihood. So I bribe them and they let me sing as long as I want but no more than 2 hours.

I think it’s safe to share this story.

I’m very closely associated with the Marcos families especially with BongBong. I met the Marcoses family 2 weeks after they sent the dictator to Hawaii. My uncle house is next to the Marcoses house where they stayed. It’s those houses where theres no fence about 124 feet from wall to wall.
He successfully run for governor and senator. Then run for VP but loss. They cheated him. He was way ahead of the counts there was a glitch. When it came back he was behind. Similar happened to Morales of Bolivia but the other way. Morales was so behind then a glitch when it came back he won the election. Now he is wanted in Bolivia hiding in Argentina.

I was there in Phil. exactly the same time in March last year during dry seasons. Every chance I get I flew to Batac, ilocos Norte for 2 days to have fun with BongBong playing golf.

From there if I have a chance a short flight to Aparri ( northern tip) then to Buguey where I can go fishing using a net. Buckets of fresh water crabs and catfish. The best fishing experience I ever have even better than Alaskan fishing trip.
Kumusta charwin95!
I think maybe we're the only ones here who speak tagalog! It's relieving for me lol :biggrin:
Do you really manage a business in Makati? Wow! Yesterday I've spent almost all the afternoon at Ayala Center! (shopping time...;))
Unfortunately you're right about kidnapping, here we have too many people who have been kidnapped. I think that maybe this crime has something to do with our laws...not harsh enough!
I have also never been in Mindanao! As you said that place is unsafe. There are many rebels (or terrorists I don't know how to call them...) and martial law was declared a few years ago! :(
Speaking of karaoke....well.....almost everybody loves karaoke here!
Personally I don't like it because I really really suck at it lol :D

Hello Corazon, Mabuti naman Okey lang. Ikaw. Kumusta ka? Ang negosyo ko ay medical instruments gamit sa hospital, labs and research. Located in San Diego southern Ca . My customer service & dispatch after hours is located in Makati.

It’s March panahon na ngayon nang manga at lanzones sa pilipinas. Ang sarap yan ang na miss miss ko sa Phil. former president Marcos ko na laman kung bakit bawal ang manga at lanzones dito sa America. It produced med fly. Malalaking langaw Hindi ko alam ang tagalog tawag sa ilocano dingraw.
Nag aaral ka pa? Ano ang trabaho mo? Yung picture mo bakit malabo?

How you like my Tagalog? It took me forever to write that bcoz of predictive text keep changing the words.

I’m in the medical instruments business used in hospitals, labs and research located in San Diego.

It’s March, season of mango and lanzones in the Phi. It’s very delicious and that what I missed in the Phil. It’s from former president Marcos I found out why Phil. mango and lanzones are not allowed here in US. It produces med fly when it rot. It’s a big flies that attack other agricultural products. I don’t know what they call in Tagalog but Ilocanos called it dingraw. But both fruits are available in Canada where the weather is cold.
Are you still in school or are you working? Your picture is blurry?

BTW I met Arnel Pineda of Journey before he became famous in one of the tourist resorts when his band was performing. I forgot what island in Visayas. He let me sang when they go on 15 minutes break.
Hi charwin95! :hhello:
Your Tagalog is good, congrats! Way better than my English :biggrin:
I literally adore our mangoes (Carabao mangoes!) and lanzones too! I think we have the best mangoes ever made all over the world :D:D
I graduated from high school in 2017 and could not go to college/university because here it's really expensive... :eek:
I've worked since then but now I'm unemployed (and honestly I don't think I'm gonna find a job soon because now we have home quarantine here) :(
My picture...well a friend of mine took that picture of me...he told me it could have been a "creative photo" :laugh:

Hello Corazon, How are you holding with the lock down in Manila? Your president Duterte is real tough. Ordered shoot to kill any Filipino or foreign violators.

After his term June 2022 they will arrest him because of his judicial killings unless his party will win the next presidential election. If he loses 10 to 1 he will flee to Russia or Hongkong. No extradition treaty. Duterte is trying to be a good friend of Putin.

Russian war ships are now in Philippines ports supplying arms at a very low cost away from US suppliers. First time in Philippine history. He cannot come here or he will get arrested and send back.
Ex president Arroyo Macapagal tried to flee to Hongkong but she was caught.

