Storm-Shadow: A Neo-Capital Drone


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It's funny how capitalism-theory and modern geo-politics (e.g., European Union) has generated its own brand of 'Utopian storytelling.'

This life-bravado capitalism-toned vignette (my final one!) was inspired by the democracy-vigilantism film The Saint and is an adaptation of G.I. Joe (Hasbro) comics.

I wonder what U.S. President Donald Trump (an obvious fan of capitalism and democracy storytelling) would make of such a fable...

Signing off,


Storm-Shadow was born in Nepal and studied martial arts from a very young age. When he was 20, he was a full-fledged ninja-assassin (and great warrior) and joined the super-terrorist organization Cobra. Cobra was contending with the troop of hand-picked patriotic American 'foot-soldiers' and 'sentinels' known as G.I. Joes. The G.I. Joe leader Duke (rumored to actually be a Hollywood celebrity) made a pact with Serpentor (Cobra emperor) to search for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold --- together!

Storm-Shadow was suspicious of the Joe-Cobra 'joint-mission' regarding the fabled cities of gold, because he believed Duke (or the G.I. Joe ninja known as Snake-Eyes) would betray Cobra agents and reveal he was using the mission as a front to trap Cobra agents in a death-trap. Nevertheless, Serpentor convinced Storm-Shadow to work alongside his Joe-rival Snake-Eyes, and he did so. The Joes and Cobra found very interesting pieces of evidence which suggested that the Seven Cities of Gold were somewhere in the Amazon.

Storm-Shadow, like many other Joes and Cobras, remembered the Seven Cities mission as a great 'triumph' in their special 'quest' for peace. After all, no one could handle the Joes and Cobras (and their outstanding skill in combat and tracking) except each other! Duke figured there was no reason to continue an 'endless war' between what was essentially simply a 'Spassky v. Fischer' (USSR vs. USA) chess-championship scenario. So, Storm-Shadow and Snake-Eyes became best of friends.

Storm-Shadow started working with Snake-Eyes on his special tourism-promoting herb cafe-bistro in Amsterdam (Netherlands). The establishment was called the Dutch D, and it became an international sensation (though Storm-Shadow and Snake-Eyes kept their ninja Joe-Cobra identities private/secret). One day, a customer asked for a coffee refill, and Storm-Shadow (dressed in a normal waiter-costume) went to get the cup which the customer dropped, and Storm-Shadow used his lightning-like reflexes (they die hard!) to grab it before it dropped. The astonished customer looked up at his waiter and said, "You must be the 'celebrity' Cobra ninja Storm-Shadow," to which the wily warrior coolly replied, "Trust me; I get that all the time..."



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