Stories of police "brutality" according to a few NFL players.

I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
one of many
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
  1. 1.
    opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
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I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
over 30 million calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and about 900 police shooting deaths--even less shootings of blacks
do the math if you can
The majority of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%).
About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem.
etc etc
---and idiots have tried to put up crap--like the Ferguson Report of police harassment of blacks...I've shot that down......but if you would like to put crap up like that, go ahead
reports like the '''black person said it was harassment '''' hahahhahahahaha
I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
one of many
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
  1. 1.
    opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.

Doesn't look like proof. Looks like evidence.
I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
over 30 million calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and about 900 police shooting deaths--even less shootings of blacks
do the math if you can
The majority of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%).
About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem.
etc etc
---and idiots have tried to put up crap--like the Ferguson Report of police harassment of blacks...I've shot that down......but if you would like to put crap up like that, go ahead
reports like the '''black person said it was harassment '''' hahahhahahahaha

Then again if I do the math compared to the UK, I'll see the US has high figures.
I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
over 30 million calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and about 900 police shooting deaths--even less shootings of blacks
do the math if you can
The majority of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%).
About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem.
etc etc
---and idiots have tried to put up crap--like the Ferguson Report of police harassment of blacks...I've shot that down......but if you would like to put crap up like that, go ahead
reports like the '''black person said it was harassment '''' hahahhahahahaha

Then again if I do the math compared to the UK, I'll see the US has high figures.

So if I read your comment right, you believe that the police are at fault more than the black men? Is that what you are writing?

The study starts of completely biased by claiming that 8% of homicides occur at the hands of police which assumes that all deaths at the hands of police are homicide. That's absurd.

From the study...

Of nearly 6,300 reported deaths during the six-year count, almost 1,800 were black, researchers found.
Police killings remained highest among black men across the United States, though the risk varies dramatically by region: In some Midwestern cities, rates of black men killed by police are eight times higher.
Interestingly, nearly two-thirds of the reported killings were concentrated in suburbs and rural areas, lead author Frank Edwards said.

So I guess I don't understand where "three times more likely" comes from when 1,800/6,300 equals 30%. Not 300% which 3 times would be.

The study starts of completely biased by claiming that 8% of homicides occur at the hands of police which assumes that all deaths at the hands of police are homicide. That's absurd.

Yes, because it's not homicide when the people doing it claim the power. It's an execution.

That's ridiculous.
At this point it's safe to say NEVER ACCEPT WHAT PROGRESSIVES SAY. They'll lead you down a path to sewage. In this case they claim they're not protesting the flag and anthem, but that's PRECISELY what they're doing. They're just rock-dumb, wired wrong progressive snowflakes, there's no truth to their excuse. By incident (police confrontations) white males are actually more likely to be killed by police. So not only are these progressives dishonest about their actions, their excuse is OPPOSITE the truth. Gee, what a shock.

We're a dumbed-down country man. Progressives are doing their best to see that through.
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The study starts of completely biased by claiming that 8% of homicides occur at the hands of police which assumes that all deaths at the hands of police are homicide. That's absurd.

Yes, because it's not homicide when the people doing it claim the power. It's an execution.

That's ridiculous.

Yes, I know.
I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
over 30 million calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and about 900 police shooting deaths--even less shootings of blacks
do the math if you can
The majority of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%).
About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem.
etc etc
---and idiots have tried to put up crap--like the Ferguson Report of police harassment of blacks...I've shot that down......but if you would like to put crap up like that, go ahead
reports like the '''black person said it was harassment '''' hahahhahahahaha

Then again if I do the math compared to the UK, I'll see the US has high figures.
30 million divided by about 300 will give you the answer
and that's not counting traffic stops
AND the blacks commit more violent crime/more crime per capita--so, the figure is very, very VERY low when you look at the FACTS
I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
over 30 million calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and about 900 police shooting deaths--even less shootings of blacks
do the math if you can
The majority of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%).
About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem.
etc etc
---and idiots have tried to put up crap--like the Ferguson Report of police harassment of blacks...I've shot that down......but if you would like to put crap up like that, go ahead
reports like the '''black person said it was harassment '''' hahahhahahahaha

Then again if I do the math compared to the UK, I'll see the US has high figures.
30 million divided by about 300 will give you the answer
and that's not counting traffic stops
AND the blacks commit more violent crime/more crime per capita--so, the figure is very, very VERY low when you look at the FACTS

Yes, I'm sure if you cherry pick the facts in the UK it's even lower. But hey. Fuck the truth right?
According to the NFL players their reason for kneeling at the national anthem of NFL games is to protest police brutality and racial inequality in the United States.

Why do NFL players kneel during the national anthem?

Now are these examples of the kind of police brutality they are describing?