Marco's had an answer for that. He simply declared martial law and stayed in power for years after his last legal term had expired.
Back in the day elections in the Philippines were largly settled by who was left alive and still standing at the end an election by survival process.
Are you saying Biden won’t make to Election Day?
Well they used mostly guns in the Phillipino elections while Biden just may pass from excessive stupidity but that's classified as a natural cause in his case.
When I was 8, my father saw me pretending a carrot was a cigarette. He asked me if I wanted to smoke, I said sure. He said the secret was to put the cigarette in my mouth and suck long and deep. I did just as he instructed, got real sick and was never interested in smoking again. My father quit four years later and he and mom are both on their 90's.
plain common sense- smoke in lungs is NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Precisely. My best advice is DON'T START SMOKING, that way you don't have to worry about quitting. Thank you very much. I WILL be here ALL weekend, with sage advice to anyone who wants it.
....what is the purpose of life and which direction should the toilet paper roll down?
Well, the true purpose of life is to laugh, have fun, and enjoy it as much as you can. Just DON'T get caught doing something illegal in your enjoyment. Also, EVERYONE knows the toilet paper roll ALWAYS should be OVER, not UNDER.
plain common sense- smoke in lungs is NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm, so that must have been what all that coughing and barfing was about way back when I started. Who would have thought ? What's amazing is that as sick as the first cigarette made me I went straight back and did it again.
plain common sense- smoke in lungs is NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Precisely. My best advice is DON'T START SMOKING, that way you don't have to worry about quitting. Thank you very much. I WILL be here ALL weekend, with sage advice to anyone who wants it.
....what is the purpose of life and which direction should the toilet paper roll down?
Well, the true purpose of life is to laugh, have fun, and enjoy it as much as you can. Just DON'T get caught doing something illegal in your enjoyment. Also, EVERYONE knows the toilet paper roll ALWAYS should be OVER, not UNDER.
ok, as long as you don't get caught--roger that
I lost another friend to lung disease yesterday.

13 years ago, I had a chest x-ray. I forget what for. Anyway, the doctor pointed to a bunch of spots in the x-ray and asked me if I knew what they were. I admitted ignorance.

He told me they were the beginning signs of emphysema. Emphysema is irreversible. I had been trying for over a decade to quit, to no avail. I did the gum, the patches, the classes, cold turkey, all the methods. Nothing had worked.

One night, my four year old son patted my empty shirt pocket. I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm looking for those things that you always have there."


That was it. I had to quit.

Then I heard about Chantix, which was a relatively new thing at the time. So I gave it a shot. About 8 of us at work all quit together.

13 years later, I am the only one who is still not smoking. And yesterday, one of our group of 8 died. He leaves behind a daughter who is one of my daughter's best friends, and a wife.

He loved his daughter. Believe me. He loved her very, very much. Spoiled her rotten. And I used to berate him and berate him that if he loved his daughter, he should quit smoking.

A couple years ago, he had a heart attack and was in a coma for three days. He collapsed right in front of his daughter. He ended up in the most rundown horrible convalescent home I have ever seen. It was hellish.

Was that enough?


He quit for about a month and then took up smoking again.

The last time I saw him, he was gulping like a goldfish. That's the way he existed for the past two years. Sipping air. He could barely draw a breath. And still smoking.

Nicotine is a vicious, vicious addiction. It is stronger than a father's love.

I lost the best friend I have ever had in my entire life three years ago to this shit. He went out the same way. Gasping for air.

If you smoke, STOP! For fuck's sake, STOP.

Do whatever it takes.

And if you catch your kids vaping nicotine, cut them off. Take away their money, their cell phone, their computer, their TV privileges, their sleepover privileges. Make them sleep on a straw bed until they give that shit up.

I quit last year after having a small stroke, actually had three small ones.
I was already down to one or two a day so quitting wasn't so hard. They didn't allow smoking anywhere on the grounds of the hospital, not even outside.
Glad to hear you quit. That's great news.
I smoked when I was a teenager and when I was in the Navy. Then one day I made the decision to stop. I knew that the actual physical addition would be broken after 3 days, the rest in mental. So I focused on behavior modification - stopped hanging around smokers, stopped coffee, etc.... I started exercising every morning too. That really helped with the mood swings!

It was tough and I had a few relapses (almost always when drinking) but it stuck and I haven't smoked cigarettes in over 25 years.
It's weird how well smoking and alcohol go together. My cigarette consumption would triple while I consumed alcohol.
When I was 8, my father saw me pretending a carrot was a cigarette. He asked me if I wanted to smoke, I said sure. He said the secret was to put the cigarette in my mouth and suck long and deep. I did just as he instructed, got real sick and was never interested in smoking again. My father quit four years later and he and mom are both on their 90's.
Anyone remember candy cigarettes?

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