Stop The Press: New Poll Has Trump Taking 70% Of Electoral Vote Against Hillary In Matchup

Edit: That's "Good grief".

That's pretty funny since realclear doesn't have general election matchups for most of those states.

I did find a Clinton/Trump NH matchup. Clinton was winning.
Only Fox News...go figure...shows Trump ahead.

If the unfairness of the electoral college gives that much of an advantage to backwater toothless red states, we're doomed as a country

Furthermore...Both the Fox Poll and the Powdered Wig Poll happened before The Benghazi Hearing finale

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Clinton (D)
Trump (R)

RCP Average 9/7 - 10/17 -- -- 45.7 43.2 Clinton +2.5
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 50 45 Clinton +5
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 44 44 Tie
NBC News/Wall St. JrnlNBC/WSJ 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 49 39 Clinton +10
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 45 43 Clinton +2
ABC News/Wash PostABC/WP 9/7 - 9/10 821 RV 4.0 46 43 Clinton +3
I think the rise of Carson is the direct reflection of Negro hate by Democrats. With their RACIST ways now under full light Negro's are entering a new stage of waking up and KNOW they have been lied to by Democrats.

Carson's REFUSAL to get back on the democrat plantation has shown other Negro's they to do NOT have to stay on the Wallace/Conner/Clinton democrat plantation.
Perhaps Trump's genius is in dissipating white guilt, which is on the wane anyway.
Let's say the races are over and it's trump v HILLARY . You don't think his nonsense will be exposed in those debates?
Let's say the races are over and it's trump v HILLARY . You don't think his nonsense will be exposed in those debates?
What nonsense? Lies are what will be exposed. And God only knows there is precious shortage of the Beasts.

Here's the guy's actual post,

SHOCK: October GOP/DEM “Primary Map” makes political history –...

"According to the polls, and the MAP, Donald Trump would win every state, and if it came down to just him and the 2nd place, he could win anywhere from 69% against Carson, to 82% against Rubio.

Clinton, on the other hand, has a long drawn out primary ahead of her."

It's an electoral math thing.
Let's see. BUilding a wall paid for by Mexico = nonsense .

look, Trump is fun and it's great how he makes politicians squirm. But president of the U.S. ?!
Yet most of the threads I see here indicate they're far more fearful of Carson. I promise you they cannot possibly hate and fear Trump more than a black conservative.

With the 'fear and hate' being dictated by conservatives to conservatives.

'They' don't even need to be here. As you're more than happy pretending you speak for 'them'.
I do hope Trump gets the nomination

Hillary would take 400 EVs against him

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