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Stop The Killing Of All Human Beings

Originally posted by MS36

Read the UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE BUSH>>>you will be able to understand this in the chapter called THE HITLER PROJECT http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm

it is hard to believe that leaders kill their own citizens to benefit financially and in power to control the people>>>but take the time to read this>>>it will change your perspective of what is REALLY going on
No, thank you. If you are basing your absurd arguments on anything contained in that book I can already tell that it's not something that I would care to spend my money on. I'm not going to debate the motives of anyone in power- I am not they and neither are you. You will never know what they intended or benefitted from.

Furthermore, the purpose of this thread was ostensibly to say that killing anyone, anytime was wrong.

I have yet to see any evidence to support that claim.
Originally posted by MS36

you got to be kidding

are you a human being???
Yes, I am. But you have not presented any compelling reason that killing is ALWAYS "very evil". Why don't you try to convince me with reason if you think you can.
Originally posted by Moi
Yes, I am. But you have not presented any compelling reason that killing is ALWAYS "very evil". Why don't you try to convince me with reason if you think you can.

With Patriot Acts 1 & 2 in place Bush's gestapo can come to your house and arrest you and your family for speaking out against Bush's policies. You can be taken to jail and not allowed to have a lawyer>>>you can be incarcerated forever, without a trial. Bush's gestapo can torture you or do whatever they like to you >>>and there ain't nothing you can do about it>>>you die and YOU and your family disappear>>>IS THIS EVIL ENNOUGH FOR YOU???
Originally posted by MS36
With Patriot Acts 1 & 2 in place Bush's gestapo can come to your house and arrest you and your family for speaking out against Bush's policies. You can be taken to jail and not allowed to have a lawyer>>>you can be incarcerated forever, without a trial. Bush's gestapo can torture you or do whatever they like to you >>>and there ain't nothing you can do about it>>>you die and YOU and your family disappear>>>IS THIS EVIL ENNOUGH FOR YOU???
No, actually. The post to which I referred did not debate whether the Patriot Acts were too far reaching.

You said, and I quote, THE KILLING OF OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS IS VERY EVIL. When I asked why it was evil you declined to answer my question. Instead you question my humanity.

I am again questioning your reason for saying that THE KILLING OF OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS IS VERY EVIL.
Originally posted by Moi
No, actually. The post to which I referred did not debate whether the Patriot Acts were too far reaching.

You said, and I quote, THE KILLING OF OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS IS VERY EVIL. When I asked why it was evil you declined to answer my question. Instead you question my humanity.

I am again questioning your reason for saying that THE KILLING OF OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS IS VERY EVIL.

You don't think the killing of you and your family is very EVIL>>>just for expressing what you thought was your freedom of speech that used to be part of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights??? This is exactly whay was going on in Nazi Germany, but you don't see it. Once you can be incarcerated without a trial, things get weird and VERY EVIL>>>you have no rights>>>you're at the mercy of your jailers>>>IS THE NEW NAZI AMERICA EVIL ENOUGH FOR YOU???
Originally posted by MS36
You don't think the killing of you and your family is very EVIL>>>just for expressing what you thought was your freedom of speech that used to be part of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights??? This is exactly whay was going on in Nazi Germany, but you don't see it. Once you can be incarcerated without a trial, things get weird and VERY EVIL>>>you have no rights>>>you're at the mercy of your jailers>>>IS THE NEW NAZI AMERICA EVIL ENOUGH FOR YOU???
Perhaps if your post had said what you really meant - that incarcerating people without a trial is very evil - I would have understood your meaning. Clearly you did not mean to say that death at the hands of another is always evil. Apparently this is just a miscommunication due to how you worded your post.

Thanks for the clarification.
Originally posted by Moi
Perhaps if your post had said what you really meant - that incarcerating people without a trial is very evil - I would have understood your meaning. Clearly you did not mean to say that death at the hands of another is always evil. Apparently this is just a miscommunication due to how you worded your post.

Thanks for the clarification.

Please read the initial post>>>STOP THE KILLING OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS BY ANYONE>>all killing of human beings is EVIL>>>in our civilian "civilized" sociieties, it is EVIL and ILLEGAL to kill even ONE human being>>>is that clear enough???
Originally posted by MS36
Please read the initial post>>>STOP THE KILLING OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS BY ANYONE>>all killing of human beings is EVIL>>>in our civilian "civilized" sociieties, it is EVIL and ILLEGAL to kill even ONE human being>>>is that clear enough???

I'm guessing you won't be subscribing to the pay per view event to watch Saddam die?

