Store opens in NYC and the police go in and REFUSE to shut him down

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?

U don't HAVE to go patronize this guy.. No one IS DRAGGING anyone into that shop.. Are they? If it was a black owned business that was going extinct -- would you CARE????
And I hope you get the virus
Thanks Jillian! I hope you don't but I'm a nicer person than you.
I honestly dont care if I get THE virus. It IS a Democrat hoax. Virtually everyone who gets it recovers unless you're obese, have diabetes or an autoimmune issue. I have none of those things so I'm pretty tired of hearing all these Senile Joe voters screaming the sky is falling.

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?

U don't HAVE to go patronize this guy.. No one IS DRAGGING anyone into that shop.. Are they? If it was a black owned business that was going extinct -- would you CARE????

Of course he cares...…..he'd even help them to open & be the first in line when they did :rolleyes-41:

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?

There are rules for entering the shop. Its not as it was before. This is what needs to happen and its the way its supposed to happen. The hospitals are empty now and the strain from that is wreaking our health care system, people arnt getting tests they need for cancer, blood pressure, heart, etc.. when many people die because timely diagnoses's were never made. There will only be silence about that and no one will make a computer model to track lives destroyed because politicians cant seem to get around One size fits all solutions. Much of this is about politics... so Fuck Them!
Their lives are not affected by the decisions they make that effect theh rest of us. they also look down on the working man so fuck them. As far as you , your opinion is still valid, i understand where you are coming from but I respectfully have to disagree.
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Please share with us the names of those who you feel are compelling you to go into those businesses against your will. "the voices" not have names?
I have taught you well Luke...................

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