Stop Walmart Act

The government doesn't have have the authority to regulate? Since when?
It isn't regulation. It is tyranny and beyond the authority of the Federal Government.

The Stop Welfare for Any Large Monopoly Amassing Revenue from Taxpayers Act is far from tyranny.
It is very much tyranny. Not only will it NOT stop payments to targeted demographics, but it will also increase payments to more people as jobs are lost. In addition, no company can be held liable for the misspent public trust by elected officials.

The entire argument that because Wal*mart does not pay a wage that keeps people off of public services, makes Wal*mart responsible to the public for those payments is ludicrous.

Would the payments stop if Wal*mart ceased to exist?

They would not, which means they are independent of what any business does.

Your argument is that a company that misspends corporate subsidies shouldn't be held accountable?
No. Maybe you should get a handle on what it is you are talking about.

No company is responsible for what the government does for political favor. Sanders, like all such tyrants, wants to use the power of the government to extort money from the private sector to hold political power.

The Stop Welfare for Any Large Monopoly Amassing Revenue from Taxpayers Act is far from extortion.
OMFG............Walmart wants to own itself again.............the shame................

terrible........just terrible.
This is the thanks that Walmart gets for supporting Oboingo in raising the minimum wage.

More proof that no mater what you give the moonbats, it will never ever be enough.

It because the Walmart seven don't think that $180 billion is enough. They think they should spend more and more net profit to increase their worth rather than paying their employees enough to stay off of the taxpayer subsidies.

They pay their employees what they are worth.
This is the thanks that Walmart gets for supporting Oboingo in raising the minimum wage.

More proof that no mater what you give the moonbats, it will never ever be enough.

It because the Walmart seven don't think that $180 billion is enough. They think they should spend more and more net profit to increase their worth rather than paying their employees enough to stay off of the taxpayer subsidies.

Net profit is theirs to do as they please. Walmart jobs for the most part are entry level jobs. I guess they could go to college and be teachers. Of course they would still have a fair number on subsidies.

Yeah, they can go from one minimum wage job to another that works out to about minimum wage when you figure in all of the hours actually worked.
Bernie loves the loss of jobs that always happen with 15.00 per hr.

Bullshit. Amazon just raised their minimum to $15.00. Chick-fil-A is paying a minimum of $17.00. My companies pay a minimum of $23.50. All three are doing very well.

You really need to back-off the Putin concept of companies can't afford to pay their employees a living wage.

Chik-fil-A pays a minimum of $17.00 an hour? On what planet?
Equivalent to a Walmart tariff that consumers will ultimately pay. You know, those middle class and poor customers?

Make an argument that Walmart can't afford to raise pay and buy-back stock while never touching their prices.

Make an argument that Walmart can't afford to raise pay

Create your own WalMart, pay as much as you'd like.
Let me know when your IPO is ready.

That's not an argument, that's bloviating.

You should know all about bloviating. That is all you do!
The years 2013 to 2015 were during the BushCo economic crash recovery. Much different today.

The issue is Walmart, NOT one-size-fits-all.

Did you bother to read your own article idiot? This applies to all big to medium size corporations. Not just Walmart. :lol:

My issue is Walmart. But the fact remains that there aren't any companies that can't afford to pay a $15.00 an hour minimum wage.
Why should a high school drop out burger flipper make more an hour than a customer service rep for a health plan?

They should make the same. Both are providing a service to their employer.

You are too funny! A one percenter with an IQ in the bottom 1% would be you!
That legislation would be unconstitutional on its face.

Make your point.

He did. Perhaps you should educate yourself on why.

How is this unconstitutional?

It’s targeting a single company.

A company that took government subsidy can't be held to a higher standard?

How do you get that a company is subsidized by the government?
Do the math.


I thought you were referencing Walmart.

If the government passed a law making buybacks prohibitively expensive like in that bill, companies would stop buying back stock and start paying their cash out in dividends. They wouldn’t increase the pay of their employees.

The reason why is because what shareholders want is cash returned to them. Right now, it’s more tax efficient to return cash via buybacks than dividends. But if you made it more tax efficient to return cash via dividends by raising taxes on buybacks, companies will just increase dividends.

Horseshit. The reason companies buy back stock is to artificially inflate the stock price in order to inflate executive compensation. Those executives either have bonuses based on the stock price, or they have options. By using company money to retire stock they write themselves a raise without doing a damn thing. Anyone with half a damn brain can figure this out. Corporate stock buybacks should be banned, PERIOD.
Companies should be outlawed from owning their own shares?

You have to go to a university to learn such dumbass Stalinist thinking.

They should be outlawed from buying back their shares and retiring them, which is what a stock buyback is. If you had even a minimal education in finance or business you would know that. But then again, you don't have to go to a university to learn such things, but you do have to pull your head out of your ass.
Since the first stocks were sold that’s been a practice. And very good practice to invest in your own business.

Which university dumbed you down so much your aren’t familiar with basic principles of investing?

The closest he probably ever got to a University was watching college football on TV!
Next Bernie will enter a bill to forgive student loan debts for those making less than a million a year.

Student loan debt is a $1.5 Trillion dollar detriment to the US economy.

You plan on hitting every hook we put in the water today?

The problem with student loan debt is colleges have priced themselves too high. A cost that did not exceed 10% of a person's starting salary would result in debt repayments and a financially sound employee/graduate.

The answer is: Profit based schools have been at the forefront of rising tuition.

Who could have guessed that rising tuition rates would bring in profit based schools? Government ignorance and interference worked so well for the public hospitals.

Rising tuition rates are the fault of profit based schools.

Like who?

The University of Phoenix? ITT Tech? All of those schools that have gone belly up or are rated so poorly you are better off having no degree than saying your were stupid enough to go that?
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