I already bought the popcorn and soda! I'm looking forward to watching him gasp for air as he struggles with his last breath.
Originally posted by MS36
Please read the initial post>>>STOP THE KILLING OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS BY ANYONE>>all killing of human beings is EVIL>>>in our civilian "civilized" sociieties, it is EVIL and ILLEGAL to kill even ONE human being>>>is that clear enough???
Although my question did not pertain to the legality of killing, I'll respond to your statement. Killing "even one human being" is not illegal all the time- I reference self-defense, death penalty and abortion laws on the books. Also, it is not illegal to kill during war. Wars themselves may be deemed illegal after the fact, but that doesn't mean those that kill are violating the law.

Next, I'll reiterate the question that you so purposefully have ignored: why is it always evil to kill?

I just don't get why you won't defend your statement. You used the word evil, not unfair, unwarranted or illegal. You said EVIL. I disagree. I don't think all killings are evil. I think some are the complete opposite.

I would love to know where you derive your belief systems from.
Originally posted by jimnyc
I'm guessing you won't be subscribing to the pay per view event to watch Saddam die?

I already bought the popcorn and soda! I'm looking forward to watching him gasp for air as he struggles with his last breath.

Hey jimnyc

Have you ever seen real people really die or do you go to movies and think that what you saw on the screen is REAL???Have you ever comforted the surviving families of victims that were killed in war???

Human beings are G-ds cretions and if you think you can watch Pay Per View of someone being killed>>>LIVE in person>> and you can't wait to see it and EAT POPCORN>>> get a fuken shrink>>>you really need one >>>you have no compassion for human life and you lost your concept of reality>>>maybe you should enlist in the US miliItary and go to Iraq and see the HORRORS OF WAR FIRST HAND, while you're being shot and your life is in danger 24 hours a day>>>REAL WAR>>>not sitting in the comfort of your own home eating popcorn and watching humans DIE, if that turns you on.

Until you've been in a real war zone and seen babies, children, women and men blown to bits>>REAL DEAD WAR VICTIMS, not some UNREAL movie>>>keep your mouth shut>>>WAR IS REAL>>>babies, children, women and men REALLY die>>>WAR IS HELL>>>YOU DON'T EAT POPCORN WATCHING DEATH AND SLAUGHTER OF HUMAN BEINGS!!!>>>GET REAL!!!

I've seen plenty of live footage on the net and from various movies (faces of death series). Didn't bother me one bit! I ate my eggplant parmigiana while watching that cult eat the mans liver. I had some hamburgers while watching the the guy being electrocuted have his eyes pop out of their sockets. Did you know that's why they put tape over the eyes before vovering their face? Wish I could have seen footage of 'Ol Sparky when he repeatedly set that guy on fire, that must have been a blast!! The footage of the guy getting eaten alive by an alligator was appetizing as well, I think I ordered a pizza that time.

I have quite a few sources on the internet where you can watch all sorts of goodies like this, would you like the links?
Have you my friend? Well I have, not once but twice. I have witnessed someone sucked under a train up close and personal, and someone shot in the head about 20 feet away from me. Ask me if it was pleasant, my answer is no ! Does it change my opinion that killing is sometimes necessary, the answer is no also !
*** Edited by Jim ***

Consider this your last warning. That will be the end of your personal attacks. You started the subject, you deal with the replies you get. Don't get personal on people because they have different beliefs than you.
Seems to me that only scared little boys resort to personal attacks on people while running away from logical debates from others. You've not given one reason to support your statement that killing is always evil.

You also seem to be completely oblivious to the true nature of the contstitution of the united states- freedom. If Jimnyc wants to watch live executions, he's entitled. If memory serves, all executions are witnessed by someone. If he wants to watch recorded deaths, again, he's entitled. Apparently you are exactly what you abhor, you believe that freedom is only for those actions with which you agree.
Originally posted by MS36


Hey jimnyc

Get your ass to Iraq

You cannot possibly be suggesting anyone should go to Iraq and putting themselves in a postion to kill, it would be contradicting yourself.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
I'm still curious about this?

If I may answer it, I would say YES.

1. Our economy wouldnt be so bad, gore could have atleast continued clinton's policies, and at best improved apon them. Maybe we would still have a recession, but I dont know how ANYONE could think it would be worse under Gore.

2. 9/11 wouldnt have ever happened. Maybe Jeb Bush wouldnt have ceased the records of that perticular flight school if his bro wasnt in office. Our alert system would have been working so we could pick up the terrorists before they boarded the flights. Fighter jets would would have been scuttled as last resort.
Lets not forget that the Clinton administration passed on the info that they had on terrorists, made it clear that the White houses # 1 priority concerning security is Osama binladen and al qaeda.
Obviously they ignored these concerns.

3. We wouldnt be preoccupied with the war in iraq and could focus on more imminent threats. Like our national security and not the oil dreams of Holliburton and The Project for a New American century.

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