Stop the wall construction, abolish iCE, defund the military...etc. Does it all commence on Jan 20th?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
How fast will the Crypt Keeper begin working against good real Americans and for Mexico’s people and the worse among us?
Dont ask us

ask the chicoms to are the true masters of biden
How fast will the Crypt Keeper begin working against good real Americans and for Mexico’s people and the worse among us?
Won't happen because Trump will be re elected.
But on the off chance he isn't...who would want to come to the USA now? The only reason illegals wanted to come here is because of our freedoms and rights. That is kaput now if Biden is deemed winner BY SCOTUS. So why bother? They may as well stay in the countries they are fleeing.
They are already unlocking many places in blue states. It was all done to hurt the economy so Trump would lose.

So many useful low information morons in this nation, its just staggering.

Voting against their own self interest because they perceive Trump as being the Bad Orange man?

No we will likely have a President who is on the take from multiple countries.
There has been very little to no new wall construction under the Great Deceiver Trump's Administration.

ICE should be demolished, its a waste of tax payer dollars.

The military has more than enough money and us currently RIFE with waste, fraud and abuse. Needs to be heavily looked into.

Biden would do the country a great service to get these things under control and we'd all be better off for it.
There has been very little to no new wall construction under the Great Deceiver Trump's Administration.
That is due to Deomocrat obstructionism, not to any deception on Trump's part.
ICE should be demolished, its a waste of tax payer dollars.
Perhaps. It's costing too much money, when we just need to shut the fuckers out and say no to all the rape, prostitution, and drug dealing they bring across the border with the Sinaloa Establishment and the Jalisco New Generation Cártel.
The military has more than enough money and us currently RIFE with waste, fraud and abuse. Needs to be heavily looked into.
This much is true. Money is for the most part just printed paper and small round pieces of metal to the military. Peacetime assumptions of being able to freely trade some token of legal tender or some scrip called "money" for supplies, weapons, ammunition, and other war matériel are no longer valid in a time of war or hostile occupation, such as we experience now, and have been experiencing since Vietnam when the Commies took over the U.S. government.
Biden would do the country a great service to get these things under control and we'd all be better off for it.
Biden's only intention is to systematically restore communist party rule throughout the U.S. under an even stricter dictatorship of the proletariat, and undo all the good that Trump has achieved while in office.
I wonder how the angry black men on this board will feel once HeelsUp Harris starts tossing in more black people in prison. That's her thang, ya know.

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