Burleson police responding to ‘fight’ outside Walmart find football game instead, turn on lights | Texas

Burleson police responding to ‘fight’ outside Walmart find football game instead, turn on lights | Texas – Sports News

Cop helps homeless man get a clean shave for job interview

Cop helps homeless man get a clean shave for job interview

Dashcam: Police Officer Helps Speeding Student Tie His Tie

And how many NFL players brutalize wives and baby mommas, and get their teams to fix the problem?
I've proven many times on USMB there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police brutality
it's only in their obsessed minds and the MSM

Ah, yes, lots of people "prove" things "all the time" on this message board. Generally they only "prove" it to themselves.
over 30 million calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and about 900 police shooting deaths--even less shootings of blacks
do the math if you can
The majority of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%).
About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem.
etc etc
---and idiots have tried to put up crap--like the Ferguson Report of police harassment of blacks...I've shot that down......but if you would like to put crap up like that, go ahead
reports like the '''black person said it was harassment '''' hahahhahahahaha

Then again if I do the math compared to the UK, I'll see the US has high figures.
30 million divided by about 300 will give you the answer
and that's not counting traffic stops
AND the blacks commit more violent crime/more crime per capita--so, the figure is very, very VERY low when you look at the FACTS

Yes, I'm sure if you cherry pick the facts in the UK it's even lower. But hey. Fuck the truth right?

Why are people like you defending people who truly are not raised to respect authority?

The laws of physics are at work when a black or a white is confronted by an authority figure and here is how:
Almost all black guys that commit violent crimes when confronted by an authority figure will resist when the stronger force pushes back according to statistics.
Example of laws of physics at work... stronger force WILL overcome weaker force.

To make it simpler.
A larger percentage of black men that resist arrest will have grown up without any resistance to their having their way, i.e. no father figure stronger than the kid.

Consequently the simple fact is when confronted with a "stronger figure" i.e. a cop with a gun, almost all black guys arrested will have resisting arrest as part of the charges.

I don't know how to make that fact more clear.

And the cause is :

more than one-third (33%) of all Black children in the United States under the age of 18 live with unmarried mothers—compared to 6.5 percent of White children.
The figures reflect a general trend: During the 1960-2016 period, the percentage of children living with only their mother nearly tripled from 8 to 23 percent and the percentage of children living with only their father increased from 1 to 4 percent.
Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers | Afro

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.

In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters [75%] of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. (Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

So what caused the statistic that over 33% of black children live with an unmarried mother?

Penalizing Marriage

A second major problem is that the means-tested welfare system actively penalizes low-income parents who do marry.
All means-tested welfare programs are designed so that a family’s benefits are reduced as earnings rise. In practice, this means that, if a low-income single mother marries an employed father, her welfare benefits will generally be substantially reduced.

The mother can maximize welfare by remaining unmarried and keeping the father’s income “off the books.”

For example, a single mother with two children who earns $15,000 per year would generally receive around $5,200 per year of food stamp benefits.
However, if she marries a father with the same earnings level, her food stamps would be cut to zero.

A single mother receiving benefits from Section 8 or public housing would receive a subsidy worth on average around $11,000 per year if she was not employed, but if she marries a man earning $20,000 per year, these benefits would be cut nearly in half. Both food stamps and housing programs provide very real financial incentives for couples to remain separate and unmarried.

Overall, the federal government operates over 80 means-tested welfare programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income individuals. Each program contains marriage penalties similar to those described above. Low-income families generally receive benefits from several programs at the same time. The marriage penalties from multiple programs when added together can provide substantial financial disincentives to marriage. For example, if a single mother who earns $20,000 per year marries a man who earns the same amount, the couple will typically lose about $12,000 a year in welfare benefits. In effect, the welfare system makes it economically irrational for most low-income couples to marry.

By contrast, the means-tested welfare system, in most cases, does not have a separate schedule for married couples. When a low-income mother and father marry, they will generally experience a sharp drop in benefits, and their joint income will fall. The anti-marriage penalty is often most severe among married couples where both parents are employed.
How Welfare Undermines Marriage and What to Do About It

I apologize for the length of this comment but sometimes TRUTH is hard to understand. The simple truth is more blacks are killed by cops because they came from no father figure to provide exposure to an authority figure. That is the TRUTH!
Low iQ, ignorant fools and retarded tough guys unable to follow basic commands from law enforcement WILL get their ass kicked.
Unfortunately Blacks tend to be self proclaimed badasses and they lead the pack with off the charts low iQ and ignorance. Simple fucking shit here people.

And in every instance of a Police always began with resisting

Maybe that should be talk in schools. If the Police say..."You're under arrest."

You now have 3 options in how you want to go to jail. "In the back of
a Police Car. In the back of an Ambulance. In the back of a Hearse."

There are no other options.
Out and out lie.
Low iQ, ignorant fools and retarded tough guys unable to follow basic commands from law enforcement WILL get their ass kicked.
Unfortunately Blacks tend to be self proclaimed badasses and they lead the pack with off the charts low iQ and ignorance. Simple fucking shit here people.

And in every instance of a Police always began with resisting

Maybe that should be talk in schools. If the Police say..."You're under arrest."

You now have 3 options in how you want to go to jail. "In the back of
a Police Car. In the back of an Ambulance. In the back of a Hearse."

There are no other options.
Out and out lie.

What are the options? It seems pretty simple that if you have have no respect for authority you will pay for it. Law of physics supersedes civil law.

Check out what Chris Rock is telling people that don't seem to have any respect for authority.

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

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